I know I am pretty new to the game 
But bored of EQ, Medieval TW, Civs and the like (up to Sword of Aragon the first strategy game I really love on computer, it was so good back then)
I was wondering, on a scale from 1 to 10, a very subjective value of each attribute while we try to be objective...what you think? (mostly to help every player that wanna understand this now, maybe to be more powerfull at start or maybe to take less good stuff to have a bigger challenge)
I will put a resume down below since I explain why I make those choices and I can be VERY wrong...never play above normal level now...
Speed +1: 10 I rather say, even if it is costy, I would give it a 10 value personnally and it would be the only thing that powerfull, as it mean all the difference at early game, and the bigger the map, the more important it would be, no? (and it never get useless even if less good later)
Speed +2: 7 It is not bad, but as far as I can see at normal level(which mean I am a noob there), it didn`t seem that much needed, yet, it is powerfull, very powerfull
Research: 8 The game basic value where everything resolve around it...
Military production: 7 You need those colony ships at start, you can always always always use more constructors to improve you empire a lot, it is the very basic strenght of you empire...
Social Production: 4 It is not bad...but...military will improve that 1 as well with the constructors and you will maxed the few improve construction building fast, especially if you don`t mind paying them...should past after, no?
PoP growth: 0 worthless...rather have morale which will have the same effect unless I am a federation, and when I am a federation I make transport to keep morale up, I don`t want more buggers to spawn that much!
Morale: 5 I might be so wrong, but it will make your planets grow more folks, which will bring more money in turn, ward attacks more against transports should it occur(not that you want this anyway) since more folks...
Economic: 6 You can always use more BC, you never get to many of them...
All ship combat oriented skill: 1 Why put them better combats skills when you can produce more with more in military production and 2 ships will own 1 similar ship with a few more abilities...
All troops combat skills: 2 slightly better then above, but I rather have more ship and ward off the landing of troops on my system, no?
Sensor: 6 Information is power, very good to explore and also to spot an enemy before it is to late and you can`t outrun him or attack him anymore...
Luck: 9 ....I am guessing...I never take it...but only 1 point to have nicer questions at UP, to have better events, maybe less bad events, even if all is random...to change that randomness, even if no warranty, seem to me that for 1 point, it would turn VERY strong usually...yet...it is gambling and I hate gambling...I really don`t know...
Influence: 3 It is not bad, but it take a lot of it to help you, and most likely, if the skill is usefull to you, you don`t need it, you are doing good, it won`t help you in early stage, only when the game is well advance and if you are already strong...if you are weak, it don`t help you much become strong. It is like the old saying, the water goes to the river...(referring to money goes where money is)
So here is the resume...
Please don`t blast me, I don`t say I am right, I just say what I think, feel free to add your share of info, those that win at Masochist might wanna try to take those skills with less values to see if they can find a strategy out of that ****... :P Of course I don`t talk about government types, as they obviously would fall with their abilities...no? And, the score is only to be able to place them in an order...I must have forget a skill, I will edit it when pinpointed out...so many of them...
Speed: 10/7
Luck: 9
Research: 8
Military prod: 7
Economics: 6
Sensor: 6
Morale: 5
Social prod: 4
Influence: 3
Troops fighting: 2
Ships fighting: 1
PoP Growth: 0

But bored of EQ, Medieval TW, Civs and the like (up to Sword of Aragon the first strategy game I really love on computer, it was so good back then)
I was wondering, on a scale from 1 to 10, a very subjective value of each attribute while we try to be objective...what you think? (mostly to help every player that wanna understand this now, maybe to be more powerfull at start or maybe to take less good stuff to have a bigger challenge)
I will put a resume down below since I explain why I make those choices and I can be VERY wrong...never play above normal level now...
Speed +1: 10 I rather say, even if it is costy, I would give it a 10 value personnally and it would be the only thing that powerfull, as it mean all the difference at early game, and the bigger the map, the more important it would be, no? (and it never get useless even if less good later)
Speed +2: 7 It is not bad, but as far as I can see at normal level(which mean I am a noob there), it didn`t seem that much needed, yet, it is powerfull, very powerfull
Research: 8 The game basic value where everything resolve around it...
Military production: 7 You need those colony ships at start, you can always always always use more constructors to improve you empire a lot, it is the very basic strenght of you empire...
Social Production: 4 It is not bad...but...military will improve that 1 as well with the constructors and you will maxed the few improve construction building fast, especially if you don`t mind paying them...should past after, no?
PoP growth: 0 worthless...rather have morale which will have the same effect unless I am a federation, and when I am a federation I make transport to keep morale up, I don`t want more buggers to spawn that much!
Morale: 5 I might be so wrong, but it will make your planets grow more folks, which will bring more money in turn, ward attacks more against transports should it occur(not that you want this anyway) since more folks...
Economic: 6 You can always use more BC, you never get to many of them...
All ship combat oriented skill: 1 Why put them better combats skills when you can produce more with more in military production and 2 ships will own 1 similar ship with a few more abilities...
All troops combat skills: 2 slightly better then above, but I rather have more ship and ward off the landing of troops on my system, no?
Sensor: 6 Information is power, very good to explore and also to spot an enemy before it is to late and you can`t outrun him or attack him anymore...
Luck: 9 ....I am guessing...I never take it...but only 1 point to have nicer questions at UP, to have better events, maybe less bad events, even if all is random...to change that randomness, even if no warranty, seem to me that for 1 point, it would turn VERY strong usually...yet...it is gambling and I hate gambling...I really don`t know...
Influence: 3 It is not bad, but it take a lot of it to help you, and most likely, if the skill is usefull to you, you don`t need it, you are doing good, it won`t help you in early stage, only when the game is well advance and if you are already strong...if you are weak, it don`t help you much become strong. It is like the old saying, the water goes to the river...(referring to money goes where money is)
So here is the resume...
Please don`t blast me, I don`t say I am right, I just say what I think, feel free to add your share of info, those that win at Masochist might wanna try to take those skills with less values to see if they can find a strategy out of that ****... :P Of course I don`t talk about government types, as they obviously would fall with their abilities...no? And, the score is only to be able to place them in an order...I must have forget a skill, I will edit it when pinpointed out...so many of them...
Speed: 10/7
Luck: 9
Research: 8
Military prod: 7
Economics: 6
Sensor: 6
Morale: 5
Social prod: 4
Influence: 3
Troops fighting: 2
Ships fighting: 1
PoP Growth: 0