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  • Yor AAR

    I decided to try the Yor. I really liked them (in an evil sort of way) in GC2: DL and was interested how their Isolationist super ability worked in GC2: DA. Moreover, many of the exploits of GC2: DA have been nerfed in the lastest patch 1.50x.

    So I started up a game:
    • Large galaxy, common everything
    • 6 random AI (which turned out to be Drengin, Arceans, Altarans, Drath, Terrans, and Krynn)
    • 4 minors
    • Yor – most points in economics and some in morale and diplomacy
    • My starting world was OK. It had 1 100% research special, but that’s it.

    Right now it is April 2229 and it has been a hard go. A few observations:

    • The Yor are great out of the gate since they can get spd 4 colony ships due to Impulse and miniaturization. This is little changed from GC2: DL.
    • Being able to colonize barren worlds is good, and it really helped me keep on par with the AI.
    • The colony rush was more or less continuous. Even before the first rush was over the AI was researching extreme colonization. There weren’t tons of extreme worlds in my territory (and I had no interest in flinging colony ships all over) so I only researched Toxic. The AIs got the rest.
    • When the dust settled the Yor, Drengin, and Arceans had about the same number of worlds (10-16), with a second tier of races (Drath and Terrans, 9), and the Krynn at the end with 3

    Since then the situation has deteriorated for the Yor:
    • Trading is extremely difficult even thought I have diplo translator, lots of points in diplomacy, and have researched many diplo techs. My rating is always much better than the AIs, but still the terms are always “No Way” or I have to give all my techs to get a tech I can research in ~5 turns. Obviously I rejected giving all of my tech for one, so this means tech trading is essentially nerfed. The No Way techs are all weapons, defense, and extreme colonization (which is just about everything). This is even true for races that were friendly or warm. The AIs, of course, and exchanging all of their techs (with some exceptions), so I am lagging behind rather badly.
    • No one was willing to exchange economic or research treaties under any circumstances. Finally the Drengin agreed, even though they were cool. Evidently they don’t have any friends, either

    I had to stop development when I noticed the Drath and Drengin’s military rating shooting through the roof. Having a low military rating is a sure way to invite piranhas into your territory, so I went on a crash course to get at least Plasma III, anti missile (against Drengin missiles – I don’t trust them for a minute), shields (against Arceans and Terrans). But first I B-lined through almost all the invasion techs. This is a Yor strong point, and I wanted to be able to use a minimal number of heavy transports to take over worlds since this will make it less expensive and allow a lower logistics rating. It is also a good defensive tool since a random transport isn’t as likely to take out an undefended Yor world (of which I have many).

    Image 1: Drengin and Drath military buildup

    So, in 2228 my first targets were 2 minors. I built heavy transports (1B or 2B each, pd 4 or 5), took out their military with little destroyers (small hulls), and took them over. This got me 2 very nice worlds, and 2 resources (influence and morale) that had been grabbed by one of the minors. My constructors were in place to get them immediately after the starbases were eliminated with the fall of their home planet. But, there were consequences. The neutral and good races noticed, and relations tanked. The Arceans almost immediately declared war, and the Terrans declared war in late 2228. So now I have a 2 front war. Yuck.

    At this point I have a respectable and growing number of cruisers (med hulls). They have plasma 3 (attack 12 or so and defense ~2, without other modifications). In a squad of 3 (15, and my logistics is 17) they pack quite a punch and are more than a match for the Arceans and Terrans small hulls. They might even stand up to the rather scary Drengin warships.

    First, cleanup. The Terrans had colonized 3 extreme worlds in my territory. I dispatched some very slow spd 1 destroyers or a single cruiser with transports and took them out. Here I had a nasty surprise. I didn’t have the colonization tech (rad and heavy gravity), so even though I control the planets I can’t build anything! The planetary bild time and shipyard build areas both said NEVER. So now I had to research heavy grav and rad terraforming. More delays…

    Now to form attack fleets. The best I have been able to do is form 2 squads of cruisers cruisers each on each of the Arcean and Terran fronts (12 CAs total). The Terrans have been sending in waves and waves of small fighters. Evidently they have a low logistics rating since it is usually 3 fighters against 3 Yor cruisers, and I may take some damage but they die. Nasty Terrans. In mid April 2229 I took Earth. My advance will only be limited by my transports, and based on my previous ground combat against the Terrans I should do pretty well – investing in ground combat techs is paying off.

