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Describe your custom race.

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  • Describe your custom race.

    I'm busy playing (and more often then not, still losing) the game and after not really getting into any of the civs have created my own custom civ for theme purposes. I tried to keep them within the games realm of possibility, tell me what you think and feel free to post your own.

    Name: Imperial Order
    Homeworld: Imperium
    Ship Colors: Dark grey hull, Golden yellow trim
    Leaders: Abe Dralok, Nihkos al'Thanos, Vyaeton Kelthak, Culgar Vrokahn, Leo Falkieri.

    Description: A united Earth is a new thing, before the Hyperdrive's blueprints were leaked and spread Earth was pretty much ruled by multi-national corporations. These corporate city-states basically controlled the nations as their puppets, putting profit above all. The days of these corporate giants was numbered though. With growing population the people became harder and harder to control so they searched for a way to solve this and still keep control.

    Naturally starting a war or two would work, but would be bad for profit. After careful examination they decided colonizing space would work best. The five great corporations combined their talents and set about on this monumental task. Many years and countless fortunes went to this task. In the end they succeeded in inventing the Hyperdrive, the engine that changed the galaxy. However in their success they had hastened their end. The profit and time devoted away from maintaining their corporations losened their grip on the worlds governments.

    With a renewed movement for one government and stricter corporate regulations the corporations enacted a desperate plan. They began transporting their loyal employees using the new hyperdrive technology to a planet they had found capable of supporting human life. They managed to hide it for awhile but eventually it was discovered what was going on, and it only spurred the anti-corporate tide.

    These corporate masters and their workers abandoned Earth, leaving it in a wave of revolution after revolution that would continue for a hundred years. Eventually one government gained control, unititing Earth under one flag. Meanwhile the corporations were busy setting themselves up as the rulers of the new world. They established a fuedal like society on the world they dubbed Imperium with the corporations serving as great and minor noble houses.

    The heads of the great houses choose among themselves to to pick an Emperor to lead the new world. Not all were happy with this turn of events though. One of the corporations that had been essential in developing the Hyperdrive had been stuck with the title of a minor house and given little involvement in the day to day running of things. Feeling betrayed they turned on their fellow corporations, stealing a ship and fleeing the planet.

    Returning to Earth they spread the blueprints of the Hyperdrive and then they went to other worlds, sharing it with all the advanced races of the galaxy. With their one true advantage gone the Order was reduced to the same level as the rest of the galactic Empires, forced to face the threat of growing alien empires as well as their brothers in the Terran Empire.

    The 5 Great Houses:
    House Dralok, aka Dralok Industries (Federalist)
    House Thanos, aka Applied Chemical Engineering (Populist)
    House Kelthak, aka Theoretical Arms and Vehicles (War)
    House Vrokahn, Vrokahn Shipping and Freight (Mercantile)
    House Falkieri, aka United Mining (Industrialist)

    Thats the story i've been running in my head while in game. The homeworld gets named Imperium and all planets after great and minor houses with the great ones first. I change leader and civ bonuses from game to game, but keep the planets doing the rolls that fit their corporation. Its been fun so far, still tweaking all my ship designs or i'd post some. Though i've got names down already.

    Skirmisher-Lancer-Gunboat for Tiny-Small-Medium hull warships, and Autobot-Ox-Caravan for Constructor-Colony Ship-Freighter.

    Anyway, i'll quit rambling now before I write another page of useless stuff. What little stories and custom races has everyone else thought up?
    "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung

  • #2
    First of all, does anyone know how to actually input a race description? I have noticed the "Please write a description for me!" notice or something along those lines, but I have never seen a way to actually input such text. That I would very much appreciate, or even if it is simply a 100% confirmed bug, to know that would be better than believing I'm missing a feature I would particularly like.

    Anyway, at the risk of being uncharacteristically brief, here is my own traditional set of choices for wide open games (which is pretty much all I've played so far) . . .

    Name: The Hippie Commune
    Home: Home

    4pt Diplomacy pick
    3pt Planet Quality pick
    2pt Happiness pick
    1pt Creativity pick

    Techs: Some package that spends all the points and features Universal Translator, Improved Propulsion, and all the requisites for colonization.

    Political Party: Pacifists (though sometimes Populists)

    Story: I'll revisit this with more details some time, though the narrative does basically write itself. The Hippies are another of those races physiologically akin to the Terrans. Yet the cultural and historical contrasts between the two are striking. Not indigenous to their homeworld, Hippie culture emerges from the confused writings of pre-industrial people somehow transported to Home without understanding or explanation regarding this displacement. Resolved to make the best of their new habitat, and already experiencing all sorts of wonderful altered states thanks to the local flora, the Hippies grew and prospered. Scrupulously peaceful, they are adept at making friends and generally who encounter them come away with a sense of good being even in the aftermath of difficult negotiations. Hippies are also ecologically sensitive, quick to understand the key natural balances of habitable worlds and harmonize their own endeavors with pre-existing ecologies. Since nearly all Hippie adults routinely consume a variety of psychotropic substances, often exercising great precision and expertise in terms of self-medication, they tend to keep level heads even in difficult situations, and they become downright festive if given sufficient peace and prosperity. Also, their deep connection with the mysteries within their own minds make them quickly able to connect seemingly unrelated ideas, finding creative inspiration in places others might not even search.

