After paying full retail price for MOO3, much to my eternal shame and dismay, I'm a little reluctant to buy new games these days. However, I'd finally narrowed by search for a new TBS game down. I was either going to buy Space Empires, GalCiv, or SMAC. Then, on the day after Thanksgiving, I ran across the Altarian Prophecy expansion pack for $4.99 (US) in a bargain bin. At that price, my decision was finally made. Now I just have to go get GalCiv so that I can play it. Here's my question: Is there any point in playing GalCiv without the AP expansion pack, or should I just load up both right out of the gate?
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Here's my question . . .
Wow, I can't believe this post went so long without a reply!
I don't have the Altarian Prophecy expansion. Where did you get it so cheap?
I love GalCiv without the expansion. I too fell for the hype that was MOO3 and I also feel the burn of eternal shame.
You're in a good position to actually judge for yourself between the original and the expansion though. Pick up a copy of GalCiv and play through at least one game without the expansion. Then pop in the expansion and make your decision then which you like better.
I plan on getting GalCiv 2 when it comes out also, after it's been reviewed and kicked around for about a month if it still seems to be getting favorable responses then it's definately going to be the next 4x game for me.
As far as Space Empires goes, well, it's actually a pretty good game also. Nothing really flashy about it, but it is addictive. Space Empires V is due to be released sometime in 2006 so you may want to hold off until it comes out to try that installment. I have Space Empires 4 Gold and I still play it every now and again...there are known ‘knowns’ There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know. ~~Donald Rumsfeld
Thanks for finally responding. I was begining to think this forum was the electronic equivalent of a ghost town.
I just happened to stumble across Altarian Prophecy in a bargain bin in the mall -- Gamespot or EB games, or something like that. A couple of days after getting it, though, I went online to buy GalCiv. What I discovered, though, is that it was going to cost me about $50 to buy GalCiv, but I could get GalCiv Deluxe (which includes Altarian Prophecy), for $27 . . . So now I have an extra copy of AP. Oh, well. It was only $5.
I guess whether I buy GalCiv 2 will depend on what sorts of reviews GC2 gets, as well as how I like GalCiv. I received it the other day, but haven't installed it yet.
Be sure to update GalCiv up to 1.20 or you won't be able to install AP...(strange but it's like that).
I am currently playing the campaign and it's fun (got wiped out twice in the 4th scenario)
"Give us peace in our time",
Stuart Adamson, singer from Big Country, 1958-2001.
Well, I've loaded GC, put in the patch and played without the AP expansion pack. Wow. It definitely hit me with Onemoreturn syndrome. "Just let me get this one constructor built . . . and get it over to that starbase . . . ooh, and this one other doohickey . . . oh, and that one's just a few turns out, so I'll grab it before I shut down."