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2 questions

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  • 2 questions

    Okay, after playing for some days now I still have some open questions. Maybe there’s somebody here who can answer them. :-)

    - do military starbases stack? My favourite tactic while attacking is bringing 5 constructors in a second fleet using them to support my attackers with the military bonuses of a starbase. Building more than 1 starbase for support reasons seems to me like an exploit, it’s already too easy to defeat legions of ships under the cover of a base.

    Can other starbases (i.e. a nearby armed influence base) also use the advantages of a military base or just the ships?

    - Is there a reason to keep approval rating higher than 60%? You won’t get overruled with 60% and you can cash in a lot of money due to high taxes. Right now, I’ll try to balance things out, reducing taxes to 29 ode 19% just to get a 90+ rating.

    But I’m having the feeling that this is worthless and it would be a much better idea to get a lot of money for buying stuff etc.


  • #2
    Re: 2 questions

    Originally posted by Warhead
    - do military starbases stack?

    Can other starbases (i.e. a nearby armed influence base) also use the advantages of a military base or just the ships?
    Just the ships

    - Is there a reason to keep approval rating higher than 60%?
    That's three questions, but you are forgiven! The answer is... Nope.


    • #3
      I'll just add that at 100% approval your population growth doubles.
      I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

      "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


      • #4
        Damn, three questions.. well the second one was just an addition to the first.

        I thought the doubled birth rate is bugged. Furthermore, a doubled rate is not worth the money I'm losing with low taxes.

        Seems to me that the game is fairly easy. After the starting problems (never player GalCiv1) and some cakewalk scenarios I just owned the AI in a tough game (AI set to Intelligent) with an influence victory. And they didn't even care, attacking minors or other KI races while I was watching with this huuuuuge influence bubble right in the middle of the map.

        Having a +eco and +influence as race advantages, start a colony rush early on (using the eco sliders) and constantly keep a neat fleet above a (insert name of improvement that doubles fleet strength here) and they didn't attack you even if you build tons of influence starbases next to their planets.

        Anyway, thanks for your answers!



        • #5
          The doubled birth rate works now. I even think there are more stages to it, I think it could be around 50% or something. Maybe someone could check this? I also believe they're planning to do something to increase the importance of approval ratings in the next patch, so don't grow too reliant on high taxes.


          • #6
            Approval rating is going to be beefed up in the next release version later this month - Brad at Stardock has said they made a mistake there in not making it more important.

            For now, it only matters if you have a government other than the default Dictatorship...(unless it falls below 30% on a planet - then that planet will start to lose population) once you go to say a Republic then you will have local votes every year in your empire for your political party to stay in control - and if it is not the same one that is in the majority in the Gal Council then I beleive you will take a substantial economic and influence bonus hit.
            A man's private thought can never be a lie; what he thinks, is to him the truth, always. - Mark Twain, Letter to Louis Pendleton, 8/4/1888


            • #7
              If your party loses power in the senate due to an election, the new ruling party applies their bonus AGAINST you, for example if they provide a 20% research bonus then you receive a 20% research PENALTY until your party or another one is in control. You also lose your own party bonus, I think.

              In the next patch, approval above a certain level will add a 5% production/research bonus, while approval below a certain level will provide a 5% production/research penalty. Can't remember what the levels are off the top of my head...


              • #8
                I really hope they get rid of this stupid feature where the Ent Ctr. only adds 25% to the planet's "base" morale. Just add a flat 25% to the morale, period. If you have to nerf it to 20% to make that work, fine.
                Fight chicken abortion! Boycott eggs!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Hansolo88
                  If your party loses power in the senate due to an election, the new ruling party applies their bonus AGAINST you, for example if they provide a 20% research bonus then you receive a 20% research PENALTY until your party or another one is in control. You also lose your own party bonus, I think.
                  Ooo, nice! But your party can't lose control in a dictatorship, right? Are there any advanced governments which lack parties and democracy, say, something Orwellian?
                  "For it must be noted, that men must either be caressed or else annihilated; they will revenge themselves for small injuries, but cannot do so for great ones; the injury therefore that we do to a man must be such that we need not fear his vengeance." - Niccolo Machiavelli


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Shadowlord

                    Ooo, nice! But your party can't lose control in a dictatorship, right? Are there any advanced governments which lack parties and democracy, say, something Orwellian?
                    Right - no votes as long as you are in a dictatorship. Not sure about the last - I have not really focused on the governemt branch of the tree so don't know the details of other governments - tried Republic once - - I seem to be doing fine so far as a dictator. No real reason to change for the economic bonuses - but then again I am not playing at the top levels yet.
                    A man's private thought can never be a lie; what he thinks, is to him the truth, always. - Mark Twain, Letter to Louis Pendleton, 8/4/1888


                    • #11
                      The advanced governments are identical in every sense, except they give a 25, 50 and 75 percent bonus respectively.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Gufnork
                        The advanced governments are identical in every sense, except they give a 25, 50 and 75 percent bonus respectively.
                        If it's the same as GalCiv 1, the more advanced governments are also harder to win elections under. So you needed to keep a lower tax rate under to get the larger economic bonuses. Which was a bit strange.


                        • #13
                          Well you can lower your taxes 2-3 weeks before the election and then you'll have no problems. The first advanced government is a priority for me, because it solves all your money problems.

                          The second one is great if you have some air to breath (meaning you are not forced to focus on military techs), but I never invented the final form of government, because it took too much research power and the game was already over at that time.

                          The plans to make approval more important sound great.

