ALSo 4 crashed too much
No announcement yet.
There WILL be a SimCity 5
Originally posted by England (DoB) View PostALSo 4 crashed too much
I cannot remember even a single time that 4 crashed for meTamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"
Originally posted by Proteus_MST View PostI have read differing acounts with regards to "always online"...
in one it says that you only have to be online if you want to sell/buy resources to some kind of "global market"
and that aside from this, you only have to login at your (first?) start
Maybe we´ll get clearer informations oer the next weeks...
one thing seems to be absolutely clear however ...
Origin has to be installed and you need an Origin account (even if you don´t buy it via Origin)
(well, everytime I hear "Origin" I have to think about the holy book of the Ori in SG-1 and about the fact that the Ori were the biggest evil in the Stargate universe)
Graffiti in a public toilet
Do not require skill or wit
Among the **** we all are poets
Among the poets we are ****.
Originally posted by Adagio View PostThere's a trailer on their website and probably some information... didn't read it yet lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.
Norwegian preview, google translated:
Sneak Peek: SimCity
We guide you around the Sim City. PC
Magnus Skumsrud Andersen , Today, 3:48 p.m., loading comments
LONDON ( There is a clear signal Maxis gives us in what they choose to call the fifth edition of the classic SimCity series of SimCity. Without any numbers. It has just been such a long time ago that Maxis SimCity 4 felt it was time for a reset. We went to check on this reset also meet the criteria for other similar breiale words, regeneration, re-launch, reincarnation or revolution.Town.
Whatever it is clear that Maxis has a number of new elements and ideas for the not yet born, and thus far from finished bysimulatoren. Demonstration we saw was of a type which only showed mechanics and features, not graphics, without for that reason is little doubt that the visuals are of tip top quality when the time comes.
Find a Friend
One of hovedmekanikkene in the new SimCity is a new online multiplayer mode in which a certain number of players can run their own city in a limited region. Just how many players it will be by region are still unclear, but Maxis' Brett Berry estimates that it will be somewhere between 12 and 20 He points out that it is still a focus they have to not pack too many people too close together, as it may prevent the close relationship the towns should have with each other.
It is not longer so that each player operates within its own little world, or as Berry himself puts it: "We will not bubble up inside." Thus, it is time for something I get the impression of being an advanced system for both competition and cooperation between players without elaborated what this entails. The idea is that cities that are close to each other both act and react on each other's decisions. Too bad for you, for example, the tourist town located near the polluting coal power range of the Fabian Stang's evil twin brother. Then it must be negotiated.
If the said coal baron regrettably are affected by a natural disaster, could choose to help out if you are properly laid out - or you can negotiate a deal that could be beneficial for the tourism industry you base your city at: guy gets help if he, for example, limits emissions that are constantly sweeping in the tourist paradise of yours. Plus maybe a little financial shim. Such dynamic action / reaction ratio is a key element in multiplayer mode.
Anthill in the sandbox
SimCity also sets an entirely new simulation engine, Glass Box, which appears to be very fun to play with. We were shown a residential area in a small town where there was zero electricity and few jobs. Sims was natural enough not further excited for this, and it gave completely distinct effects. But instead of the trick comes in the form of some red numbers somewhere that suggests that the area is on the borderline slum-like, this will now be made quite clear in other ways. You will, among other things start to see the graffiti on the walls, you will see more police on the streets, you will see people demonstrating outside the town hall yours, and you will see people begin to move out. No red numbers needed. Everything happens in the game.
Promises, promises.
Each Sim has in fact its goals and wills, which changes for things like housing, job situation and the like. About the only thing you did was to build roads, Sims would naturally enough, just run around in circles, desperately letende for a way out because they did not have anywhere to live. If you link this road to the highway, Sims would run right out and to another city. However, if you have jobs, houses, schools and the like, your Sim will probably decide to stay. Their wishes, goals and wills is changed, in other words under the circumstances.
All this will happen uskriptet and dynamic, as the Glass Box ensures that all affect each other naturally. The simulation is thus moved out of the abstract world, and into the game mechanics. We saw an excellent example of this.
Dynamic Reality
Suddenly there was a suspicious car driving, spewing fire out of the muffler, and with flames painted on the hood. Evil laughter could be heard over the loud rock music, and it smelled trouble a long way.
- This is obviously an arsonist, constantly smiling Trusted Berry, Danny Zuko in the unknown half-brother ran laughing out of the car and into a building. No doubt we all thought.
Ustrategisk midsummer.
Unfortunately did not have that particular neighborhood coverage of the fire department and a fire station had to be made. When creating a fire station is no longer the case that the system change a number in a statistic somewhere, which automatically leads to better fire coverage for the area. No, the fire truck must be running out of the garage and to the appropriate event to have an effect. Following we saw a small fire engine with full sirens scramble to the house where a bunch of cute little, burning, panic Sims was already starting to evacuate.
Then apply it to have a nice flow in the road network, thus enabling emergency vehicles can easily get to where they should. Otherwise they have no effect. Too many fires and call-outs may in itself prevent the traffic. It is therefore easy to imagine the intricate patterns with regard to the effect / impact, since everything is cleverly together. The whole thing can quickly become wonderfully complicated if you wish.
Construction Mechanics
About one fire truck you have left on the station is busy, you can now upgrade and expand the fire station, without first having to demolish it to build new. You can add any additional garages, maybe a fire bell of the old school, or a fancy plate that had no further practical significance. Cool anyway.
This new building mechanics can also be used in coal power plants, if you need more power and do not want to invest in a brand new, expensive power plants. Then you can only build a few extra generators (or whatever it is coal use), and voila, you get more power from the same building. There is not unthinkable that the way to upgrade buildings have many uses.
City again.
Something else many SimCity fans have looked forward to a new system of road building. We were shown a new mechanism that finally allows her curves and bends to your preferences. There is no worse than dragging a line with arrow, as if drawing with a brush in the paint, and the road is made accordingly. Buildings and such worked out fine until the road.
One of the key priorities for Maxis has undoubtedly been to make the statistics and numbers legible in the experience itself. If the grass is yellow and smog are close, it is probably something in the way. Perhaps the massive factory site you have left the building next door has nothing to do with it? Is the traffic chaos on a certain stretch of road? Maybe it's because you have neglected subway net. Such things no longer be read graphs, numbers, diagrams and color codes, but by what happens in the game.
The new Glass Box engine also seems to give Sims more dynamic in their behavior. They have individual wills and desires, which together drive the city's development, and will not only affect but also act as influencers.
We got to see a game full of wonderful details in the known Maxis-style: For sale signs put up outside the house, moving cars come running when someone moves in, construction workers are working when the house is set up, and Sims acting as real actors in the city, with its own whims and wills.
A lot of new elements are also implemented, as the new veibyggemekanikken, and the ability to upgrade buildings. SimCity may all soon be a grand display of available complexity, and the game looks in all this seems to retain the distinctive Maxis-easy-going mood. If you do not already have scribbled "SimCity" with large, ornate loop written letters into the small, black-must have your book: Do it now.
Water system and pollution with "Glass Box" engine. see great
SimCity comes to the PC during the first quarter of 2013. We experienced the game at a press event in London. Travel and accommodation were paid by Electronic Arts.
Original: not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
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