I would like to respectfully request here, if you please, for Strategy First or Drengin or whomever to organise a way of allowing me and others to procure any subsueqent GalCiv expansion packs from specialist suppliers like mail order companies such as the way I got GapCiv originally. from Strategic Plus Software in England. It is my belief, from all I have read, that the Net is still not a particularly safe way to purchase anything though I do understand that later in the year some companies are thinking of introrducing one-time credit card nos limited for specific purchases. Now I could live with that! But I would say for all sorts of reasons I would much prefer to buy an add-on, as I usually been able to do previously either by cheque to a mail order addressor my local store. I think this exclusivity with regard only to be able to buy the expansion pack online is premature in view of the the security probles which reportedly still plague the Net.
Paranoia isnt always an illness, you know; it can be a realistic adjustment to the world in which we find ourselves!
Live long and prosper.
Paranoia isnt always an illness, you know; it can be a realistic adjustment to the world in which we find ourselves!
Live long and prosper.