Krynn AAR
I haven’t played the Krynn before. At first glance there is nothing special about them. Their super ability – Super Spy – doesn’t strike me as very powerful or especially useful. In most games I’ve played in DA spies have been annoying, my spies have died fairly quickly, and I’ve never gotten anything in the way of tech or even much infiltration of a faction.
When I started to spec out the Krynn I noticed that they have a fairly nice set of basic abilities. In particular, their 50% morale bonus caught my eye, as well as their 10% eco and 25% diplomacy bonus. Others (defense 50%, espionage 50%, loyalty 25%) may or may not be useful. The morale bonus should be particularly helpful in keeping 100% morale, which bumps growth and can keep tax rates (and income) high. They also have 9 pts in picks, which is good.
For starting techs, the Krynn also have Ion Drive, so they can have spd 3 colony ships form the start. Very good! On the down side, they don’t have tech for morale enhancement, research, or anything but factories. Boo, hiss! Looks like xeno research is a priority or I’ll be tech poor.
I augmented these toward economics, military construction, some diplomacy, luck (why not!). Their political party is Federalists. In the end my stats for Race + Picks + Party are:
• Eco 10+30+20 (Federalists) = 60% (not bad!)
• Defense 50+0 = 50%
• Morale 50+0=50%
• Diplomacy 25+10=35%
• Espionage 50+0 = 50%
• Luck 25%
• Loyalty 25+0=25%
• Logistics 6
For the rest of my setup:
• Huge galaxy, common everything except anomalies (abundant), scattered stars
• 9 random AI, 8 minors (there’s plenty of room)
• Painful difficulty
• No tech trading
• All victory conditions enabled
My plan is to make the Krynn into an economic powerhouse with a high diplomacy to help avert wars and win friends, and use espionage to help reduce the edge of my neighbors. I’m also going to see if I can make espionage do something, like snag useful techs or shut down the AI early (a spy on a key tile in their capital). Another part of my strategy is to see if Luck will get me more than my share of anomaly payouts when I have a bunch of survey ships running around. OK, that is a weasel move with an abundant anomaly setting. I admit it.
For my start I admit I ^Ned (call it a “Ned”!) until I wasn’t pushed into a corner. My world had a very nice 700% industrial bonus – can’t argue with that! My position is OK since I have room to expand, even if my star density is thin. My spd 3 colony ships will come in handy if stars are relatively far apart. More propulsions may be needed.
February 2226
No colonizable planets yet, but I have found a high grav PQ26 world by a purple star! That one is mine, all mine! After I research the high grav tech, of course. There is a nearby PQ12 high grav world by it, too, so it looks like high grav is the extreme colonization selection of choice.

Image 1: Krynn neighborhood February 2226
I’ve finished 3 factories, and am now working on labs at my home planet. My eco breakdown was 50% research until I got basic xene labs, and now its 33/33/33. Colony ships are coming out every 5 turns, so I may have to move up the military spending a bit. I want them to get out every 3 turns or so.
I’ve already gotten one 1000bc anomaly. Was it due to Luck? Who knows. There are a few good galactic resources (eco, combat) nearby, too. Those I can deal with later, but it is very good to know where they are.
My colony ship is heading to the left, and will hopefully find a good world soon. I decided not to colonize the PQ4 colony by me since there has to be better pickings out there.
Now I’m researching Planetary Improvements to get the military, social, and research bump. After that I’ll probably go for more propulsion, and then fit sensors in there. Sensors tech is only useful when I have a production center that can produce a survey ship, so that can wait. If planets turn out to be few and far between I’ll research some support tech to expand my range. We’ll see.
I haven’t played the Krynn before. At first glance there is nothing special about them. Their super ability – Super Spy – doesn’t strike me as very powerful or especially useful. In most games I’ve played in DA spies have been annoying, my spies have died fairly quickly, and I’ve never gotten anything in the way of tech or even much infiltration of a faction.
When I started to spec out the Krynn I noticed that they have a fairly nice set of basic abilities. In particular, their 50% morale bonus caught my eye, as well as their 10% eco and 25% diplomacy bonus. Others (defense 50%, espionage 50%, loyalty 25%) may or may not be useful. The morale bonus should be particularly helpful in keeping 100% morale, which bumps growth and can keep tax rates (and income) high. They also have 9 pts in picks, which is good.
For starting techs, the Krynn also have Ion Drive, so they can have spd 3 colony ships form the start. Very good! On the down side, they don’t have tech for morale enhancement, research, or anything but factories. Boo, hiss! Looks like xeno research is a priority or I’ll be tech poor.
I augmented these toward economics, military construction, some diplomacy, luck (why not!). Their political party is Federalists. In the end my stats for Race + Picks + Party are:
• Eco 10+30+20 (Federalists) = 60% (not bad!)
• Defense 50+0 = 50%
• Morale 50+0=50%
• Diplomacy 25+10=35%
• Espionage 50+0 = 50%
• Luck 25%
• Loyalty 25+0=25%
• Logistics 6
For the rest of my setup:
• Huge galaxy, common everything except anomalies (abundant), scattered stars
• 9 random AI, 8 minors (there’s plenty of room)
• Painful difficulty
• No tech trading
• All victory conditions enabled
My plan is to make the Krynn into an economic powerhouse with a high diplomacy to help avert wars and win friends, and use espionage to help reduce the edge of my neighbors. I’m also going to see if I can make espionage do something, like snag useful techs or shut down the AI early (a spy on a key tile in their capital). Another part of my strategy is to see if Luck will get me more than my share of anomaly payouts when I have a bunch of survey ships running around. OK, that is a weasel move with an abundant anomaly setting. I admit it.
For my start I admit I ^Ned (call it a “Ned”!) until I wasn’t pushed into a corner. My world had a very nice 700% industrial bonus – can’t argue with that! My position is OK since I have room to expand, even if my star density is thin. My spd 3 colony ships will come in handy if stars are relatively far apart. More propulsions may be needed.
February 2226
No colonizable planets yet, but I have found a high grav PQ26 world by a purple star! That one is mine, all mine! After I research the high grav tech, of course. There is a nearby PQ12 high grav world by it, too, so it looks like high grav is the extreme colonization selection of choice.

Image 1: Krynn neighborhood February 2226
I’ve finished 3 factories, and am now working on labs at my home planet. My eco breakdown was 50% research until I got basic xene labs, and now its 33/33/33. Colony ships are coming out every 5 turns, so I may have to move up the military spending a bit. I want them to get out every 3 turns or so.
I’ve already gotten one 1000bc anomaly. Was it due to Luck? Who knows. There are a few good galactic resources (eco, combat) nearby, too. Those I can deal with later, but it is very good to know where they are.
My colony ship is heading to the left, and will hopefully find a good world soon. I decided not to colonize the PQ4 colony by me since there has to be better pickings out there.
Now I’m researching Planetary Improvements to get the military, social, and research bump. After that I’ll probably go for more propulsion, and then fit sensors in there. Sensors tech is only useful when I have a production center that can produce a survey ship, so that can wait. If planets turn out to be few and far between I’ll research some support tech to expand my range. We’ll see.