I haven't played around much with the mod'ing side of the game, but a couple of the things you mentioned can be done already:
1) You can place starbases wherever you like, not just on resources. Just select your constructor ship, and click on the little button with the green arrow for "Build Starbase". Alternately you can click on the big white i button that shows the info and commands for each ship, and select "Plant Starbase". Once you place the starbase where you like, you can add on modules just like normal -- by running your constructor ships right to the starbase.
2) Only specialized, powerful forms of starbases called Terror Stars can move; the rest stay wherever they're placed. Terror Stars usually come late in the game, and have the power to destroy opposing races' planets. Pretty powerful stuff overall, but they're also fairly limited; down the road you'll no doubt end up playing around with them.
If you mean the starting abilities that you can pick and choose between, I believe you can modify those to your heart's content. Moders have set up choices that give you huge amounts of +economy or +planet quality. Of course, if you can choose it then the AI races can as well, as a rule. Also, most such "boosts" necessarily make it so that games played with those benefits cannot be submitted to the Metaverse for scoring purposes. Check out the modding forums here and at galciv.com for more info on all of that, as well as some of the other areas you'd like to be able to change.
Originally posted by Tassadar5000
Here are features I'd like to see: [...]
I'd also like to be able to place starbases anywhere, not just on resources. And I hear you can MOVE starbases, but whenever I order it to move...it doesn't.
Here are features I'd like to see: [...]
I'd also like to be able to place starbases anywhere, not just on resources. And I hear you can MOVE starbases, but whenever I order it to move...it doesn't.
2) Only specialized, powerful forms of starbases called Terror Stars can move; the rest stay wherever they're placed. Terror Stars usually come late in the game, and have the power to destroy opposing races' planets. Pretty powerful stuff overall, but they're also fairly limited; down the road you'll no doubt end up playing around with them.
I'd also like to be able to mod the game as to how many game points I have at the beginning of the game so I can create a superpower, or be FORCED to limit it. (Mainly so I can create a superpower