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Tomb Raider type games?

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  • Tomb Raider type games?

    A friend of mine convinced me to rent the Tomb Raider Underworld game.

    See, I really enjoyed the original Tomb Raider, hated the second, and hadn't played a thing since.

    These are game both my wife and I enjoy playing.

    As such, Uncharted last year was a favorite in the household, as it captured some of that feeling, but even it was a bit too heavily focused on the combat and less on the exploring/puzzles to capture the full feeling. Still, it was easily the best game out as far as myself and my wife were concerned. (the kids were partial to ratchet and clank)

    Tomb Raider Underworld, the bit I got to in the weekend rental, anyway, seems to go back to the original game in terms of exploration and less combat, and was really enjoyable. However, the combat that does happen just feels totally off after having played Uncharted.

    So, my question to the good people here, who know a hell of a lot more about games than we do:

    What other games are out there of this nature we might enjoy? Are any of the other Tomb Raiders worth looking back at?

    We have an older PC, and a blue ray player PS3.
    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
    You're wierd. - Krill

    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby

  • #2
    IDK a whole lot about the platform genre but the new prince of persia came out. Thats more combat oriented than exploring probably.


    • #3
      Rent Mirror's Edge.
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      • #4
        another vote here for Mirrors Edge
        be free


        • #5
          I'm pretty sure you will like the new Prince of Persia game. Alos, if you have a last gen console or don't mind playing on your PC (best if you have a pad) the last gen Prince of Persia games, particularly Sands of Time, are really very good and stand out as quite unique games.


          • #6
            isnt mirror's edge more of solving platform than an exploring platform?

            Though Mirror's edge does look interesting... he'll probably like it. (i know i cant wait to try on pc)


            • #7
              I saw a mate play it - my take was that the game has nothing really beyond what the demo shows you. It's a great attempt to be original but the game just isn't there.

              Mirror's Edge 2 could be great though.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Zero
                isnt mirror's edge more of solving platform than an exploring platform?
                Yes, I guess you could say that. But then the same can be said of Prince of Persia and Assassin's Creed. There are no "move this crate to the button" type puzzles in ME, like Tomb Raider has.

                my take was that the game has nothing really beyond what the demo shows you

                That's true to some extent, but I think is a bit of an unfair statement. I mean, you could say there's really nothing to Civ beyond what the demo shows, just more new units and techs. Hell, you could say the same thing of Tomb Raider too, nothing except more levels of the same, beyond what the demo shows.

                That being said, I do agree that the game is not all it was hyped up to be, hence why I said "rent". However, I do believe it's worth trying.
                XBox Live: VovanSim
       (login required)
                Halo 3 Service Record (I fail at FPS...)
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                • #9
                  Mirror's Edge's demo didn't grab me, mostly due to difficulty with the controls and some issues with my colorblindness. (odd color scheme, that game) Some practice would likely solve both of those.

                  I have heard of Prince of Persia, but I thought the older ones were not on a PS system. (and I can't play these kinds of games on a PC) Which, unless you're counting an NES (yes, not SNES), that's all we have as far as older systems.

                  edit: On looking it up, though I see there's a whole trilogy I didn't know about there. Ah well, when you buy 2-3 games a year, I guess you're bound to miss a few here or there. (buy many more for the kids, though)
                  Last edited by UnOrthOdOx; December 8, 2008, 16:23.
                  One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                  You're wierd. - Krill

                  An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                  • #10
                    Sands of Time was on PS2/Xbox.


                    • #11
                      I found TR Legend for $5 in a clearance bin.

                      That should keep me busy for the Holiday break.
                      One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                      You're wierd. - Krill

                      An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                      • #12
                        I've been struggling with TR Anniversary. The control & camera system is driving me nuts. Movement is camera-relative and the camera leaps about making her near-impossible to control.

                        Every time she enters a room the camera position is staring at her, and I have to down-arrow to move her forward except I can't see where she's going.

                        She moves everywhere in great bounds and can't easily rotate herself (or the camera). I never had this problem back in with TR2.


                        • #13
                          It's not an authentic Tomb Raider game without screaming at the camera every 5 minutes.


                          • #14
                            I've played the first two levels of TRA and find it pretty enjoyable.

                            I didn't have that much problem with the camera.. I got used to it pretty quickly.
                            Indifference is Bliss


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by DrSpike
                              It's not an authentic Tomb Raider game without screaming at the camera every 5 minutes.

                              Underworld's controls were pretty good in the areas I played from the rental.

                              So far, Legends has had it's share of camera moments, and a few rooms where I'ld have to save and come back to later because the jump wouldn't go quite right the first dozen times.

                              But, we are SLOWLY going through it. Only play an hour or two a week right now.
                              One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                              You're wierd. - Krill

                              An UnOrthOdOx Hobby

