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  • Alignments...

    Just out of curiousity...

    I've uploaded my games to the metaverse, and generally speaking, I'll pick the neutral choice on most of the moral dilemma questions in game. Occasionally, I'll pick a good option, and more rarely, I'll pick an evil. My character on the Metaverse is listed as Chaotic Good.. I can't find any specific details on the breakdowns of all the alignment names/types and what the benefits/penalties are for each of them. Anyone else have any info on this?

  • #2
    There aren't any. It's just a tag. Things like "Chaotic Good" come from the Dungeons and Dragons world. Chaotic Good would be a more neutral leaning good. Vs Pure Good. Same for Chaotic Evil and Pure Evil.

    It means absolutely nothing other then an average of what you ended up at the end of each game.


    • #3
      The reason I'm checking up on it, is because there are apparently some weapons/defenses/buildings that are exclusive to only a single of the three alignments. (Currently, near as I can tell, I think the Nano Ripper mass driver variant weapon is a neutral alignment tech, but I'm not sure, so I'm trying to track it down.)


      • #4
        Has nothing to do with the Metaverse though. The stuff that comes with being good/neutral/evil are in game. I believe it's in the manual the exact effects.


        • #5
          I checked the manual before I posted here. No details, no specifics, just some generalities about how each alignment has some specific bonuses. It doesn't give much at all in the way of exact details.


          • #6
            Page 36 and 37 have full details on what you get for each alignment.


            • #7
              It gives a few specifics, but it doesn't tell you things like which weapons and defensive systems are unique to a particular alignment.


              • #8
                The metaverse alignment is based on what you generally play. I believe the Chaotic Good means that you're mostly good, but it varies. It could also mean that your average is between good and neutral, but the first option would make more sense.

                The in game alignment effects can be seen in the manual and when you choose it. The specific technologies you get can be easily spotted since they deviate from the general tech paths. Follow the laser path if you're evil, somewhere along that path there will be one tech that is a prereq to no other techs, while another tech continues the line. That tech is evil only. For good there's shield techs that act the same way. The neutral techs are Neutral Shipping, Neutral Learning Centres and a few more I'm unsure of. There's also a tech at the end of the Xeno Ethics line that has slightly different effects based on your alignment.


                • #9
                  I took the plunge and officially declared myself a neutral after going through xeno ethics, and got access to the neutral learning centers, but I couldn't actually build one, or upgrade any of my research centers. I'm guessing this is a bug that will be fixed in a patch.


                  • #10
                    Indeed, many of the alignment specific techs are bugged. The weapon technologies work, but not the shields and probably some neutral ones. You can easily spot that by reading the tech description. The ones that do nothing actually tells you that (as in no 'New ship part available' or whatever).


                    • #11
                      i personally prefer the evil it provides free starbase upgrades....which can be a real drain on your finances if u start building the starbases as early as i do

