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Tiny masochistic walkthrough.

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  • Tiny masochistic walkthrough.

    Tiny masochistic walkthrough v1.01 (patch 1.04).

    Time to win: 1,5 hours

    Starting conditions:
    5 Incredible AI. Pure good - Torian, Acrean, Dreign. Pure Evil – Altarian, Yor. (Not really sure about that, i played only with 5 pure evil before, so it’s just a suggestion).
    Tiny, Rare, Tight Clusters
    +1 Speed (double transport speed), +2 Soldiering (for conquering planets), War Party (+50% HP), +30% Weapons

    You need a total of 2 or 3 planets 14+ at the start (including your homeworld).

    Check everyone respawns at the start. You need 2 Major Civs in adjacent sectors to rush them. Better to rush Dreign IMHO first. Or try to rush comp with 2 planets if it’s near you. Comp with 3 planets may get a battleaxe, so it's a matter of luck to rush it.

    Most important thing: keep morale 100 at all planets every turn before you’ll have ~8000 total population. Use propaganda as need (but it’s lest cost-efficient than taxes, so it’s good to use on only maybe up to 1/3 of the planets).

    “Turn 1”: Military 100%, Spending 100%, Taxes so morale is 100 at the planet. If you see 14+ planet near you, colonize it with second colony ship, fist moves to a biggest group of stars in the sector there are no majors. For survey ship, first priority is weapons (to get attack bonuses), second priority is to view all major (and minor too, but that’s not that important) planets – to choose undefended ones.

    “Turn 3”: Adjust spending so colony ship still builds on next turn, but redirect some excess spending from production to research.
    If you colonized all starting worlds, go “If you colonized all starting planets”. Else, go “Research to transports” for a while till you’ll colonize all starting planets.
    “Research to transports”: Select building constructor at all planets (do this on your new planets too) – so you don’t build a colony ship etc. during research. First priority – research, second - ships. So set 100% spending to research, but if you see that tech will be completed in next turn, redirect some to second priority task (in this case – ships, that’s why you need to build constructors everywhere – you don’t need colony ships etc. – you need transports then you’ll get a tech). Tech order – Propulsion Theory, Cold Fusion, Impulse Drive.

    “If you colonized all starting planets”: First priority – social (100% spending), second – research. Build Soil Enhancement and Entertainment Network. Redirect excess funds as above. You need to build buildings in the same time at all planets to minimize “wasting resources issue”. Then you completed these 2 buildings on all planets, go to plan “Research to transports”.

    “Preparation to rush”: First priority – research, second - ships. Tech order – Weapons Theory, Phasers. Build transports on all planets where you have ~1000 population. Don’t forget that you need to rush as fast as possible, but you still need population for later warfare. So keep at least 500 pop on planets and move transports to a first victim – major civ (transports are slower than Star Fighters). 2 transports with 1000 pop is more than enough to win vs. first victim. I suggest to use like 800 population on both transports. After that, build Star Fighters everywhere (like 7? of them, they are going at the same target. Don’t forget to switch to transports again – 3-4 with 1000 population – 3 to second major target and 1 to minor civ. Then SF again.

    “Rush”: Ok kill one major – that’s will be easy in most cases (if it have only one planet). Don’t forget about constructors etc. – it’s experience. Try to get exp. for Survey Ship first. Don’t forget about official battle simulator to calculate probability of success. Second major may be tougher – it can get defender(s). Don’t forget that if you’ll be unsuccessful to wipe all defenses in one turn, comp buys defender etc. and you may restart (or load game, if you feel it’s fair). Rush one of the minors with lesser defense. If you conquered planets that build tradegoods/freighters – buy tradegood to exchange them (and Influence) later for key techs.

    “Countdown to victory”: First priority – research, second – social (if any), third – ships (some transports or some SF to has not a less than 2 times slower military). If things are going smooth (no war), then tech order – Medical Theory, Basic Environment Control. Switch priority to, social, build Habitat Improvement. Tech order – Communication theory, Universal Translator, Diplomacy. Try to exchange Space Militarization (Defense Theory, Battle Armor, Deflectors, Space Militarization) and Energy Channeling (Defense Theory, Deflectors, Shields, Energy Channeling). Overwise try to trade some of the prerequisites. First check that civ has what techs (say, one has both techs, and one has only one). Tech order – InterStellar Tactics.

    “Shields up, Weapons online!”
    Now you have frigates and all galaxy are yours. You don’t need anything but frigates and transports anymore.

    Military tips:
    1) Comp defends really bad – it leaves planets undefended. So you can just declare war (give some other race declaration of war by you to this race) and wait near planet when enemy leaves orbit.
    2) It’s even better if you have some starfighters – stack of ships is really strong in defence, and comp will lose 1 ship for 1 starfighter.
    3) Comp defends transports, but it still makes errors and some transports may be less defended or undefended.
    4) Make only synchronized attacks if you can! So you need to get all forces you need in right spots and wipe major in one turn.
    5) If you are at war, and you can’t win on open field – this is not really important. Attack from behind – really you need to conquer plantes, not to destroy all AI fleets.
    6) Don’t forget about diplomacy – you may pay for a war between comps (~45 bc for 100 turns). But then you need to finish last assault fast after you’ll start it, because you’ll lose trade routes to empires you conquer, and you’ll have high military upkeep for frigates plus these 45 bc/turn - you'll be in negative income.
    7) After first rush, choose prey wisely. If someone starts a war (don't forget that coms may declare war to minors), this comp moves most of it's fleet to assault opponent.

