Been analysing and practicing for couple of weeks now...
It seems that aggressive trading, complemented by
frigate rush is a strong opening strategy (at least wihtout
Point that I would like to discuss is:
Quite low end planets with very limited population seem to give
some production:
- Is conventional wisdom wrong: stay away from planets under 15.
If the only goal is to waste two closest neighbors and money is not an issue (active trading), maximal military production seems beneficial to me.
So the problem is about shortest time to produce k frigates and l
transports (1 billion per transport) reaching m target planets and
succesfully eliminating resistance.
Has anyone ran simulations or optimized shortest path to this? What
race picks provide the most punch for the buck?
br HP
(I think one interesting parameter is population and 100%
morale boost to pop growth.)
It seems that aggressive trading, complemented by
frigate rush is a strong opening strategy (at least wihtout
Point that I would like to discuss is:
Quite low end planets with very limited population seem to give
some production:
- Is conventional wisdom wrong: stay away from planets under 15.
If the only goal is to waste two closest neighbors and money is not an issue (active trading), maximal military production seems beneficial to me.
So the problem is about shortest time to produce k frigates and l
transports (1 billion per transport) reaching m target planets and
succesfully eliminating resistance.
Has anyone ran simulations or optimized shortest path to this? What
race picks provide the most punch for the buck?
br HP
(I think one interesting parameter is population and 100%
morale boost to pop growth.)