I noticed when I put the exact same amount into espionage against each race, that I reached the next espionage level with each of them all at the same time. I can't tell you how much something like that annoys me. There should be some sort of variation.
The problem appears to be that espionage is a fixed cost. I think it needs to be different for each race based on things like how many planets the race owns, how much income they are generating, their technology level and so on plus a randomisation factor as well.
Also, the option of spending money on counter-espionage might be a good idea. This would offset money being spent by other races on espionage. However the counter-espionage costs would be split evenly against all the races that have been encountered automatically. This means each time you encounter another race, your counter-espionage costs increase for the same affect.
For instance, you might spend 10 credits on espionage against one race but they have spent 12 credits on counter-espionage. That other race has encountered 3 other races so far (including yourself) so its counter-espionage is divided by 3 giving 4 to offset your 10 so you have effectively only spent 6 towards the next espionage level of that race. Hope that's not too confusing.
Alternatively, if you don't have a specific counter-espionage option in the game, then using the current system, when races spend money on espionage against each other, perhaps a certain amount (say half) is automatically used for counter-espionage against that race if necessary and so half the amount spent is cancelled out.
The problem appears to be that espionage is a fixed cost. I think it needs to be different for each race based on things like how many planets the race owns, how much income they are generating, their technology level and so on plus a randomisation factor as well.
Also, the option of spending money on counter-espionage might be a good idea. This would offset money being spent by other races on espionage. However the counter-espionage costs would be split evenly against all the races that have been encountered automatically. This means each time you encounter another race, your counter-espionage costs increase for the same affect.
For instance, you might spend 10 credits on espionage against one race but they have spent 12 credits on counter-espionage. That other race has encountered 3 other races so far (including yourself) so its counter-espionage is divided by 3 giving 4 to offset your 10 so you have effectively only spent 6 towards the next espionage level of that race. Hope that's not too confusing.
Alternatively, if you don't have a specific counter-espionage option in the game, then using the current system, when races spend money on espionage against each other, perhaps a certain amount (say half) is automatically used for counter-espionage against that race if necessary and so half the amount spent is cancelled out.