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Old games

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  • Old games

    I'm on an old games kick. Currently playing Fallout 2 and BG1- using Easy tutu (BG2 engine running bg1 essentually). I wonder if I'll ever stop playing these games. I consider myself a person who enjoys good graphics, but some of these classics are still fun to play. I know the turn based combat of Fallout isn't realistic in any way, but it's fun. At some point gameplay trumps realism.

    The graphics are getting a bit dated, but still usable. You can still see what things are supposed to look like. .

    Another thing to note is the gameplay hours of these games. They just don't make games with that many hours through the main campaign anymore (yes I know you can beat Fallout 2 in 9 minutes, I'm assuming you play normally).

    Anyone else playing the classics?

  • #2
    I'm playing Dwarf Fortress, which looks like it is an old game.
    I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


    • #3
      I have a machine for old Windows and DOS games - haven't used it for a while though.


      • #4
        Originally posted by DrSpike
        I have a machine for old Windows and DOS games - haven't used it for a while though.

        I have ~5 or 6 CD's full of old games, which I install every now and then.

        Also, DosBox on this machine, for the low requirement games. I play colonize every now and then, for example.
        Indifference is Bliss


        • #5
          I'm thinking about keeping my computer around for old games. I was going to give it to my mother, but I might not . What I'll do is reformat and put windows 98 instead of XP. I'll be building a new computer next year (after I get a job)

          Although I have been able to install every game (I want to play) on this XP machine except Fallout 1. I seem to have some issue with Direct X. It says I need to install the newer version on the CD which is like 3.0. When I'm running something like 9.0c. Obviously it isn't newer.


          • #6
            I still have a number of old games installed. They don't take a lot of space, and it's nice to know that the old classics are just two mouseclicks away.

            I think the oldest one I have is the original Railroad Tycoon. It's quite something to start a game that starts by asking you whether you really want to play with VGA 256 color graphics or whether CGA 4 color mode will do. After the other setup choices, the screen goes black for a while as if the computer had to think really hard whether it wants to run this game. It takes about two or three minutes (though it feels longer) to make up its mind, but then the opening animation appears. This is the only game I could not install from its original medium because my current computer does not have a floppy drive.


            • #7
              I'm currently trying to complete all my console games, but I'll eventually return to Baldur's Gate and Fallout 2.

              I gave up on Baldur's Gate when I prematurely stumbled into one of the expansion pack zones mid game. I got utterly bogged down in a heart of dungeon, beat some wizard, but couldn't face battling my way through respawned monsters in an utterly depleted state - jeez I hate respawns. Anyway, I wish I had known it was an expansion mission so I might have actually enjoyed it instead of suffering an ordeal because I was not advanced enough.

              Fallout 2 I've tried to complete twice, but I just lose motivation. First time I lost motivation in the Las Vegas type town, the second time I made it to the Brotherhood of Steel base. One day I'll finish it.

              I also want to play through all the old Space Quest, Hero Quest games, which my current XP computer can play surprisingly enough. I'll never upgrade to useless Vista if I can help it.
              Last edited by Bkeela; November 24, 2007, 23:22.
              Voluntary Human Extinction Movement


              • #8
                I'm currently enmeshed in the Railroad Tycoon 2 and 3 series. Yum!
                "Pain IS Scary!!!"
                Jayne, from Firefly


                • #9
                  Re: Old games

                  Originally posted by Dis

                  Anyone else playing the classics?

                  I'm still enmeshed in an ongoing Daggerfall game(2-3 years worth so far).

                  Xcom is proving real hard right now as I've created my team leader and second in command, naming both after myself and my partner - so I want to keep them alive through the whole game. It might be impossible i'm thinking!

                  King of Dragon Pass has started to get a lot of attention after my partner managed to play it way more succesfully than I ever had(and she didn't even know the rune-quest system).

                  Super modded Morrowind gets the odd weekend play around these other games.

                  I'm also considering starting up another Crusader Kings game to better give LotM advice and help with his game....but really i'm hoping for an update/patch that fixes the crash in the new expansion. Time depending i'll start up CK again.

                  X3 was the most recent game I had been playing, but now that has lost out to Oolite(thanks Hueij!) which just 'feels' more like Elite. X3 is not a bad game, I guess I just want a new Elite to play.

                  I have a huge list of other older games to play fully:

                  MoM - only really started a few games on this one, i find it really hard, even on easier settings, especialy the combat.

                  Darklands - I've played this a few times and really like what i've seen. It's going to be one of those dificult to master games, but will be worth the effort when i get around to doing it justice.

                  Monkey Island 2+3 - played the first one years back on the amiga and still have these others to play to completion.

                  Grim Fandango - started this and got stuck fairly quickly, was also having a few issues with my graphics card drivers for this, so it was put on the back burner untill i could work that out.

                  Baldurs Gate 2+expansion - never started these but have both to look forward to.

                  Fallout 2 - was going to leave this until i could complete the first game and keep Dogmeat alive(which was proving hard last time i was playing).

                  Tie-Fighter - again I want to succesfully complete X-wing first before going onto this classic.

                  And many,many more. My cup runneth over in terms of truely great games i've got to look forward to. Old games are the biz


                  • #10
                    I'd love to play mom again, but don't really have it (though I might have a pirated copies on some floppy disks- but no clue how I'd go about installing that). The graphics might be a little too dated for me. I didn't play mom that much, and there are many facets of the game I have no clue about. I think I played an easy level and ignored many aspects of the game.

                    And keeping dogmeat alive is near impossible without some exploits. I have seen guys do speed runs of fallout1, you'd have to do something like that and avoid combat.


                    • #11
                      playing BGII with an evil party, trying to finally start on ToB

                      perhaps i'll jump into caesar 2 when finished, i wan't to conquer northern provinces!


                      • #12
                        I have MOM and MOO, but can't play them on my current computer. I'd install DOS-box but that insists on "emulating the full DOS experience," like that's a good thing. I don't love those games enough to wade through that kind of mess. At least Colonization still works.
                        1011 1100
                        Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


                        • #13
                          Fallout would be easy but for dogmeat.
                          Voluntary Human Extinction Movement


                          • #14
                            MoM is great. I played it a lot on my DOS computer.

                            I'd love to play RR tycoon, but I can't seem to get it to work, neither under dosbox or in the dos computer, I think my copy might be corrupted or something :-/
                            Indifference is Bliss


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Juggler
                              playing BGII with an evil party, trying to finally start on ToB

                              perhaps i'll jump into caesar 2 when finished, i wan't to conquer northern provinces!
                              I'd like to play TOB. Funny thing is I only played through the XP once. It probably wasn't the best XP (better than the BG1 XP though). Because I heard they were supposed to do 3 BG's to finish the story up. And the XP for BG2 feels a bit rushed. I'd rather they made another game. Too bad they didn't.

                              Often I do the original game and stop. I did a solo run through BG2 with my monk. I think he was like level 26 at the end of BG 2 main game . But I never took him into TOB. I keep meaning to do that...

                              But what I'll probably do is take this fighter/cleric into BG2 and play through there. I may use shadowkeeper to make him evil though.

                              What I'd like to do is truelly play evil (meaning low rep) and deal with the mercenary/guard attacks. I'm not sure how viable that is. And I keep meaning to take the wizards (cowled wizards I think they are) on by casting spells in Amn.

