I don't see the point of Class 0 planets. Why have an aspect of the game which is completely useless? They are a waste of space - literally! Why have them there using up processing speed, memory etc when they have absolutely no contribution to the game? Now, I only have the demo please excuse me if I am wrong and they are useful in a later part of the game or if some of the following ideas have already been implented:
I think in the latter stages of the game, there could be technolgies to enable you to terraform class 0 planets to class 1 or perhaps even more. These technologies could allow a "terraform" ship component (or even a starbase component). So you could then create a terraforming ship which would be dismantled after attempting to terraforming one class 0 planet to class 1 (there would be a risk of failure). Early technology on this terrforming could be rather shaky, bulky, and expensive, with a high risk of failure however, the odds would improve over time. It might also be nice as well to have a star base component which (say) raises the class of all the planets in its vincinty by 1 (including class 0 planets) and/or raise planet classes by a percentage - say 10%.
You could also further split these terraforming technologies to focus on specifc types of planets. For instance, to terraform an ice planet, you need ice planet terraforming technology and an ice planet terrforming component in your ship; and then similar for red planets etc.
What about individual races? Do some types of planets have a better class value for them than others? I think this is a good idea. What may be a class 0 to one race, may be a class 15 to another.
Some form of remote mining might be another possiblity for these otherwise useless planets too.
I think in the latter stages of the game, there could be technolgies to enable you to terraform class 0 planets to class 1 or perhaps even more. These technologies could allow a "terraform" ship component (or even a starbase component). So you could then create a terraforming ship which would be dismantled after attempting to terraforming one class 0 planet to class 1 (there would be a risk of failure). Early technology on this terrforming could be rather shaky, bulky, and expensive, with a high risk of failure however, the odds would improve over time. It might also be nice as well to have a star base component which (say) raises the class of all the planets in its vincinty by 1 (including class 0 planets) and/or raise planet classes by a percentage - say 10%.
You could also further split these terraforming technologies to focus on specifc types of planets. For instance, to terraform an ice planet, you need ice planet terraforming technology and an ice planet terrforming component in your ship; and then similar for red planets etc.
What about individual races? Do some types of planets have a better class value for them than others? I think this is a good idea. What may be a class 0 to one race, may be a class 15 to another.
Some form of remote mining might be another possiblity for these otherwise useless planets too.