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Another silly question...

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  • Another silly question...

    Once again, I don't have the game yet (done school in one week!), but I'm curious about something: are 'reasonable' planets only present around yellow stars? I've also heard of purple stars, and there appear to be other colours on the maps. Anyone, anyone?

  • #2
    I guess that depends on what you call reasonable. I have not seen planets above 15 on other than yellow so far. That does not mean that much, but you asked.


    • #3
      I've seen them around other star types; purple, orange, and green. I've never seen a good one around a white star. The yellow ones just have a better chance of habitalbe planets.


      • #4
        I've also seen good planets around any kind of star. Yellow is a guarantee there will be a class 15 or better. Others are a crap shoot. In my current game I have found class 15 or better on the purple, orange, green and blue stars and a 14 on a white start (easily upgraded). Last game I played there was a 15 around a white star and I got an event (worms I think) that made it a 19 when I settled.

        You can of course increase the number of class 15 or greater in the settings for the game. Depends what kind of game you want to play.

        Moral of the story, check them all!


        • #5
          Cool, thanks alot bonscott. I had no idea that yellow guarenteed 15 or greater!


          • #6
            Guarantee's a strong word but I wholeheartedly agree that you should check them all.

