Ok, not a million but quite a few.
I've worked out the sliders and have been leaving the majority to research, but leaving minimal to build ships and buildings. Having read some threads, it seems it is better to have no money going towards the buildings. Is this a good idea, or should you leave a dribble going towards building infrstructure on your planets?
Why do each and every race breed like there is no toomorrow? I keep a close eye on my moral and try to stay at 100% and have a few game options to give me a breeding bonus, but when all the races come to the round table, my population is always the smallest and by a significant margin and my voting power is basically nil. I was pumping out colony ships like there was no toomorrow, but then I found I had ships but no where to send them to, and they ended up being very expensive scouting ships.
I thought at first this was the reason why my population was so low compared to other races, but then I didn't pump them out until I had somewhere for them to go, but still I was always tail end charlie on the population scale. Is there something that I am not doing correctly?
I've read about rush buying and understand the concept, but it always seems to get me into trouble. I lease for example a colony ship and then have to pay a certain amount each month. To keep my head above above water and not go spirialling downwards, I have to reduce the sliders and so slow research. Is rush buying such a good thing and if it is, what is the best way to manage your economy when you have to start paying it all back?
Finally (for the moment
), what is your strategy for building ships & planet buildings? I have mine but I think I have been going wrong in a number of ways. Any guidlines on any of above would be appreciated.

I've worked out the sliders and have been leaving the majority to research, but leaving minimal to build ships and buildings. Having read some threads, it seems it is better to have no money going towards the buildings. Is this a good idea, or should you leave a dribble going towards building infrstructure on your planets?
Why do each and every race breed like there is no toomorrow? I keep a close eye on my moral and try to stay at 100% and have a few game options to give me a breeding bonus, but when all the races come to the round table, my population is always the smallest and by a significant margin and my voting power is basically nil. I was pumping out colony ships like there was no toomorrow, but then I found I had ships but no where to send them to, and they ended up being very expensive scouting ships.

I've read about rush buying and understand the concept, but it always seems to get me into trouble. I lease for example a colony ship and then have to pay a certain amount each month. To keep my head above above water and not go spirialling downwards, I have to reduce the sliders and so slow research. Is rush buying such a good thing and if it is, what is the best way to manage your economy when you have to start paying it all back?
Finally (for the moment
