So the NES community finally died here years ago, but elsewhere the fire still burns! We're looking to get more people in on a Historical NES.
Here's the background that appleciders set up.
Here's the background that appleciders set up.
A game set a few years after Alexander the Great's death. Historically the following century is very exciting; Alexander's generals vie for control of his empire and end up splintering it into a few large kingdoms that last until they're finally overrun by the Romans. As the Diadochi (Greek for "successors", Alexander's heirs and generals) battle for control of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Near East, an upstart Rome wars against and finally destroys Carthage in the Punic Wars after Pyrrhus of Epirus rampages through Italy, coining the term "Pyrrhic Victory" on the way. Though I'm trying to set up the scenario historically (with minor changes for game balance), players are absolutely not bound by history; an alliance between the Roman and Carthaginian republics against the Greek kingdoms in the East, for example, would be perfectly acceptable. I'll try to be true to history as I set this up, but after the game starts, everyone (including myself, as the moderator) is welcome to venture into alternate history.