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Empty Social Build Queues

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  • Empty Social Build Queues

    Greetings, all. I'm a newbie GalCiv player. I've played the demo a couple of times, and though I just bought the full version I haven't actually played it yet.

    Anyway, one thing has been really annoying me, and I'm hoping you can help.

    Once a planet completes all the items in the "Social" build queue, how do I tell the governor of that world to stop wasting IU's on it?

    Take your empire and divide it into 2 groups: those worlds that have completed their infrastructure, call "old worlds", and those worlds that haven't call "new worlds".

    I can change a global setting to "no social spending" and solve the problem for old worlds, but that chokes the development of new worlds.

    I can leave social spending alone and my old worlds' industrial potential and "bonus" IU's are flushed down the toilet. It would be even worse if money were actually being spent building "Nothing", but I didn't analyze the numbers closely enough to determine if that were happening or not. It's bad enough that I get Constructors in 12 turns instead of 6 on old worlds just because the new worlds aren't fully developed yet.

    I could zero social spending and rush-buy social queue items for new worlds, but buying things is extremely expensive. I could afford maybe 1 item every 2 years.

    Surely this game doesn't FORCE you to waste your industrial potential and possibly money on a build queue for which NOTHING EXISTS TO BUILD? Was the game really designed to force us to cripple the new worlds just to get the old ones to run at full capacity? Surely I'm just missing something obvious ...

    MoO 1 used a slider, "Ind" vs. "Ships", for each planet.
    MoO's 2 and 3 and Stars! had a unified build queue.
    Stars! also had a little check box, "Contribute only leftover production to research", which allowed even further differentiation between "developing" and "developed" worlds.

    Surely GalCiv has some convention for accomplishing the same?

  • #2
    Re: Empty Social Build Queues

    Short answer to your post:

    Originally posted by Santiago_Claus
    Surely this game doesn't FORCE you to waste your industrial potential and possibly money on a build queue for which NOTHING EXISTS TO BUILD?
    Yes, it does.

    One of the things that, along with IMO boring terrain, ultimately stops me from giving GalCiv a try again. The unavoidable losses to production ineffeciency are greater than even Civ3, and cannot be fixed with micromanagement.


    • #3
      I've noticed you can manage your research in such a way that you always have something to build. However, that's one of those tactics that is pursued only at the expense of strategy.

