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The Crysis Editor Sandbox2

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  • #16
    Me too - I always knew these computer geek types just use unfamiliar words to make things sound more difficult than they actually are.


    • #17
      ****, I say one almost meaningless line and you attack it with a billion swords? What for? I'm not going to outline my experience in game design just to fend myself against you. You know next to nothing about me Asher, yet you blabber as if you do.

      The point of that video was the audio. So your reply to it made you look ignorant.

      You are wrong about the editor, it is NOT like most other editors out there, it has more kick. I challenge you to name one that is better or at least on par with Sandbox2, and to save face, you may want to read up the manual a bit before giving your answers.

      Wiglaf, Apolyton's own Michael Moore. Glad to have you here contributing.

      Asher - you will never see him say "You were right, I was wrong." Like Steve Jobs in a way..
      be free


      • #18
        I challenge you to tell me what Sandbox 2 can do that Unreal Editor 3.0 or even Source SDK can't do.

        My reply to that video didn't make me look ignorant. I was at work and I didn't hear the audio (which I very clearly made obvious). And from the comments it's some random guy's ranting about the games, so it's not important. The important part was the video of the games. And CoD4 looked more fun, and is more fun, than Crysis.

        If you don't want people to "attack" you, then don't make absurdly stupid comments that show a complete ignorance of game development like this:
        The editor is so powerful, you can literally create any game you like... WITH GREAT EASE!

        It's worse than the **** I hear on latenight TV informercials, and just as accurate.
        Last edited by Asher; March 4, 2008, 00:43.
        "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
        Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


        • #19
          I agree that I exaggerated on the literally you can create any game you like, but I do that a lot, I exaggerate for the fun. But I am stressing my point that the engine can allow you to do a lot more than your typical editor. As per the example mods in development above.
          be free


          • #20
            [SIZE=1] My reply to that video didn't make me look ignorant. I was at work and I didn't hear the audio (which I very clearly made obvious). And from the comments it's some random guy's ranting about the games, so it's not important. The important part was the video of the games. And CoD4 looked more fun, and is more fun, than Crysis.
            You made a fool of yourself, you didn't listen to the audio, then you said CoD4 is a better game, when the guy gave sensible and good evidence that Cod4 is just another shooter, while Crysis brings something new and shows why it is superior to CoD4.

            I already knew this, but when I watched the video, the guy just convinced me even more how much better Crysis is to any other shooter out there. Yet you still stand by your word, what evidence do you have that CoD4 is a better game? Sales?

            It's as if I am Richard Dawkins and you're Christian.
            be free


            • #21
              Originally posted by FrostyBoy
              You made a fool of yourself, you didn't listen to the audio, then you said CoD4 is a better game, when the guy gave sensible and good evidence that Cod4 is just another shooter, while Crysis brings something new and shows why it is superior to CoD4.
              This is nonsense. I have played both games. CoD4 I have finished, Crysis I couldn't be bothered to finish.

              CoD4 is not just another shooter, it's the most cinematic and immersive shooter I've ever played.

              By contrast, Crysis feels like it's a tech demo for the engine and not a game.

              I am not "making a fool out of myself" for not listening to some inane YouTuber's rant on why Crysis is better when I was at work and not wanting to disturb others around me. He is clearly in the minority with his opinion, and even then, his opinion doesn't matter to me.

              On GameRankings, CoD4 is 94% and Crysis is 91%. And I'm of the opinion that Crysis was hugely overrated and reviewers on their obscenely high-end rigs were overly impressed by the graphics to not notice the vacuum that was the gameplay.
              "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
              Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


              • #22
                It's as if I am Richard Dawkins and you're Christian.

                Most Christians are more intelligent than Richard Dawkins.


                • #23
                  Frosty, you should check out some of the GDC presentations if you want to know how games are really made.

                  Of the ones I found most interesting are these:

                  Halo 3 lighting model:

                  Halo 3 data streaming model:

                  Halo 3 AI:

                  Halo 3 matchmaking algorithm:

                  Halo 3 Environment design:

                  Core Techniques in Shader Programming: (the authors of this seminar post a lot on Beyond 3D)

                  Highly Dense Foliage Visualization on Multi CPU/SPU Console Architectures:
                  TileTree Data Structure:
                  Probabilistic Approaches to Shadow Maps Filtering:

                  Valve's How To Go From PC to Cross Platform Development Without Killing Your Studio:
                  "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                  Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Asher

                    This is nonsense. I have played both games. CoD4 I have finished,
                    Now finish it on a proper difficulty level, you big girl's blouse.


                    • #25
                      I played it on Hardened, I may play it on Veteran sometime soon. In the meantime, I've got other games to play. Burnout Paradise, Bully, and soon to be GTA...

                      At some point I want to revisit Halo 3 (co-op with skulls) and Forza 2.
                      "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                      Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                      • #26
                        I'll let you off if you've done it on hardened now. Veteran is a better challenge but it can also be really irritating.

                        And I'd welcome the chance to crush you at Forza 2.


                        • #27
                          That's why I avoided Veteran. It was brutal in prior CoD games. The fun/challenge ratio was out of whack.
                          "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                          Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                          • #28
                            So in conclusion, you like games where they tell you what to do, I like games that let me do what I want.
                            be free


                            • #29
                              Where the hell do you get that from? Call of Duty 4 is a better linear game than Crysis is a good "more" open-ended game. Have you actually played Crysis -- aside from being a sandbox like the video shows (which gets old fast for anyone with a shred of intelligence), the actual game itself is very linear. If you're using Crysis as a case for open-ended gameplay, you're just as stupid as I pigeonholed you as being long ago.

                              "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                              Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                              • #30
                                That depends on your point of view.

                                When it comes to games with a story, of course it is going to be linear, but it is the gameplay that we are talking about here, the gameplay for CoD4 is of course linear, but for Crysis it is much less, because you are given more choices, there is a high randomness factor. If I were to play Crysis again, I imagine it would be very different to the point of almost not being the same game as I last played. CoD4, (which I have not played, but maybe now I will to get a better idea), seems to be as linear as any shooter has ever been, the only differential factor is the difficulty level, and really, that is kind of lame.

                                I believe Crysis did something big to the FPS genre that should be applied to most if not all FPS's in the future.

                                I also believe that FPS's should be as random, unexpected and unique as possible, CoD4 fails in this, it looks like a nice game, and it probably plays well and is very fun, but what is the replayability? Where is the sense of discovery? I just find it plain boring.

                                Randomness, chaos, choices, these things are important because it turns the game back to the player, the rules are given to you to decide, if I am playing a game where I am dictated what to do, where to go, then I am simply playing someone elses game.
                                Last edited by FrostyBoy; March 4, 2008, 21:39.
                                be free

