Looking for some tips & tricks for the creature editor? This might help you a bit 
Paint like
Ever wanted to paint your new creature using the same style as one of the other creatures you have in your collection? Then you might want to try out the 'Paint Like' feature, which can be found in the Paint menu at the bottom. Clicking one of the icons brings up the Sporepedia, where you can select the creature you want to borrow the paint settings from.

More animations
The editors 'Test Drive' mode has a lot of animations ready to try out, but the editor has more animations "hidden" in the 'Build' mode. Up in the creature stats bad you can click on the icons to make your creature do exactly what the icon says.

Advanced rotation
When you have an item selected you can press TAB key to show the more advanced rotation options. This gives you more precision than when using the ball to rotate the items
Advanced limb useage
Want to add a tail split in two you can do it like this: First add an arm limb to the back of your creature. Move the first two ball points together and keep the third ball points split apart. Then remove the hand to avoid it looking like a misplaced arm.
You can also attach one limb to another and rip limbs apart using the CTRL key. Attach a limb to your creature, CTRL+left mouse click on the part of the limb you want detached to select it. Also by holding down the CTRL key when moving a new arm to your leg opens up the possibility to attach it

By holding down the ALT key while left-clicking (and dragging) on an item or limb on your creature you can clone that object
Different mouths
You can create different mouths by making the mouth very small, then move another item onto the same spot as your mouth. Depending on what items you add, you might have to enlarge them, to avoid the "real" mouth from showing.
In my example creature (called Jay) I have used a Jellybutton and a Nurple as a very weird mouth (when biting it looks like it uses these items as a mouth)

If anybody else have some tips & tricks, feel free to share

Paint like
Ever wanted to paint your new creature using the same style as one of the other creatures you have in your collection? Then you might want to try out the 'Paint Like' feature, which can be found in the Paint menu at the bottom. Clicking one of the icons brings up the Sporepedia, where you can select the creature you want to borrow the paint settings from.

More animations
The editors 'Test Drive' mode has a lot of animations ready to try out, but the editor has more animations "hidden" in the 'Build' mode. Up in the creature stats bad you can click on the icons to make your creature do exactly what the icon says.

Advanced rotation
When you have an item selected you can press TAB key to show the more advanced rotation options. This gives you more precision than when using the ball to rotate the items
Advanced limb useage
Want to add a tail split in two you can do it like this: First add an arm limb to the back of your creature. Move the first two ball points together and keep the third ball points split apart. Then remove the hand to avoid it looking like a misplaced arm.
You can also attach one limb to another and rip limbs apart using the CTRL key. Attach a limb to your creature, CTRL+left mouse click on the part of the limb you want detached to select it. Also by holding down the CTRL key when moving a new arm to your leg opens up the possibility to attach it

By holding down the ALT key while left-clicking (and dragging) on an item or limb on your creature you can clone that object
Different mouths
You can create different mouths by making the mouth very small, then move another item onto the same spot as your mouth. Depending on what items you add, you might have to enlarge them, to avoid the "real" mouth from showing.
In my example creature (called Jay) I have used a Jellybutton and a Nurple as a very weird mouth (when biting it looks like it uses these items as a mouth)

If anybody else have some tips & tricks, feel free to share
