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Spore:gameplay in dribs and drabs

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  • Spore:gameplay in dribs and drabs

    so with the second x pack it looks like they have actually decided to add some gameplay. I think I will wait until the special that includes the basic game plus 4 xpacks is released, as inevitably it will be.

    I'm actually rather excited to be able to take my Spore creations and do something a bit more game-like with them this spring, sharing Crecente's opinion that, while each of the game's stages was entertaining, they weren't particularly deep. I'm just a bit tickled that superior alien species can't come up with a…
    "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber

  • #2
    I don't know - everytime i see something of Spore it just leaves me a little cold, they dropped the ball big time i think and it might be difficult to pick it back up? although it did sell ok(but not as well as hoped, atleast by EA from their comments on that). I guess for me it's just another PC 'nearly' game

    although i may end up picking up the "super duper gold complete" version when that comes around(and has the silly install restrictions lifted etc). maybe.

