Home really is awful. It's a trainwreck. Even the install process takes forever. It's "only" a 73MB download, then it asks to reserve 3.7GB of space. Then every "zone" you enter, it spends a minute downloading, then another 15s loading. Then once it's loaded, everyone is a "ghost" for a few minutes until it downloads their skins.
Then it's a sausage fest -- normally I wouldn't complain but the people who are "talking" here, it's an endless "LOl ur gay" type comments (painfully typed with a Cellphone-like keyboard) or vocal comments that are usually not understood but consists of things like "lawl you ****** lawl".
Then it's a sausage fest -- normally I wouldn't complain but the people who are "talking" here, it's an endless "LOl ur gay" type comments (painfully typed with a Cellphone-like keyboard) or vocal comments that are usually not understood but consists of things like "lawl you ****** lawl".