Who here was saying it didn't? Still have nothing but ****ing problems. 
So I already owned Dragon Age: Origins through Impulse. They had DA:O Ultimate Edition on sale yesterday, which included the expansion + original game + all DLC for $5 less than the expansion alone. Even though I already had the original, I purchased this.
It downloads, installs...
Then it asks me to register. I get the cd key for the Ultimate Edition from Impulse, paste it in the EA Games registration thingy. It tells me THANKS! I've registered.
So I log in, and I don't have access to ANY content other than the original game. It wants me to BUY the expansion and DLC.
I poke around the Bioware site and try to register the key as a DA: Origins game explicitly. It tells me it's not a valid code.

So I already owned Dragon Age: Origins through Impulse. They had DA:O Ultimate Edition on sale yesterday, which included the expansion + original game + all DLC for $5 less than the expansion alone. Even though I already had the original, I purchased this.
It downloads, installs...
Then it asks me to register. I get the cd key for the Ultimate Edition from Impulse, paste it in the EA Games registration thingy. It tells me THANKS! I've registered.
So I log in, and I don't have access to ANY content other than the original game. It wants me to BUY the expansion and DLC.
I poke around the Bioware site and try to register the key as a DA: Origins game explicitly. It tells me it's not a valid code.
