I thought of some features that id appreciate to see in the next anticipated expansion pack including: ability to gain ability pts by assimilating minor race, ability to enhance ship stats by buying parts, ability to gain starbase bonuses with alliance and ability to improve ur charisma further by having more contacts with other race.
No announcement yet.
About The Expansion Pack
Expansion pack isn't in beta yet, they just released 1.05 to fix metaverse issues and it actually has some of the expansion pack "enhanced" governor code in it so thye are working on it. I believe it has been posted a few times on the Gal Civ site that the beta will start sometime in June and run through the whole summer. I would expect release of the Exansion Pack maybe August/Sept at the earliest. Plus it's free. There is an expansion sticky on the Gal Civ forum with tons of info.
I just thought of some change that could be added for a further improved gameplay
- New Ship Stat : stealth.
- New Configurations : [] space ship genre : stealth based, fire power
based, speed based, resistance based.
[] technologie genre : war based, economy based, morale based, influence
- New Galactic Features : nebulas, asteroid belts, worm holes, star gates,
comets (moving).
- Graphic Enhancements : ship in orbit, ship upgrade, starbase type, layers
- Unit Technologies : alloy, fire power, reactor, shield, special (piercing
projectile, reflecting shield).
- Spy Options : steal technologies, steal money, sabotage, corrupt senat,
kill leader (expensive).
- Trade Blockades
- Mining Colonies
- Event Preference Configuration
- Planetary Immigration
- Space Pirates
- Technology Based Events
- Make Unique Technology Untradable
- Technology Gain Based on Events (unique ship or improvement)
- Plagues (stop trading with the affected race to avoid this)
Well, here's a few other suggestions
-Map Editor (With Scenario Builder Capabilities [the ability to set objectives])
-Campaign Game
This way there would be more of a sense of accomplishment and replayability about the game-->Visit CGN!
-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
And it would really create a modding communitybecause we all know how many talented CTP2 and Civ II/III Modders we have here
it might persuade some of them to buy another 'space civ' game... once that, unlike alpha centauri... would be EASY to create a scenario for-->Visit CGN!
-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944