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1st GalCiv Tournament

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  • 1st GalCiv Tournament

    1st GalCiv Tournament tread
    for more info, see

    This tread is for uploads and results, discuss things here


    Link to a save on this page

    Mirror of a save

    Also, you may want to see these discussions
    Take command of a civilization that has just achieved faster-than-light travel in Galactic Civilizations IV, the newest entry in the award-winning space 4X strategy game series. Explore the galaxy, colonize worlds, shape cultures, make alliances, fight wars and pioneer new technologies.

    Take command of a civilization that has just achieved faster-than-light travel in Galactic Civilizations IV, the newest entry in the award-winning space 4X strategy game series. Explore the galaxy, colonize worlds, shape cultures, make alliances, fight wars and pioneer new technologies.

    Everyone uploads a save of a last turn, so that you need just press 'turn' button and you'll get victory (or defeat) screen. Only one victory save per player. No 'just press end turn 10 times' saves.
    Then, reply in this tread and place a link to your save with any additional information. (In the "View Files" (Upload -> Click "View" button) page each file name is a link to the file. This is the url (right click and "Copy Link Location"(Mozilla) or "Copy Shortcut"(IE) to copy it) that you can use to link to your file.)

    Please don't post After-Action Reprots here before end of competition. Just write them in file and post it later or start another tread for AARs.
    Last edited by Ellestar; May 21, 2003, 14:13.
    Knowledge is Power

  • #2
    Scoring (for now, as long as there is no other suggestions)

    Everyone get temporary score of
    1) Cultural victory - Number of turns to win*Military Score (in statistics screen)
    2) Alliance victory - Number of turns to win/Numer of major races in game
    3) Tech Victory - Number of turns to win/(Number of techs researched by you / Total number of techs (in statistics screen))
    4) Military victory - Number of turns to win

    Then lowest temorary score in each category is the best, this player gets a score of 100.
    Every other player's score in this category will be equal to 100*(lowest temporary score)/(player's temporary score)

    So, we'll have different rankings in each category.


    Idea: 5) Cultural victory - Lowest military score
    Last edited by Ellestar; May 15, 2003, 06:53.
    Knowledge is Power


    • #3
      Alliance (most allied races+time)	
      LDiCesare	100
      russellmz	55
      Culture (lower military+time)	
      Snius	100
      Brab	40
      Vorlin	22
      Culture (time)	
      Snius	100
      Vorlin	76
      Brab	60
      Military (time)	
      Staffa	100
      NeoMax	44
      Tech (time+no tech trade)	
      Starvald	100
      MPC220		94
      Tech (time)	
      MPC220		100
      Starvald	91
      Last edited by Ellestar; June 3, 2003, 12:52.
      Knowledge is Power


      • #4
        Here's a link to my winning game, 1 turn before cultural victory (if the game state saves correctly):

        If the game state doesn't save correctly then 'end turn' might have to be hit 12 times.


        • #5
          Ok, here's mine:


          • #6
            OK here's my file. After noticing that these two had won by culture, I decided to win by tech. That's what I prefer anyways.....

            I hope this works and you can access this file....
            Attached Files


            • #7
              Here is mine, again a cultural victory (but as the aar will make clear, I aimed for it). Tech just takes too long ...

              By the way, I tried the save ... And one needs to hit "turn done" and skip several times. (basically to get in turns + 2 or something like that).
              The hacker: someone who figured things out and made something cool happen.


              • #8
                Starvald, you need to include the "gotm may starvald" directory, which is also in the savegames directory. Good idea to add a .txt with a short description.


                • #9
                  Here's my entry. A 660 point military victory taking out the ever powerful Torian/Altarian alliance in the end. Since most have posted culture victories so far, I decided to go military. It took me longer than it should have and would have had I paid closer attention to the guidelines for scoring. I could have won this with battleships perhaps even with battlehammers/frigates but I hate building those now.

                  An interesting game. The Altarians got a precursor Ranger early(before I had dreads and maybe even before I had battleships) but didn't do much with it. The Drengin and Yor never really got off the ground and that was surprising to me(for the Drengins). The Arcaens were a factor early simply because they had the most systems in the land grab(besides me). There was an economic boom and a research boom and both occurred when I had things in hand. The Torians still had a huge military lead over me but the writing was on the wall.

                  The difficulty level was lower than I've been playing but it was refreshing. The resources were a snap to get except for the last couple. This is a good first challenge. I think medium is the way to go for future challenges. I usually play tiny or gigantic now but I liked the medium map.

                  Here's the link:


                  • #10
                    Whoops! Sorry about that. That's what I get for being up so late, and for using an unfamiliar zip program! You know I thought it uploaded a liitle quick!

                    Thought I'd try it the way we're meant to do it this time. Hope this works!


                    • #11
                      i posted my zip file as russellmz-GOTMsave2

                      i had problems getting the folder path to save. so when you unzip you have to get the "GOTM save2.sav" and make a folder named "GOTM save2" and put the save file outside there. sorry about that, but it should not be hard to get the one file out and make a folder... plus in the game i had an alliance victory but after capturing the last planet i had the cultrual conquest screen. the alliance vic video did play though.

                      email me if there are any problems.

                      aar soon to be written...
                      Last edited by russellmz; May 19, 2003, 01:17.


                      • #12
                        Here's my tech win. Hopefully it isn't too late.


                        • #13
                          Military victory.
                          Yor was defeated by the Torian and surrended to Drengin, and Dregin to Arcean, and Arcean to me.
                          The Torian and Altarian alliance was never military stronger than me. War broke out accidently after I invaded Fundamentalist, a minor race which was allied with Torian. I didn't know this beforehand. And Torian was allied with Altarian. So it was a chain reaction. Although the graph told that Torian was a military equal to me, it was fortunate that its main force was composed of frigates, while mine was dreadnoughts. I could have won a cultural victory earlier when a tempory peace treaty was signed, but I decided to push them to the ends.
                          Attached Files


                          • #14

                            heres mine i lost
                            --Ichi Maru the Old NewType


                            • #15

                              I (obviously) took my time.
                              Clash of Civilization team member
                              (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
                              web site and forum here on apolyton)