    The Arceans have been sending in transports and fleets of 5 fighters to my territory. They are a long way away, and their supply line is made possible by an influence base.

    Image 2: left side of the galaxy in April 2229, and Yor battle plan

    A few key items. One of the abilities of the Yor as Isolationists is that fleets travel a max of 3 tiles a turn. This is key since, if I understand the Arceans’s First Strike correctly, it means the Arceans can’t use their first strike ability as I’m faster (spd 4) and can attack first ASSUMING I can see them coming. So as I push to eliminate the influence base and with it the fleets threatening my territory, I’ll take a juicy PQ27 Terran rad planet. I’m hoping this will be a lightning rod point for Arcean attacks and will further slow advances into my territory. By the time I take it I should have 3 cruiser fleets to defend the position. If it seems prudent I’ll advance into Arcean territory, but for now my purpose is protecting my home territory.

    There are a few more problems:
    • My relations with all the races are tanking, even the Drengin. The Drengin are at war with the Altarans, so hopefully they’ll leave me alone since I can’t see how I could fight on three fronts. Two turns ago I got a message that a group of powers (Arceans, Terrans, Drath) had been decided that the Yor had to be stopped and the Drath joined the war against me. Boo, hiss. Of course, the Drath just went to war with the Arceans (an Assassination Event), which is very good for me, but I don’t think it will last long. They’ll make peace and then head my way. Luckily the Drath are on the opposite side of the map.
    • My economy has started to suffer (-170/turn, with ~6000 in the bank) from all the military building. I have to keep the spending up, so my research is being diverted to economy (Star Democracy) and other economic development. Trade is now permanently nerfed due to the ban on freighters from Evil races, so I don’t need to worry about that.
    • I don’t have the advanced extreme colonization techs, so the productivity of all the extreme worlds is poor. Diverting research to these is a challenge, but I’ll have to try it soon.

    There are a few opportunities, though.
    • My population is the highest (I used the korn469 method of very low taxes to increase pop early) and I have 21 planets, having three added from the Terran and 2 that revolted from the Drengin. So my production potential is substantial and growing somewhat.
    • As I conquer planets I may get some tech out of the deal. I’ve gotten much less than I’d hoped so far, but it is always a roll of the dice. I got nothing when I took Earth, unfortunately (besides a terrifically developed planet, that is).
    • I’ve just taken Earth and influence has spiked, which may add influence/tourism revenue – and maybe a few influence flips.
    • After I take his core worlds I could offer the Terrans a peace treaty at a high price – lots of tech. If they are small I really don’t care if they are still alive or not, just as long as they aren’t a major threat. I just need to get their really good planets: the PQ27 (!!) rad world by the Archeans, Earth, and a PQ11 world by Earth.

    The major problems I see are:
    • The Drengin may see me as weak and declare war. I’m right by his home territory, and defending against his formidable frigates (med hull, ~20 attack strength in missile with no defense) could be a major problem. Relations are cool now, so I’d better get my military rating up ASAP.
    • My economy could implode. Right now it is declining, but intervention is needed ASAP.
    • Spies – they are building up, and even with increased spending I’m having trouble getting rid of them all.
    • Diplomacy – my options, frankly, are nil. None of the races will deal with me. I’m not sure if this is a side effect of being the Isolationist Yor or if it is a result of the newest patch 1.50x. Regardless, I’m ignoring the diplomatic research line as useless.
    • The Terrans could surrender to someone (besides me) before I take their juicy worlds – in particular the PQ27 world. I’ll need to hold off killing more of his military and taking worlds before I can do it in a single strike.

    Overall I’ve had to work a lot harder, which is a good thing. I was up until 2:30 AM and only realized it when I started nodded. The game completely sucked me in. Ack!

    A few comments on the patch 1.50x:
    • Some planetary improvements have been degraded. For instance, reactors now only give 10% production bonus, and before they were 25%. For me this makes them next to worthless since I’d have to have over 10 factory equivalents to make them worthwhile. More advanced reactors might be worthwhile, but quite frankly due to this very modest production advantage I have more important things to do with my research.
    • I’ll have to keep an eye on how much diplomacy has been nerfed. It did need to be toned down, but hopefully it didn’t go too far in one direction. My main gripe is that it is effectively an AI cheat if the AI freely exchanges tech and the AIs simply won’t deal with the human player. If it goes too far it would be far better simply to turn of tech trading entirely.
    • The AI did a very good job in the colonization, and caught me a bit flat footed in the military buildup.
    Last edited by Hydro; March 4, 2007, 13:03.

