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FYI: Paying for un-used social

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  • FYI: Paying for un-used social

    Since the latest patch, ever wonder why you're having trouble keeping your economy working?

    It's because you're being charged for social production that you aren't using. A base that can make 80 social points pays 80, even if they aren't using it.
    It's a CB.
    SteamID: rampant_scumbag

  • #2
    This is why I recommend setting your sliders to max military production or research and emphasize social on all planets that need it in the startup phase when you're waiting for your population to grow and increase your tax base. In fact, it's useful whenever it's the economy that sets the limits. I've even gone so far to consider producing only research centres and emphasize social or military when that's needed. I need to do some research to see which boni that influence the production from this first, though. It might put a bit too much pressure on the economy though, in which case I'll test it with all factories and 100% mp (if you don't build any ships they don't cost you any).


    • #3
      I wasn't aware that this existed only since the patch. I thought it was always there.

      I just deal with the problem with a little micro, and not going overboard on Social. If my mega-manufacturing center has developed all its tiles (or is about to), it's time to research something new. Or I'll plan ahead & research something that unlocks a Galactic Achievement/Trade Good and then switch to Social.
      Fight chicken abortion! Boycott eggs!


      • #4
        Originally posted by tetley
        I wasn't aware that this existed only since the patch. I thought it was always there.
        It was always there.


        • #5
          Just read on the GalCiv website that in the next release (1.1) they are going to allow unused Social bc's to be rolled back into the treasury...

          I think this will fix what the op is referring to... I am brand new to the game and am just getting a handle on things though, so I could be wrong.
          A man's private thought can never be a lie; what he thinks, is to him the truth, always. - Mark Twain, Letter to Louis Pendleton, 8/4/1888


          • #6
            Well, I'm playing the 1.1 beta and it looks to me like unused social production is being converted to military production.


            • #7
              That is one of the fixes in the 1.1 beta.
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              The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


              • #8
                I'm playing the beta and I'm not seeing the conversion to military happening. I see the little arrows pointing your social production over to military, but I don't see credit being applied toward military at the end of the turn.
                Fight chicken abortion! Boycott eggs!