    (This is for these player settings – 50% HP and 30% weapons, note that comps has different bonuses, so better to check it on battle simulator
    Starfighter 15/7/1
    Frigate 67/7/4
    Frigate (with shipyard) 67/8/5

    Enemy orbiting planet defends vs. human starfighter
    Starfighter 16/6/1 - att CTW 68%, 6/15 HP remaining
    Corvette 20/6/2 - def CTW 64.4%, 7/20 HP remaining, 2 ships to win
    Defender 31/2/3 - def CTW 50.4%, 8/31 HP remaining, 2 ships to win
    Battle Axe 52/5/7 - def CTW 100%, 45/52 HP remaining, 8 ships to win

    Enemy orbiting planet defends vs. human frigate 67/7/4
    Starfighter 16/6/1 - att CTW 100%, 60/67 HP remaining
    Corvette 20/6/2 - att CTW 100%, 56/67 HP remaining
    Defender 31/2/3 - att CTW 100%, 60/67 HP remaining
    Battle Axe 52/5/7 - def CTW 89.4%, 18/52 HP remaining, 2 ships to win

    Enemy orbiting planet defends vs. human frigate 67/8/5
    Battle Axe 52/5/7 - att CTW 52.4%, 16/67 HP remaining
    Last edited by Ellestar; June 9, 2003, 00:34.
    Knowledge is Power

  • #2
    Why don't you PM people who request them and only pass it to people with over a certain number of posts, like fifty or so. No one who was trying to steal strategies would be willing to post that many times just for a walkthrough.


    • #3

      How to delete posts??? It says that i don't have rights to delete my post.
      Last edited by Ellestar; June 9, 2003, 00:35.
      Knowledge is Power


      • #4
        Last edited by Ellestar; June 9, 2003, 00:36.
        Knowledge is Power


        • #5
          Tread at GalCiv forum - post there your Apolyton accounts please
          Take command of a civilization that has just achieved faster-than-light travel in Galactic Civilizations IV, the newest entry in the award-winning space 4X strategy game series. Explore the galaxy, colonize worlds, shape cultures, make alliances, fight wars and pioneer new technologies.
          Knowledge is Power


          • #6
            Done. Same on both.


            • #7
              Interesting read. I personnally miss the point of keeping this to ourselves, but I won't disclose anything outside. I play mostly tiny maso rare, and unfortunately some of your assumptions can't really apply there. I think that rushing to universal translators to trade for techs to get frigates first may work for that setting.
              Clash of Civilization team member
              (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
              web site and forum here on apolyton)


              • #8
                Last edited by Ellestar; June 9, 2003, 00:36.
                Knowledge is Power


                • #9
                  I'm also interested in seeing it and contributing.

                  Here's a contribution you may have not noticed:

                  On tiny/rare, there are always exactly 8 resources on the map.


                  • #10
                    Last edited by Ellestar; June 9, 2003, 00:36.
                    Knowledge is Power


                    • #11
                      As I said, Ellestar, your approach doesn't exactly fit tiny rare.
                      I finally managed to win at tiny/rare/maso 1.4. Whew! I made an alliance victory but could probably have won military victory by waiting about 10 turns to place my ships where needed. I had a few battleships but no battleship tech (thanks to the Yor, who were building battleships when I conquered their first planet).
                      Resources are indeed quite useless on tiny, except for military resources. A big military rating is what allowed me to win.
                      [edit for typo]
                      Last edited by LDiCesare; June 7, 2003, 11:03.
                      Clash of Civilization team member
                      (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
                      web site and forum here on apolyton)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by LDiCesare
                        As I said, Ellestar, your approach doesn't exactly fit tiny rare.
                        Hm but it's working pretty good. And it's quite simple.
                        Last edited by Ellestar; June 7, 2003, 15:04.
                        Knowledge is Power


                        • #13
                          I don't see why you are keeping it secret.
                          It is very anti social.
                          Sergey has published his guide on how he became No1.
                          " There are no scientific facts, only historical ones and they are all biased."


                          • #14
                            I don't say it is not simple. I say it doesn't fit tiny rare because the start in tiny rare requires special considerations that you don't have on any other settings. Here is the strat I used. You will find similarities, but the start is quite different:

                            Start 100% spendings, 100% morale, 100% research.
                            +1 speed is a must, +weapons too. The rest is as you like (diplomacy, research, trade, whatever...).
                            Get your colony ship onto the first empty yellow star you see. Chances are there are no other unoccupied yellow stars. If you can't land your colony ship, you are probably doomed. Now, your survey ship is a diplomatic vessel whose purpose is to find out where the other races are. Ail for Communication Theory, Universal Translator, and then for Impulse Drives and Phasers. Trade techs, or try to, every turn until you get phasers. When you have phasers, go 100% military, build 2 transports or 3, and star fighters. You will be building star fighters almost all game-long, as they are the best deterrant until AMM in terms of attack/upkeep ratio. Use your starfighters and transports to take an enemy planet. For example, someone you refused to pay tribute to, who happens to be nearby (in my case the Arceans). It's better if it's the Drengin, Arceans or Yor, because you'll want to gang up with good guys afterwards.
                            Once the beginning is done, you should rush minors when they no longer seem able to produce techs, or before someone else does. It is very important not to let any other race take a planet, unless they are at least close to you, or allied. If they do, make sure they don't take two planets, and pay them a lot to make war against the strongest possible opponent. Then it's a matter of taking down the bad guys without the good guys turning against you for lack of opponents.
                            I never built anything stronger than a battleship in my game, and actually didn't ever had battelship tech (just conquered a Yor world where there was a battleship being built). I could stay on top all game long thanks to starfighters. I obviously didn't use them much, except in the beginning, but they kept the aliens from wanting to wage war against me. Only once allied did I allow anyone to go ahead of me in military rating.
                            The tech trading part at the beginning is essential, so you need 100% research and some research boosts can be welcome.
                            Clash of Civilization team member
                            (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
                            web site and forum here on apolyton)