  • #2
    December 2229

    The Terrans have been absorbed into the Yor Empire. We even gave them an opportunity for peace when they had one planet left and no military. The declined, and then the opportunistic Drengin declared war on the Terrans so we ended the episode with a transport. Our empire now has 27 plants, including a PQ27+ rad planet. We also picked up a research and economy galactic resource. The latter is particularly important since supporting the new planets caused our budget to go starkly negative. So that in combination with the morale resource we acquired from one of the minor races has allowed our budget to stay positive while maintaining 100% production.

    The Arceans asked for peace, and we gave it to them – for a price. We received three obsolvet techs and a manufacturing tech, which is acceptable since now we can concentrate more on the Drath and possible threats from the Drengin.

    At least seven squadrons of Drath have made their way through Drengin space toward Yor space. One of the morale resources we captured is in Drengin space, so we have two squadrons of cruisers parked and ready. At some times there were four or five squadrons of Drath coming in – and we destroyed them all without loss. It seems the minimal armor our cruisers have is a huge advantage against the Drath, who’s ships are all weapons and level 1. Our level 2 plasma IIIs simply rip them apart. No new Drath fleets have been seen in a while, but more are likely since they have come to peace with the Arceans.

    The Drengin continue to build hugely powerful ships in large quantities.

    Image 3: Military power through December 2229

    I really don’t understand how they have the economy to do this. Perhaps it is all the corvettes they get when they declare war. Even with large-scale building the Yor are having difficulty keeping up. Also, the Drengin now have large fleets, so we’re researching more logistics to improve our fleet strength.

    We’ll also have to start researching phasers. There are more than enough infrastructure improvements in the works, and we have advanced rad and barren extreme environments so those colonies will be fully functional. In fact, those colonies coming fully on line are part of the reason the Yor budget went hugely negative.

    In terms of relations, the Drengin drift between cool and neutral with short periods of being friendly. I’m worried because they now have peace with the Altarans and they could declare war. The Altarans and Arceans are cool or wary, and the Drath are (of course) hostile since we’re at war.

    Therefore, the strategy is to contain the Drath and consolidate Yor holdings, and fully trick out the galactic resources (influence, research, economy, and morale). We already have 2 research resources, so we should get a nice bump when they are all on line. Some colonies will continue producing heavy transports that will be ready in case the Altarans or Drengin declare war.

    Lastly, we had the special event where all traffic is limited to spd 5. This doesn’t effect the Yor cruisers, but it does effect transports and contructors.

    Side Note: the Yor cruisers are TOTALLY COOL! They look like the shadow ships from Babylon 5! I put the Plasma IIIs at the end of the octopus-like arms and they are dead ringers (if you’ll excuse the pun) for the Shadows! They make me FEEL like a Yor!


    • #3
      September 2230

      I’m still struggling with this game, and I suppose that is good.

      They Krynn surrendered to the Drengin, the Terrans were eliminated, so now it is between the Yor, Drengin, Altarans, Drath, and Arceans. Attacks by the Drath stopped when the Drengin declared war. Now their amazing fleets are pummeling his weak fleets into submission.

      I’ve caught up technologically (and then some) and have an industrial rate that is, frankly, huge. My research rate is 3x that of the AI.

      So why am I struggling?

      The Arceans and now the Altarans are at war with me. At first I thought this would be a piece of cake. After all, I’m several times the size of both of them (and the Drath) put together.

      Image 4a: Yor population in Sept 2230

      My population, economy, industrial potential, and to a lesser extent research are moving right along. Having a huge population should be a big advantage, right?

      Well, not really. The Drengin – blast them – have a total mastery with their military. They are absolutely huge, and their ships are not paper tigers since they have attack ratings in the 40s (my best is the mid 30s). Even the Altarans, who are so much smaller than I am, have a military that is in parity with mine. How in the world do they do that? I’ve been pasting the Arceans for a while so they’re declining, as are the Drath.