    One day I want to do a full write up, make a couple of custom graphics, and produce a Web document detailing the "Hippie race." for my own amusement if nothing else. Truth be told, I would really like to play a windowed game and keep a sort of "Emperor's Journal" with brief reflections on interesting moments during play. Though I cannot deny loads and loads of spare time, even I think it would be a stretch to do an entire novel just as fanfic. Yet something tells me that an interesting game could be transformed into an interesting novel especially if the narrative was guided by commentary that was itself spontaneous reaction to the challenges of the game. A sufficiently cool journal could at least produce fodder for a few supershort stories or isolated scenes, and help gauge the potential for a project of that sort. I used to try the same thing sometimes with MOO2 and Alpha Centauri games, although I lost my notes for the most appropriate MOO2 game I played with some similar thoughts in mind, and I always wound up losing the SMAC games that I thought were flowing in the right direction. Of course, if anything like this did start to gel I would likely change names for the sake of style, but the idea of telling the story of the Galactic Civilizations universe from the perspective of an open minded peace-loving human offshoot just seems very cool to me.

    Adam Weishaupt


    • #3
      The Homeworld Security Coalition at first appears to be an anomaly among the starfaring races. While every other starfaring race has abandoned national politics and has a planetary government, the Humans of Earth appear to still be separated into dozens of nations in a state of constant conflict. This is effectively an illusion, however, as the planet has been thoroughly dominated by a hereditary leadership descended from the presidents of a republic that achieved hyperpower status over two hundred years ago. Their current leader, Jenna Bush IX, is the direct descendent of a political genius who successfully polarized his planet into "Good" and "Evil" nations, with the "Good" nations primarily being the most powerful nations and the "Evil" ones being the most backwards. While similar things have happened in the histories of other civilizations during their transition from national to planetary allegiance, the Humans never took the final step of eliminating the "Evil" nations,

      The fact that a large portion of Earth is kept in a semi-primitive state actually gives the Humans many advantages. Their soldiers are courageous in the face of adversity, having been stationed in lands where they are seen as evil oppressors for over two centuries (Courage: Brave). The Human soldier caste appears to be in the process of speciating from the rest of the population due to their long isolation from the Coalition nations, with their population being replaced entirely by illicit relationships between soldiers of differing sex (Soldiering: Tough).

      Most K-type civilized races experience a drop in their birthrate as they become industrialized, and generally have stabilized populations by the time they begin to colonize other planets. Humans differ because a large percentage of the population is kept in a pre-industrial state and indoctrinated with religions that prohibit birth control and promote large families. The nations that are part of the Coalition allow immigration from the Evil Nations, but these immigrants usually stop producing enough children to replace their numbers after two or three generations (Population Growth: Fruitful).

      The population of the Coalition Nations have been so thoroughly indoctrinated over the years that they remain fairly loyal despite (or because of) the fact that the number one cause of deaths is terrorist attacks (Loyalty: Mostly Faithful). Their economies have been focused on providing a constant variety of consumer goods to maintain the illusion of affluence among the Coalition populations, and many of these products are found fascinating by beings of all races (Influence: Gifted).

      The Homeworld Security Coalition is weak diplomatically now that they have come into contact with the other starfaring races. Their people naturally distrust outsiders and our analysts believe the only reason they have held off on declaring all other races "Evil" is their knowledge that this would probably result in their subjugation or extinction. They have some respect from the Drengin, who have persuaded the Humans to allow them to send 'Advisors' into the Evil Nations for sport and practice in exchange for weapons technology. The Humans gain an extra benefit from this deal, as the occasional Drengin blown to bits by an improvised explosive device has a few bits collected and sent to the Coalition biowarfare labs for their new xenobiology wing. The Humans show some animosity to the Korx Dominion after a scandal involving obscure music property rights and clothing for your lower extremities that is still not clearly understood by any of the involved parties.


      • #4
        My custom race is like this

        Race: Miniature Giant Space Hampsters

        Leader: Boo

        Starting Ability Bonus
        population growth - Frisky little guys
        economics - they like to hoard shiny things
        research - Boo is very wise...

        They worship a berserker from a far away land known as Rasheman. They await his return when the sacred scrolls say that butts will be literally kicked and rangers and hampster will rejoice! Their favorite combat tecnique is to "go for the eyes". ]


        • #5
          On beta, my starting abilities are:

          +10 morale
          +70 population
          +50 military

          New Propulation Techniques
          Impulse Drive
          Space militarization
          Galactic warfare


          I dominate the initial colonization phase.
          Fight chicken abortion! Boycott eggs!


          • #6
            Originally posted by tetley
            On beta, my starting abilities are:

            +10 morale
            +70 population
            +50 military

            New Propulation Techniques
            Impulse Drive
            Space militarization
            Galactic warfare


            I dominate the initial colonization phase.
            You can start with Impulse Drive in the new version?? I may end up having to buy this game after all.


            • #7
              That's a goof. I mean Ion drive.
              Fight chicken abortion! Boycott eggs!


              • #8
                I frequently find myself playing as The Amazons -- with custom ship types carrying names like Artemis, Athena, Atalanta, etc. -- if for no other reason than the fact that it helps explain why I spend all that effort researching Xena Ethics and Xena Engineering and Xena Industrial Theory and...

