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Mercenaries 2

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  • Mercenaries 2

    I want to preface this with a couple thoughts:

    This is really not "my kind" of game. Not a huge fan of the sandbox games in general.

    However, I absolutely LOVED the first Mercenaries. Played through it once with each merc (3), then a couple games that are at different points after that.

    Thus, I had eagerly awaited Mercs 2.

    (PS3 version, FYI.)

    Mercs 2, in it's current state, lacks the polish of the first title.

    One of the things that made me play the first 3 times was to hear all the funny one liners that were unique to each Merc every time you got or completed a contract.

    With me selecting Chris Jacobs, and my boys each playing through with Mattias, I was sorely disappointed to hear 90% of the dialog for missions this time around is identical for each. Gone are the unique personalities when there was a LOT more potential to bring them out this time around.

    They do get unique one liners in random battle, like the first game, too. However, where the first game saved those for headshots, or especially nice explosions, Mercs 2 likes to deliver them for things like...picking up ammo...EVERY DAMN TIME. (I think that's a bug, because the comments refer to weapons. Think it's only supposed to be for picking up a new weapon)

    That's not getting annoying or anything.

    One of the worst changes is calling in airstrikes. The menu is familiar and everything, but this game, when you select your airstrike, instead of equipping the designator in your hand and allowing you to run about to get into place to deploy it, you have to immediately fire it from the menu. Best be prepared to fire that lazer or guide the satelite prior to the menu, and hope you don't have to scroll through too large a menu, either. (biggest I've seen so far is 7 items)

    And, you may have heard of the bugs. For me, they have been rather rare. I did fall completely through the terrain once, and have to medivac myself out. Most times, you get stuck, and can get yourself out by jumping.

    The storyline seems to be shorter than the first, but there is A WHOLE LOT MORE to do side-mission wise. My map (the roughly half I've actually explored) is COVERED with bounties, and I've only met 2 of the factions so far.

    Overall, it's fun, but not in the same league as the first game. With some bug squashing, it could get close. Doubtfull a patch will diversify the speach, however. I'ld be satisfied with cutting down the frequency it's triggered.
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    You're wierd. - Krill

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