      Image 5: Military strengths in Sept 2230

      But the Arcean fleets are tough, and they are far away. Speed 5 is SOO SLOW. I’ve taken one Arcean world, but I don’t think I can hold much more than that since Arcean fleets keep coming out of nowhere and I have to 5 cruisers to respond in kind.

      The Altarans are a piece of work. Their cruisers have an attack of 28, which is as good as mine. They have no defense, so I have an advantage. So I’ve decided to concentrate on them since they are closer to my home systems. Luckily I was prepared when they declared war and have a few fleets ready along with transports. I hope to take 3 planets and their capital within 5 turns or so (I wasn’t THAT prepared…).

      But my real question is how to the other empires keep up, much less support such a huge military? Already my military takes 17% of my economy. I’m still in surplus, but it won’t take long at full military production to take the wind out of my sails. Moreover, look at the relative economies.

      Image 6: Economies in Sept 2230

      The Drengin are keeping up with me even though I’m more than twice as big as he is! The only thing I can think of is that he has an oppressive tax rate and that he is slowly (or quickly) driving his economy into the ground. Likewise for the Altarans. I’m running 50% military, and maybe they’re running more?

      I have a few real fears. The Krynn already surrendered to the Drengin. If one of the other races does too, like the Drath, I’ll be in big trouble. Then is also the prospect of a double cross and a sneak attack. The Drengin have been neutral forever, but that means exactly nothing.

      So there isn’t time for a blitz or a massive first strike. I have to steadily grind the Altarans back and hope that they surrender to me and not one of the other AIs. I have to continue to develop the numerous galactic resources (I picked up a bunch from the Terrans and the Krynn when they folded) to keep my research rate up, which right now is three times that of the AI. I have to keep my economy expanding to support my war machine.

      Making war against the AI is now costing me ships, and there is no reason to believe the Drengin are losing anything against the Drath (I never did). Even with the advantages of population, economy, industry, and research I feel a very real threat.

      Drengin. Drengin. Drengin….


      • #4
        December 2230

        The core of the Altarian Resistance has been absorbed by the Yor Collective. They had very impressive ships in orbit around their planets, but they waited until the Yor fleets were front-and-center until we attacked. They were picked off one planet at a time with minimal losses. Their vaunted military has imploded, and the only planets they retain are those they conquered from the Krynn.

        Image 7: Military power December 2230

        The Drath continue to suffer at the claws of the Drengin, although inexplicably the Drath have secured a peace treaty with the Drengin. I think this is a wonderful idea since it means I can pick off most of the Drath planets, including their capital in a few turns. What is strange is that they have dreadnaughts – large hulls – but no weapons of significance on them. So they are big, but toothless – big, slow targets. This is an A-not-I example to be sure. To absorb the Drath I’ll have to get transport all the way across the galaxy at 5 parsecs a turn. Boo, hiss.

        And FINALLY I have military parity with the nasty Drengin! My cruisers how have an attack of 40, although when launched they have an attack rating of 72. What gives? They have no experience and I don’t have any combat galactic resources. Hmmmmm.

        Anyway, the back of the Altarans and Drath is broken, so I’m going to build up a few core fleets at strategic locations in my home territory around the Drengin to make sure I can deal with the Drengin – or simply attack him when the time is right. I also have to deal with a nasty Arcean, who continued to field very strong fleets that are bleeding me. Well, we’ll see how he likes my new cruisers!


        • #5
          Very interesting report Hydro! Looks like the AI is giving you a real run for you money now.

          I'd really like to get a game going myself, but work and social life prevented me to even start a game after the patch was released. The upcoming weekend looks good though, so you'll finally hear from me then.

          Could it be that the AI now takes its relationship with the player into account when trading? That might explain the difficulty in getting a good deal. Could also be that trading has been overnerfed. Oh well, will see when I finally get to give the patched game a go.


          • #6
            January 2231

            Well, I finally found the source of Drengin military power: 88 (!!!) or possibly more Dominator class ships! And they all are clustered in fleets of 8 ships. This massive armada would strike fear into the hearts of the Arceans, Drath – but not me.

