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alliances with other races

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  • alliances with other races

    I've researched alliances, but the option to propose an alliance does not appear to come up for me on the diplomacy screen. I get make peace (if I'm at war with them), or surrender. On their side, I see only the 'attack' and 'make peace with' options (and no other races show on the pop up screen to pick a race to make war or peace with)... What gives? Even when I'm not at war, I can't seem to propose an alliance...

    Also, the computer can get all snotty about you putting up influence starbases, or parking troops and ships near it's planets, but I have no "Move your attack fleets away that are hovering over my worlds" option on the diplomacy screen, or a 'take down that influence starbase in my territory' option either.

    I've literally had a computer player attacking me, fleet poised above a planet, and I achieve peace with them, but their attack fleet just sits right there still in orbit waiting to strike. Very annoying.

  • #2
    you got to get a "close" relationship with a leader before you can propose an alliance


    • #3
      I have the same issue - alliances never appear.

      How do you get close? I am friendly with several civs - good relations - is there another level above this? Is there another prerequisite tech involved?


      On Edit:

      Never mind, this thread answered my question:

      A man's private thought can never be a lie; what he thinks, is to him the truth, always. - Mark Twain, Letter to Louis Pendleton, 8/4/1888


      • #4
        About the only way to get someone to close from friendly is to gift techs and/or money to them once in a while.


        • #5
          Your influence territory is just how far your culture spreads. This game has nothing that can be defined as borders between civs. I personally feel that it's a bad thing, it needs some kinds of borders. It can't be based on the influence borders we have now, though. That just wouldn't work. Just make a circle with a set radius around the star systems you control a planet in and call it a civs territory. Having two civs territory overlap would be ok, that's just contested space. Something to prevent you from having your entire fleet ready to strike deep in enemy territory when you declare war (I one posted a ship around every single starbase my opponent had and destroyed them all the first turn I declared. Having a strike force near all of his productive planets is usually a better idea though, cripple him the first turn).


          • #6
            In my last game it was the year 2235.
            Three AI's were left.
            All three were close to me. And they were allied to each other.
            I could easily won the game with diplomatic victory, again.
            I didn't gave a single present to them, I just wasn't aggresive. Maybe that's the problem most people have, they are too aggresive? I seem to have no problems getting allies. Otherwise they don't have the patient! You almost won't be able to get an alliance in the first 5 years.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Peets
              In my last game it was the year 2235.
              Three AI's were left.
              All three were close to me. And they were allied to each other.
              I could easily won the game with diplomatic victory, again.
              I didn't gave a single present to them, I just wasn't aggresive. Maybe that's the problem most people have, they are too aggresive? I seem to have no problems getting allies. Otherwise they don't have the patient! You almost won't be able to get an alliance in the first 5 years.
              Yep, you have hit on a good point. If you are the agressor (i.e. declare war) at some point, you'll see a rep hit of "warmonger" type if you look at your relations with some of the other civs. It's usually harder for me as I almost always take out someone close by so I get this rep hit. But given enough time and trade relations, it can be overcome. In fact I had an early war with the Drengin and just recently formed an alliance with them (they are evil, me neutral). So it can be done.


              • #8
                I think the Geico gecko is secretly a Drengin.
                Fight chicken abortion! Boycott eggs!


                • #9
                  I've won two games on influence, while trying for diplomatic. Both games everyone was either friendly or warmly, I've not seen close yet. Of course, these were my first two games, so I'm still playing beginner, but it seems like I hit influence long before a different victory condition was even possible. Any hints? Is it really a matter of giving things away? (I've had the civs spontaneously offering me money -- one even did so after 3 out of 4 of his planets, including his capital, had flipped to me )


                  • #10
                    I never made a influence victory.
                    I think you might be too aggressive to get close.
                    I have had close many times.


                    • #11
                      In Galciv2 I've won influence every time except once. And the once, I won a military victory 2 turns before I would have won an influence.
                      Fight chicken abortion! Boycott eggs!


                      • #12
                        I don't think it is aggression, I'm a totally non militaristic player. I build defensive units, but pretty much just the basic defenders. I've never demanded tribute. The 2nd game I went for neutral instead of good to see if that helped (which it probably did, most of the civs were neutral). They love me and offer me gifts, but never went past warmly. /shrug I tried researching the entire diplo line, and the entire cultural domination line, to see if that helps. This time I"ll try focusing on research I think. I was the largest civ by far, as I spam built colony ships and constructors.


                        • #13
                          I've only got one influence victory, but that was because I refused to make that last race an ally despite their being close. Every other game I win, it's diplomacy. Usually the game ends with 2-3 other races that I've been friends with during their expansion and the elimination of the other races who are happy to be my allies.

                          I give away a lot of stuff to my friends, though. I'll frequently donate all my obsolete ships when I make new designs and I'm usually the economic and tech leader in the game.


                          • #14
                            Nice idea, gifting your obsolete ships. Could be a white elephant gift.
                            Fight chicken abortion! Boycott eggs!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by serenya
                              I don't think it is aggression, I'm a totally non militaristic player. I build defensive units, but pretty much just the basic defenders. I've never demanded tribute. The 2nd game I went for neutral instead of good to see if that helped (which it probably did, most of the civs were neutral). They love me and offer me gifts, but never went past warmly. /shrug I tried researching the entire diplo line, and the entire cultural domination line, to see if that helps. This time I"ll try focusing on research I think. I was the largest civ by far, as I spam built colony ships and constructors.
                              You do have to wait until it's the year +2230
                              Before that it's very hard to get close.
                              I suggest you just wait and eliminate the - factors and then close will come.

