Seems like we don´t have a thread yet, although the game is already in Beta.
The official game site is here:
It is, after almost a decade, the next iteration of Mechwarrior ... this time not from Microsoft, but from Piranha Games and (unlike the last iterations of MW), for most parts true to the rules of the Battletech Tabletop.
They are currently (for a short time) offering Founder packages for 30, 60 and 120$, which include access to the closed Beta, a certain amount of in game money (with which one can buy additional mechs), 1-3 months of Premium (giving +50% C-Bills and XP per match) and (the 2 more expensive packages 1 or 4 founder mechs (standard models of Atlas, Jenner, Catapult or Hunchback, but with 25% more C-Bills gained if the mech is used in battle).
While the NDA keeps me from telling stories about the closed Beta, there are fortunately enough official vids, which illustrate gameplay
(more here: )
The game (when it is finally released) will be F2P, enabling you to earn C-Bills via battles, which then can be used to buy mechs (and customize them) and will also have your Mechpilot gaining experience, which he then can use to unlock capabilities that allow him to better use his mech.
(You also can buy Mechwarrior Credits via RL money, which then can be used instead of C-Bills to buy mechs)
It plays in the Inner Sphere in the year 2049 (last years of the reign of Archon Melisa Steiner-Davion and before the arrival of the Clans), meaning that you have Battlemechs with Star League technology, but no CLan tech whatsoever and has 1 RL year = 1 Game year, so it will be a couple of years, till the Clans invade the IS
The official game site is here:
It is, after almost a decade, the next iteration of Mechwarrior ... this time not from Microsoft, but from Piranha Games and (unlike the last iterations of MW), for most parts true to the rules of the Battletech Tabletop.
They are currently (for a short time) offering Founder packages for 30, 60 and 120$, which include access to the closed Beta, a certain amount of in game money (with which one can buy additional mechs), 1-3 months of Premium (giving +50% C-Bills and XP per match) and (the 2 more expensive packages 1 or 4 founder mechs (standard models of Atlas, Jenner, Catapult or Hunchback, but with 25% more C-Bills gained if the mech is used in battle).
While the NDA keeps me from telling stories about the closed Beta, there are fortunately enough official vids, which illustrate gameplay
(more here: )
The game (when it is finally released) will be F2P, enabling you to earn C-Bills via battles, which then can be used to buy mechs (and customize them) and will also have your Mechpilot gaining experience, which he then can use to unlock capabilities that allow him to better use his mech.
(You also can buy Mechwarrior Credits via RL money, which then can be used instead of C-Bills to buy mechs)
It plays in the Inner Sphere in the year 2049 (last years of the reign of Archon Melisa Steiner-Davion and before the arrival of the Clans), meaning that you have Battlemechs with Star League technology, but no CLan tech whatsoever and has 1 RL year = 1 Game year, so it will be a couple of years, till the Clans invade the IS