            Image 8: The Drengin Dominator Armada

            You see, each fleet of 8 ships has a combat rating of 24, no defense, and 80 HPs. Frankly, I’m not impressed. My single fleet of 5 cruisers – attack 142 beam, 56 shield, 12PD, and ~120 HP – could wipe the lot out with probably take no damage whatsoever.

            But this does answer a few questions. First, it appears that every time the Drengin declared war that he got a passel of ships. These simply kept accumulating either because they didn’t have any nearby targets, or by the time they got anywhere the Drengin agreed to peace and they started scurrying somewhere else – kind of ping-ponging across the galaxy.

            In the early game this would be formidable since it takes quite a production ability to put together 80 HPs of ships of any type. Sheer mass would do the trick. Their speed 3 would be OK, too. But now they are nothing more than relics that suck off support and clutter space.

            Indeed, if this is the Dominator Super Ability of the Drengin – fleets of corvettes at a time of war – I’m not at all impressed. Perhaps in the early game it would be useful to give a good bump in military rating or swarm another player, but now the best thing you could do with them is scrap them for cash. In fact, the Drengin (who has no money at all right now) could probably use it.

            I have to wonder why the Super Dominator ability isn’t scaled so the ships they receive are useful for their situation and technologic level. Or at least not totally obsolete!

            In other news, a Council vote came up and trade routes for Evil civs was on the table. The Drengin and I voted, of course, for no limit so now we have trade routes again. But I think I made a mistake. I should have said NO trade routes. I have no intension of establishing trade routes with any power since they’re going to be conquered, nor do I want to help out the Drengin economically. Oh, well.

            On a side note, I’ve noticed that trade routes can be maintained when factions are at war. For instance, the Drath and Drengin have trade even though they were at war with each other. Previously I noticed that trade routes between civs were terminated when war was declared, which makes sense to me.

            Regardless, in a few turns I’ll captured the Drath capital and a few of his other planets. My forces are building along the Drengin border, and reinforcements are arriving near the Arceans. Now let’s see if a Major Event arrives to throw all my grand plans into disarray!


            • #7
              April 2231

              The last 2 Drath planets surrendered to the Arceans and the Altarians are down to 2 planets. Of the remaining major powers I have 44 planets and the Drengin 20. We just had the economic boom special event so I’m netting almost 3000 BC a month and, frankly, I wish I weren’t since this boom takes the pressure off the Arceans and Drengin. I was hoping to drive their economies into the ground, both of their industrial and research rates has spiked.

              The plan is to take out the last 2 Altarian planets and move fleets into position by Arcean planets, with whom I agreed to peace (for a price) a while ago.

              Image 9: Yor fleets by the Arcean home world

              Fighting the Arceans is a tough go, but hopefully my new Dreadnaughts (large hulls) will help. I’m getting Ultimate Miniaturization soon, which will significantly boost my hull size for my cruisers and dreadnaughts. Of course the cost will go up, but so be it. I plan on striking at least 6 of his planets at one time – shock and awe, to borrow a now maligned phrase.

              There will come a day rather soon when I’m going to take on the Drengin. I plan on being a nice guy while positioning my fleets within striking distance of his planets – and then take a large number of them out. Other fleets will take out his weak Dominator fleets, which shouldn’t be too hard. He does have some rather formidable fleets, so I may have to bet more logistics ability.

              So I’m not out of the woods yet, but I’m not incredibly worried. As Winston Churchill said after the Americans entered WWII, it is not a matter of the application of overwhelming firepower.


              • #8
                May 2231

                Well, I have to hand it to the AI. I had only begun to start to move in against the Arceans when, low and behold, I got a declaration of war from them. The Altarians had previously surrendered to the Arceans (like the Drath had), and apparently they took my fleets and transports that were near Drath and Altarian planets personally. No matter. The assaults were ordered, including the fleet that had been stationed just outside the Arcean capital since I agreed to a peace. One by one the lights started to go out on the Arcean Empire. My advance was only really limited by my transports and the infuriatingly slow limitation of 5 parsecs a week. There are still very potent Arcean fleets out there, so I can’t be too careless about my advance or in having lone transports making their way to the front.

