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  • Combat

    So far, I am an absolute MoO II freak. And I think the best part of MoO II is the tactical combat.

    Any details about the combat in Galactic Civilizations II?
    "Football is like chess, only without the dice." Lukas Podolski

  • #2
    Fleet battles aren't yet in the beta and Stardock hasn't stated exactly how they will work. I believe it has been stated that even if there is some control, it will not be like MOO2 with a full-fledged tactical game.


    • #3
      Hmm. Thanks for your fast reply.

      Unfortunately, this sounds not very promising for me.

      Sure, a 'simple' battle is useful when you want to avoid exploits. (We all know that the moo2 ai wasnt that strong) but the mooII combat system is still brilliant for MP-games.
      "Football is like chess, only without the dice." Lukas Podolski


      • #4
        I agree with siron.

        Although MOO3 for example was bigger and more complex (which I generally like ) than MOO2,
        its combat system was beaten in length by the System of MOO2 in terms of fun to play.

        If they haven´t released anything about the combatsystem to betatesting yet, maybe there´s some hope that (if it is really just asimple combat system) they still might take comments in this forum (and probably others) to heart and might do some overhaul of the whole combat system (adding more complexity and more opportunity for the player to influence the outcome of the battle and perhaps make it more like MOO2 than MOO3 )
        Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
        Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


        • #5
          I ll wait for GC II Demo.

          MoO2 has a great "combat-mode" (ship design + tactical combat).

          I hope, that GC II has likewise good "combat-mode"


          • #6
            It won't. The point of GC2 is to keep a player focused on the main map, not on using tactical exploits, such as in MoO1 or MoO2, to beat the AI.

            Remember, GC2 is a SP only game. A true tactical combat layer would just allow the player to further exploit the AI. Without it, everyone is left playing at the same level, and stacking the combat in their favor via the number game (weapons and defense that they built their ships to).
            (Knight Errant Of Spam)


            • #7
              "Remember, GC2 is a SP only game."

              ACK! Unbelievable. I just found this thread and posted there:

              "...not on using tactical exploits, such as in MoO1 or MoO2, to beat the AI."

              I think a combat with many tactical options doesnt imply that there are such "exploits". But yes. I think it is surely more difficult to develop such combat system. IMHO you should start with AI algorithms....after several months of MP-experience in the new combat system. Sadly, the ROI doesnt look interesting for most companies.
              "Football is like chess, only without the dice." Lukas Podolski


              • #8
                "Remember, GC2 is a SP only game."

                GC2 will be without MP ?!?!?!

                Now I know this, the game is complette uninteressting for me.

                If I had knewd this before, I never had wasted my time with looking on GC2 homepage ... !!!

                I thoughted a MP will be standard
                I´m very disappointed .


                • #9
                  According to Brad, the owner of Star Dock, and lead developer of Gal Civ 2... An MP game should only be MP. A SP game should only be SP. By mixing the two together, one play form will always suffer. GC's fan base is SP TBS Galactic Conquerors. So GC2 is going to be designed around meeting that core customer base.

                  Brad has said that if there were enough people interested in a GC with MP, he'd be willing to make it as a pay to play expansion, but there's never been enough people willing to put their money down for that. GC1 has sold about 200,000 copies, but only 50 people ever signed up for a MP option. So no MP for GC1.

                  If GC2 sells, oh, about 1 million copies, there'd probably be enough customers interested in a MP expansion. A whole 10K or so. That would be enough to justify the costs, but anything less, and I don't think its going to happen. There really is very little existing market for MP TBS games. Civ can support it, but smaller games do have trouble. And if it's less then 1% of your customer base that would shell out money for that feature, or even think of using it? Not an effective use of their limited resources. Putting that money and time into the AI and other aspects of the SP game will return far better customer satisfaction (which turns into future sales).
                  (Knight Errant Of Spam)

