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New 4x Space Strategy: Aphelion Phoenix Rising

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  • New 4x Space Strategy: Aphelion Phoenix Rising

    Hey we are a independent developer making a new 4x space stategy game I believe everyone here would be interested in. Here is the lowdown on our game:

    Aphelion is a 4X(eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate) turn based strategy based on a distant future. It features six distinct alien factions, pitted in a desperate battle for control of the galaxy. You can chose from six unique empires, each with their own distinct technologies, ships, units, strengths, and weaknesses. There are over 240 unique ships in the game. The game stays true to a pure turn based approach in all aspects, preventing the it from degrading into a reaction time based click fest when large forces meet. We use an unified system model, instead of managing each planet separately. This will help limit late game creep and keep micromanagement in check.. The game features a circular galaxy which has no corners and a black hole in the center. This will increase strategy, as player's can't hole up in the safety of corners, and results in more equal starting position for all.

    Aphelion: Phoenix Rising features:
    Engaging and complex storyline which unfolds as the game progresses.

    Dynamic technology trees specific to your race that change every game for greater replayability.

    Six distinct civilizations, complete with their own look, units, technology, and strategies.

    Dynamic diplomacy systems, alloying the forging of alliances along with many other forms of treaties such as trade, friendship, war pacts and non-aggression treaties.

    Engaging espionage system in which you can assassinate, sabotage, spy, and frame your enemy. This system is complete with repercussion in the event of disclosure of deeds.

    Spectacular 3-D space battles in which the outcome can change in a second due to a reactor going critical, or a boarding party forcing their way to the ship's bridge.

    We are a small developer, but that does not mean that we do not have big dreams. In order to get noticed, we need to make some noise in the game world. Please help by visiting our page on Gamespot so that we can be seen and attract the attention of a publisher. Thank you for you time, and feel free to visit our website or forums if you have more questions.

    Gamespot page:
    GameSpot is the world's largest source for PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, PS Vita, Wii PC, 3DS, PSP, DS, video game news, reviews, previews, trailers, walkthroughs, and more.

    Jared O'Connor

  • #2
    Last edited by DarkCloud; May 8, 2009, 18:48.
    -->Visit CGN!
    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


    • #3
      The game features a circular galaxy which has no corners and a black hole in the center. This will increase strategy, as player's can't hole up in the safety of corners, and results in more equal starting position for all.
      That is an interesting idea.

      It would have been nice if on your website you wrote more than just about the races.
      -So what would you say are the 5 best things about your game; what 5 things differentiate you from Galactic Civilizations II?

      -->Visit CGN!
      -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


      • #4
        Publish the release date...
        You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


        • #5
          Krill- we are about 2 year out, still need to finish the core game and then do 1 year of betatesting to polish gameplay and iron out any bugs.

          Darkcloud- yes we have been procrastinating on putting more info on, we really need to do it amoung other things.
          5 things?

          1. True turn based combat. Our space battles will be more modeled after Moo2 where its turn based. You can board other ships, reactors can go nuclear, different quadrents of your ships have differn armor/ shield levels. In general there is alot more strategy involved.I think people that play this type of game like to be challenged. Rather than the point and click style where the outcome is already decided before you start.
          2. The map as you mentioned the donut shape will change gameplay with no place to hide and starting points not having a huge strategic advantage over others. Granted large systems and artifacts that can be found still can give you a decent starting advantage over someone else.
          3. We suport multiplayer. This was put in from the beginning. The computer treat each player equally and runs their own thread being them a AI or a player. GC2 lacked multiplayer.
          4. Ground combat. Our game has a decent model for ground combat where you create units beforehand through barracks and building, or recruit them from the population. There is a wide range of unit and the battles shoudl be quite rewarding. We also made it to were they shouldn't last over 1 min, that way they will not drag down gameplay. Should be quite violent.
          5.Faction specific content. Each faction has their own interface, tech tree, spaceships (over 240 in the game not including random space ships attacking people), groundunits, spys and objective. This should should increase replayability.
          5 is to small.. have to do a 6th.
          6. our game follows Birth of a Federation the system model. You do not manage individual planets. You manage systems as a whole. This I feel work alot better than the GC2 or MOO2 approach as in the late game managing that many planets becomes a huge headache and slows down gameplay hugely. Still there is a ton of things to do per system and you can terraform planets as your technology advances enough, making systems larger.

          If you have any other questions, feel free to ask

          Jared O'Connor
          Wyvern Studios


          • #6
            Statis update:
            We have Entered the 2009 Intel Level Up Contest. Winning this contest would go along ways to gaining a publisher for our game as some of the judges for this contest are: Sid Meier (Civilization, Railroad Tycoon, Pirates), Will Wright (Spore, Sims, Sim City), and Brad Wardell (Galactic Civilizations, Sins of a Solar Empire). Winners of any of the categories get a invite to the 2009 and 2010 Game developers Conferences to pitch their game.

            Contest site:
            If you would like too see our game out sooner please register and vote, It will only take a moment of your time and every vote will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support and have a great day!

            Jared O'Connor

            P.S. Since i've recieved feedback that the intel site is hard to navigate, i'm adding a link for the registration.
            Last edited by gorgse; June 8, 2009, 21:44.


            • #7
              I fail to see how this will be better than SE4, but perhaps they can replicate that game play matched with modern graphics like SE5 was supposed to do but miserably failed at.
              "The DPRK is still in a state of war with the U.S. It's called a black out." - Che explaining why orbital nightime pictures of NK show few lights. Seriously.


              • #8
                Jared, thank you for the list and good luck in the contest.
                -->Visit CGN!
                -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944