                Then the Drengin called up, told me ‘I know what you’re doing’, and summarily declared war. They had been warm, and I hadn’t positioned any transport by them besides the ones taking a short cut through their territory. So now I’m at war with the mighty Drengin, and I know what to do. My fleets that had finished off the Drath and Altarians were near the swarms of Dominator fleets and started hunting. As I suspected, they were pathetically easy targets and at last count I had destroyed 13 fleets of 8 ships each in 2 weeks. I did meet one real Drengin fleet among the chaff and it rather hurt; I’ll have to pay better attention.

                Was it smart for the Drengin and Arceans to declare war? Absolutely! Otherwise all I would have done is further cementing my fleets, production, and strategic position. As it is was I am out of position, which gives the AI a chance to beat me and cause more than a bit of trouble. For instance, the Drengin are in the middle of the galaxy and I have LOTS of undefended or under defended planets. I’ll have to scramble, upgrade some old ships (costs a LOT), and hope I can take the war to the Drengin before he breaks through. Responding with spd 5 ships means that they can cause a lot of damage in the time it takes me to defend. Already I have a pair of marauding Drengin frigates, and I’ll probably have to buy a few cruisers to deal with them.

                Image 10: Layout of the Galaxy in June 2231 – the Drengin Donut Hole

                Image 11: Cool looking Yor Cruiser decked out with Phaser 7 and lots of lots of point defense – looks like a Shadow ship from Babylon 5!


                • #9
                  July 2231

                  Yikes, this is a hard slog. The Drengin may be weenies as far as empire building goes, but they research good weapons tech and build lots of tough ships (if you ignore the distracting Dominator ships, which are no more then placeholders). Every Drengin planet I pull up to is guarded by formidable fleets, which are causing losses.

                  Of course, the Drengin would do MUCH better if they didn’t let me take out their ships piecemeal. In fleets their 47 attack frigates (med hulls) would be nasty. As it is, Drengin Emperor Bloop pairs them with the worthless Dominator ships, so they all die (and still manage to take out one or two of my ships).

                  I’m thinking it would be a lot easier to Influence the bloody planets, but that would mean diverting production to constructers and then defending the bloody things. That is NOT a Yor-like thing to do, so that’s off the table.

                  What I am doing is building new cruisers and dreadnaughts with my new Evil psionic weapon with attack 12. That will increase my firepower by ~50%, although it is rather expensive. But the expense if roughly proportional to the cost, and attack 12 weapons will eviscerate any opponent out there. A single cruiser now costs ~1200 (attack ~70, defense 32) and a DN 1900 (attack 100, defense ~50).

                  So I’m slowly but surely wearing the Drengin down. In a few turns I’ll be able to take out his capital (I’m sure it will hurt – a lot), and that will give me most of the influence in the area. Most of my new builds are heading there so I can peal away his core empire one step at a time. It’s not at all pretty, but I guess that’s the way it has to be.


                  • #10
                    October 2231

                    There were no nasty surprises of special events that derailed the ascendancy of the Yor. The Drengin fell in August and after struggling to get enough transports in place the last race, the Arceans, fell to the Yor fleets.

                    Overall I like the Yor, just like I did in DL. They are good at the start of the game and seemed to be competitive throughout, although it was a struggle. The Isolationist super ability was useful since it gave me a let up in colonization with adding barren worlds and slowing enemies in my territory, although this wasn’t a huge benefit due to the spd 5 max special event and the fact the AI doesn’t generally produce fast ships.

                    A few lessons:
                    • Even old ships are useful. My fleets frequently had early cruisers with a total attack of 12 and minimal defense that fought alongside cruisers with 44 attack and almost as much defense. These wanna-be cruisers helped bulk up the fleet and provided additional targets and, of course, some extra firepower. When on the attack they were good for garrison duty to ensure enemy transports didn’t sneak in and for escorting transports. When it came down to planetary attack they were worthless taking on the 40 attack Drengin, Altarian, and Arcean cruisers, but they were more than helpful for eliminating the old ships the AI never scrapped or sent into battle.
                    • Old ships are almost irrelevant when calculating military power as later large increases in firepower and defense start appearing (Attack+defense+HP/10). I killed huge numbers of the Dominator class Drengin ships and it scarcely made a dent in his military power until the big ships started to go down.
                    • Games with a max spd 5 are more epic, and the propulsion techs become worthless.


                    • #11
                      Nice game Hydro. I finally managed to start my first game using your Iconian game. Sadly we get visitors this afternoon, so not much time to continue. Hope to file my first report tonight though.

