Metro 2033 is on sale on Steam so I bought it. I haven't gotten far into the game yet but I thought to post about it since it's a game that went under the radar and some people here might definitely be interested in it.
The game itself isn't like Fallout. This is not an open-world game and it's not even an RPG. This is your standard, old-school-style linear shooter. However, it does a better job depicting a post-apocalyptic world and the depressing, survival aspect. Here are some unique things about the game...
Gas mask. When you leave the subway tunnels and go to the surface of Moscow, you need a gas mask. The gas mask is a very prevalent part of the game and you always are on the hunt for fresh filters which you need to change as they expire (which is why you need to check your watch) and condensation builds up on your mask. Your mask can also be damaged and have cracks appear. If a hole forms from combat, you have a few seconds to try to find a replacement mask.
Ammo is money. There are two main types of ammo in the game: dirty and pre-war. Pre-war is more effective in combat but serves as currency so you don't want to use it unless you have to. And you probably will have to.
Post-war weapons. The weapons are similar to Bioshock in that there are only a few but you can buy them modified during the game. They are also very obviously made from salvaged parts and look very cool and unique. There's a submachine gun with its magazine sliding to the right as you shoot it, which allows you to see how many rounds you have at all times. There's a pneumatic sniper rifle which you have to pump up and can overpressurize for a distant shot but it can leak air when you do that which could attract attention. There is a railgun that you need to keep charged with a hand-operated charger.
Overall, the game does a great job of conveying dread. It's tough to be in the ruins of Moscow with a cracked gas mask and a failing filter, hearing your character's labored breath, down to using your money for ammo, frantically charging your flashlight so you can search the dead bodies for a replacement filter and hearing the howls of mutant beasts in the distance.
I know I'm hyping it up but this is definitely a game that you should check out if you can get it cheaply.
Here's some screens. The fact that it's not open-world really allows the game to get a lot more detailed than Fallout.

And here's a video of early gameplay:
The game itself isn't like Fallout. This is not an open-world game and it's not even an RPG. This is your standard, old-school-style linear shooter. However, it does a better job depicting a post-apocalyptic world and the depressing, survival aspect. Here are some unique things about the game...
Gas mask. When you leave the subway tunnels and go to the surface of Moscow, you need a gas mask. The gas mask is a very prevalent part of the game and you always are on the hunt for fresh filters which you need to change as they expire (which is why you need to check your watch) and condensation builds up on your mask. Your mask can also be damaged and have cracks appear. If a hole forms from combat, you have a few seconds to try to find a replacement mask.
Ammo is money. There are two main types of ammo in the game: dirty and pre-war. Pre-war is more effective in combat but serves as currency so you don't want to use it unless you have to. And you probably will have to.
Post-war weapons. The weapons are similar to Bioshock in that there are only a few but you can buy them modified during the game. They are also very obviously made from salvaged parts and look very cool and unique. There's a submachine gun with its magazine sliding to the right as you shoot it, which allows you to see how many rounds you have at all times. There's a pneumatic sniper rifle which you have to pump up and can overpressurize for a distant shot but it can leak air when you do that which could attract attention. There is a railgun that you need to keep charged with a hand-operated charger.
Overall, the game does a great job of conveying dread. It's tough to be in the ruins of Moscow with a cracked gas mask and a failing filter, hearing your character's labored breath, down to using your money for ammo, frantically charging your flashlight so you can search the dead bodies for a replacement filter and hearing the howls of mutant beasts in the distance.
I know I'm hyping it up but this is definitely a game that you should check out if you can get it cheaply.
Here's some screens. The fact that it's not open-world really allows the game to get a lot more detailed than Fallout.

And here's a video of early gameplay: