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Star Wars Galaxy

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  • Star Wars Galaxy

    Hello all, first post for me, but I've been a lurker...

    Anyway, I have been working on creating the Star Wars Galaxy, or at least of the important planets that most of us are familiar with. However, I need some help. Using GC Builder, the planets only come up with 1 of 2 terrains. If it is habitable, it comes up as an Earth looking world on the map. If it is unhabitable, it always looks like a Gas Giant (brown similar to Jupiter).

    I have edited the CustomPlanets.xml to include many of the features that are used to make the Sol Homeworld with the what I thought was different textures. I used IcePlanets1, DesertPlanets1, Testing123, etc. I even tried to make a custom skin for Coruscant, however it also didn't come up. Is the problem I am having with GCBuilder, or am I missing a step, or just doing something wrong?

  • #2
    Is there any interest in a MOD of Star Wars with it's galaxy?

