Hello fellow board members! This is my first post. 
I have played 4 games to completion at this point and last night I just finished my first game where I chose luck as a racial ability. Based on the results of this game, I think the Luck ability is far to cheap (1 point) for the benefit it gives you and is now a must have for me in the future.
I played the game on the smallest galaxy setting with all sub-normal AI's (gimme a break im still learning the tech tree as there are no in game helps with this monster). Fairly early in the game, my luck skill gave me 2 Lucky rangers (85 HP, 27 attack, 15 defense). The best unit in the game at that point was the battle axe and I was made an instant badass. It just so happens my strat for this game was to build a strong industrial base and build a large fleet with which to terrorize the other races. With the lucky Rangers and a few well placed battle axes and starbases, my transports were able to whipe out both minor races and the Yor almost immediately. The other races started teching hard at that point to neutralize my advantage. Battle hammers started showing up on the scene pretty quickly and I had to make peace and assimilate my gains.
Then, I had the event where all uninhabited planets in a 2 sector radius increased in planet value (by 16 points this time) and suddenly I had 2 30's a 29 and so many 17's through 28's that I had to pause from the game for an hour before I came back to shift every planet I had to colony ship production. In just a few years my population boomed to hundreds of billions. I then Tech'd real quick to Battleships (still pretty blind when it comes to the tech tree so I was making educated guesses as to what I needed to research to get to Battleships) and it was over.
Without the Luck ability, this game would have been much different and much much more difficult.
Is luck a must have?
P.S. How hard would it be to hyper links in game to show future techs and the way they branch out? Great game but someone really dropped the ball here.

I have played 4 games to completion at this point and last night I just finished my first game where I chose luck as a racial ability. Based on the results of this game, I think the Luck ability is far to cheap (1 point) for the benefit it gives you and is now a must have for me in the future.
I played the game on the smallest galaxy setting with all sub-normal AI's (gimme a break im still learning the tech tree as there are no in game helps with this monster). Fairly early in the game, my luck skill gave me 2 Lucky rangers (85 HP, 27 attack, 15 defense). The best unit in the game at that point was the battle axe and I was made an instant badass. It just so happens my strat for this game was to build a strong industrial base and build a large fleet with which to terrorize the other races. With the lucky Rangers and a few well placed battle axes and starbases, my transports were able to whipe out both minor races and the Yor almost immediately. The other races started teching hard at that point to neutralize my advantage. Battle hammers started showing up on the scene pretty quickly and I had to make peace and assimilate my gains.
Then, I had the event where all uninhabited planets in a 2 sector radius increased in planet value (by 16 points this time) and suddenly I had 2 30's a 29 and so many 17's through 28's that I had to pause from the game for an hour before I came back to shift every planet I had to colony ship production. In just a few years my population boomed to hundreds of billions. I then Tech'd real quick to Battleships (still pretty blind when it comes to the tech tree so I was making educated guesses as to what I needed to research to get to Battleships) and it was over.
Without the Luck ability, this game would have been much different and much much more difficult.
Is luck a must have?

P.S. How hard would it be to hyper links in game to show future techs and the way they branch out? Great game but someone really dropped the ball here.