How can I place a starbase on a trade route and get bonuses. Is there anything that will tell that this starbase is on a trade route?
How can I protect my freighters? Do I need ships in each sector?
How can I keep "companies" from shutting down trade routes?
When I am in the diplomacy screen, is there any point where the race I am trying to bargain with will make a counter offer?
What are influence points worth for trade? just a ball park figure.
Are trade goods really worth anything?
Has any tried lowering taxes right before elections the raising them right after?
How can I protect my freighters? Do I need ships in each sector?
How can I keep "companies" from shutting down trade routes?
When I am in the diplomacy screen, is there any point where the race I am trying to bargain with will make a counter offer?
What are influence points worth for trade? just a ball park figure.
Are trade goods really worth anything?
Has any tried lowering taxes right before elections the raising them right after?