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Goldeneye 007 may come to XBox and Wii

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  • Goldeneye 007 may come to XBox and Wii

    Link here.

    Xbox Evolved Rumor Knock-out!
    Xbox Evolved follows up on some rumors about a certain Rareware FPS, gets info about the fate of the Xbox 360 HD DVD player, price drops for the Xbox 360, and more.

    by: John Olin
    February 03, 2008

    Goldeneye 007 = “Bean Project”
    So a few weeks ago Xbox Evolved reported on rumors of Goldeneye 007 coming to Xbox Live Arcade courtesy of Rareware. Since then, there have been enough petitions and sites out there doing follow-ups that we believe the rumor earned even more research and limelight. First, I must apologize that we were slightly “misinformed” on the terms of how the title will be released, but nonetheless we guarantee that it does not only exist in one form, but at least two.

    No, I’m not talking about a version for Wii’s counterpart to Live Arcade, I am talking about a completely different FPS created by Rareware using the same engine, and many of the same elements. One of our sources has revealed to us a few screenshots of the upcoming game, and the icon that you see for the game’s info in the dashboard is that of the PDZ Joanna Dark for placeholder purposes, but the games title is not Goldeneye 007; it is instead “Bean Project”. The source wouldn’t give much reason for this, but he advised it would be in our best interest not to post the screens online; instead we are opting to take them as what they are. They appear to be 100% legitimate, with the game looking very similar to Goldeneye, although some models, and other parts of the game are a bit different. The achievements for the game seem to fit also, one is for becoming a ‘00’ agent, another for ‘007’ and another for the now infamous silo mission.

    So why is Rareware doing this? Well essentially, if talks between Nintendo and Microsoft boil over, then they will continue with this. For now, Microsoft and Rareware are offering to allow Goldeneye 007 on Wii while the game goes on XBLA with no legal ramifications to either side with the catch that Rareware will have nothing to do with the porting of the game to the Nintendo Wii, instead Nintendo may outsource one of the many new “Wiiware” developers that are developing original titles for the console set to be released later this year. Microsoft and Nintendo have failed to comment on the matter, however an Activision rep did put in his two cents:

    ”We have nothing to do with a Goldeneye 007 game, I would think that is Nintendo and Microsoft’s deal.”

    We will have more on this story, and hopefully we can be playing Goldeneye 007 on 360 later this year.
    "lol internet" ~ AAHZ

  • #2
    Nice, but I doubt I'll play it through again.


    • #3
      Oh, come now... even with Wii-licious controls hmmmmm?
      "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


      • #4
        I like to waggle my wii-mote as much as the next guy, but it has to add something to the gameplay experience.


        • #5
          I've played Metroid Prime 3 which had a nice control interface.

          But for games like Goldeneye and the TimeSplitters series, I like that control method the best. Namely, there's a look mode, and then there's a "fine aim" mode where you basically aim as if you were in a 2D shooter.

          Maybe if you hold a button on your Wiimote, it stops the actual view from changing, and merely moves the targeting circle around onscreen?

          Oh, and I'm going to try to tempt you with an offer for me to play with your Wii-mote while you hold your slightly spherical Nunchuk attachment while we engage in Goldeneye's famous foreplayer deathmatch mode.


          Right, that's quite enough innuendo for one post, I think.
          "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


          • #6
            Considering that the PC emulator work has been done it shouldn't be that difficult. still I hope that they re-do the game instead of trying to port it.


            • #7
              It's quite likely that the Wii version would be a re-do rather than a port. First they have to iron out the whole Wiimote control (unless they're betting that the player owns a GameCube controller instead... which I suppose could happen). Once you've done that, why stop there? A full graphical update to improve the blocky 3D models and old 2D textures should be fairly simple.

              Most importantly though they have to get an online multiplayer mode going. GE007 was such a boon to the N64 purely because of its kickass MP mode. If they could implement as much MP flexibility as Perfect Dark (choosing weapons, allowing or disallowing body armor, etc.) that would be very decent indeed.
              "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


              • #8
                Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia

                Oh, and I'm going to try to tempt you with an offer for me to play with your Wii-mote while you hold your slightly spherical Nunchuk attachment while we engage in Goldeneye's famous foreplayer deathmatch mode.
                And I thought the Wii was a family based console.


                • #9
                  You didn't play games like that with your family?


                  • #10
                    No - you'll understand when you're older.

