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Invasion TBS game

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  • Invasion TBS game

    I made an independed Turn Based Strategy game after hard working years :

    In Invasion you will take control of a young tribe and bring them up through the ages by expanding it’s territories, creating relations with natives and neighbours, harvesting and gathering goods, selling products you create and of course killing a few people in your way.

    I released a demo of Invasion and I hope you will like it.

    You can download from one of these :

    It is similar to Colonization and Civilization. Shortly Invasion is like their combination. I was a Colonization player 8 years ago. I affected from these games while developing Invasion.

    tip : You can produce cotton, tobacco, grape and fur at city areas. And you can convert these goods into cloth, cigar, wine and coat at city buildings(if you have built). Then selling these converted goods (cloth..coat) will bring you more gold then selling raw (cotton, tobacco, grape and fur).

    addition : Press ESC to close any menu you have opened if you do not do this you cannot continue playing. When any menu is opened game area freezes. I will add closing buttons.


    Please give feedback about game.
    Last edited by gumuso; June 12, 2008, 12:59.

  • #2
    Looks interesting gumuso, i do like a tbs and will take a look when I have a bit more time to burn. Good effort - you made a game


    • #3
      Haven't had a chance to try this out yet, but I would also like to throw my congrats to you. Lots of people ***** about games, some actually think critically about them, a few even go so far as to design them, but to actually build one? That's a rare step.


      • #4
        Anyone tried this?

        No offense my friend, just dont download until I know it aint a virus, again, no offense meant

        Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


        • #5
          Thanks for positive replies. It was very hard for me to finish this game. It took my years. Maybe I am not good enough at graphics but its game play and ai become really good. By the way after you try I wonder if anybody can beat ai even in easiest in Invasion Feel safe in downloading make a google search ext. This file is safe we are even discussed this issue in the topic I opened in off-topic part. I opened there too because anyone did not replied this topic for a long time. I want to see feedbacks of players so I opened a topic there too. You can continue posting about Invasion from there :

          By the way please report all technical problems you faced with in game. Like error messages you get, if you get any or suddenly freezing or suddenly teminating, ext. This is very important please give that kind of reports if you see any.
          Last edited by gumuso; June 11, 2008, 07:55.


          • #6
            Okay, tried this out last night...

            The Good:
            - great music
            - decent graphics
            - The interface is nice and clean
            - Unit graphics are very functional, meaning I can easily and quickly tell things apart
            - I like the strength indicators (the little circles) on the unit graphics

            The Not So Good:
            - Need more user feedback
            - By the time I have researched something, I forget what the benefits of the tech are. All I get is a popup to select my next tech. I would appreciate seeing a summary screen of the tech I just finished researching.

            - Need some indicator to tell me which civ a unit or city belongs to. Either some popup text on a mouse-over or an info panel if I click on someone else's unit or city.

            - More info, both pre- and post- battle would be helpful. How likely am I to win this fight? What happened in this fight I just had? It's not always easy to determine this info right now.

            The Unknown:
            It's hard to give any feedback regarding the AI, based on playing one short game on the easiest setting.

