has been out for about a month now. So anyone play it yet? Any real difference from the previous two?
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The Sims 3
I'm sure DrSpike is busy playing the game right now
I have only played it shortly and so far it's the best The Sims game.
Your options when building your house are great (e.g. you're the one who picks the colors/pattern of all items... the same goes for clothes), and you can angle your items
It's also nice that you can just have one sim visit another sim, while another one visits the park and another one stays home. No more loading screens. Not to mention that the world is finally living. There's no more the "Oh look, my grand-child's classmate is the same kid I had as classmate when I was young", now everybody grows, marries, gets kids and dies on their own
Want to earn some quick money? Run around town and pick up random stones you find, some of them are worth lots of money. If you're a journalist you can also go through other sims trashcan and find lots of weird stuff too. Or how about just stealing stuff? One of my sims was running around the city, after some time I noticed that she had stolen a HUGE statue
The game does have a a bit of weirdness sometimes though
In the game you have a boss and some co-workers (if you have a job). If you have a high enough level in the job-ladder, you can have a better job than your boss (the boss seems to have a level 5 job or something like that, while the max is 10)... kinda weird that your boss is doing the job you was doing some time agoThis space is empty... or is it?
Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
The building/character aspects for customization are pretty impressive and decently fun for a while like a sandbox. However the game itself reminds me of a MMORPG where you wait to fill up XP bars as time passes without any real input.Eschewing obfuscation and transcending conformity since 1982. Embrace the flux.
A featureful game, but I didn't really enjoy myself. I guess I hate being social, and this game kinda leans towards having that requirement in order to succeed.
Although, it's easy to laugh. I was out in the park looking for a girl, I happened upon a redhead, so how could I pass that chance up. Turns out she has a baby and living at the Single Mothers house! Ahh crap, and my moral compass is telling me I should do the right thing and stay with her. Bugger it.be free
I found it easy to be anti-social. I maxed out a medical career and was making like $1200 an hour, then I bought up all the property in town and was rolling in money. I adopted a child but she was too young when my main character died so it was basically game over. Haven't played since and likely won't again...Eschewing obfuscation and transcending conformity since 1982. Embrace the flux.
I also found it pretty easy to do without socialising due to the "Loner" character trait. Socialising at work was enough to keep his social bar full, and maxing out the science career didn't rely on having friends.
There doesn't seem to be a way to live forever, unlike in 2 with the elixer of life, although I am currently experimenting with life fruits.I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).