in terms of difficulty, is it any more difficult than KOTOR? I like kotor, but sometimes it seems a little too kiddie in terms of the combat difficulty and the depth of role playing/dialogue.
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The Mass Effect Thread
Yes, it would be tremendous fun to play the game from the start, designed for L1, at L50..."The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "
It's not actually the entire time - but reports vary about how much of the game you have to complete (and complete with that ally) to get the achievement.
I was unlucky in that I chose a companion combination and mission order that made it impossible for me to get both ally achievements.
I had the exact same two allys the entire time and I only got one. I think you only get one each time."The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "
Something else I discovered near the end of the game: high explosive ammo + sniper rifle = win. The sniper rifle is already ridiculously good, and the HE ammo just makes it a death machine. You don't even have to hit the enemy to kill or damage them, just hit nearby. you can actually just blindfire at the little jumpy dudes and the area damage will kill them as long as you're within a meter or so.
When so many readers wrote in to tell me that I messed up my review of Mass Effect, I had to take a second look. It turns out, you were right. I was wrong. I owe an apology to you for writing a bad review. I also apologize to BioWare, which made a better game than I thought, and gulp, to Microsoft. The game play is not as flawed as I thought. I’ll leave the earlier review up for everyone to ridicule as they like, but I’ll add some new thoughts here that acknowledge the mistakes in it. My new take should help gamers who might make the same mistakes. It has taken me a while to admit this because I haven’t been free to replay the game during the holidays. But I have to fess up because blaming the developers for my own shortcomings isn’t something a respectable and professional reviewer, as I pretend to be, should do. In fact, I am a very part-time game reviewer, as it is a small but fun part of my responsibilities at the Merc. As Cassius said, “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves.” I really thought that my experience must be the same mainstream Mass Effect experience as everyone else’s, but it seems I may be off in the weeds.
This is as good a way to start the new year as any. Mea culpa. This is as colossal a correction as I’ve ever had to do. I tried out the suggestions for replaying the mission on Feros. And I found that I was playing the game without exploiting some of the fundamental keys to the game. The suggestions from NJ Mom, Mark, DontMakeMeLaugh, Maximus, Blaze Lord, Brian C., Ryan, Menarek, and others were all very helpful. Thank you for those recommendations. The only thing left to debate is my level of stupidity as a gamer who didn’t pay attention to the rules. Thanks to Slippy for coming to my defense but I over-reached with my criticism here. I still have beefs, but we’ll save that for later on.
The dumb thing about the way I played the game, as many pointed out, is that I didn’t make use of my Talent Points. I started the game doing so, but while on Feros, I didn’t pay attention to all the Talent Points I was accumulating after every encounter. Those points just sat there. They were waiting for me to assign them to specific character trait improvements. Without doing this, it didn’t matter that I was paying close attention to my inventory and upgrading my weapons as soon as I got better stuff (by hitting X in the equipment screen).
For those who overlook it like me, the Talent tree is visible under the Squad menu. You can look it up for Commander Shepard or your own custom character, or the companions in the squad. Each time a character levels up, Talent Points are awarded. You spend these talent points by increasing specific capabilities. I backtracked to an earlier spot on Feros before the Thorian boss fight. Then I looked in the Squad menu and assigned the points. For Wrex, I gave him better Throw capabilities. For Garrus, I increased his decryption skills and his damp ability, which is what I needed to shut down the Asari clone’s powers. This is actually a very fun element of game play. You can direct the growth of your own character in the areas where you think you’ll need it most. And you can balance out the capabilities of the rest of your squad to complement your main character. Yes, I know, this is what a bunch of people told me. It doesn’t take rocket science to discover this menu. It just took a reminder to actually use it.
A lot of positive effects flowed from this expanded repertoire in game play. My characters were fundamentally stronger. I could take out the Thorian Creepers with fewer shots. They did less damage to my characters. I didn’t have to go all out just to take them out. That meant I had more grenades left over and more health to power through each new level. Now that I had some extra powers to use, I went into the first battle with the Asari clone with a much stronger crew. I paused the battle by hitting the right bumper. I targeted the Asari clone, moved the cursor to Wrex’s capabilities, hit the “Throw” command with the A button, and then moved on to Garrus. I also targeted the Asari clone and hit the “Damp” command with the A button. Then I returned to live action.
Now the companions weren’t dumb combatants anymore. They could do my bidding at each step in the combat. The Asari clone essentially froze and I could now take it out with five or six shots. The Thorian Creepers were still a menace, but now I could take them out by simply retreating from them while firing, as has been suggested. By using what BioWare put at my disposal, I could do something other than run and gun. I could enjoy a more nuanced, RPG-style combat. And now that I could take the Asari clones down, I could reach the medical station and weapons station in the level and upgrade to new capabilities and get more health. I didn’t even need to turn the target assist on to easy in order to get through the level. No longer was I a lone Homer Simpson running around with a pea shooter.
After I beat the boss, which, indeed, wasn’t that hard anymore, I was rewarded with some cut scenes that revealed deeper parts of the story. The accomplishment of getting through Feros made me feel good and motivated enough to keep on moving through the game. I’ll do that and report back. I can honestly retract the part of my review that said the game play was totally weak. Should I have figured this stuff out? Yes. The developers didn’t hide the information and if I read the strategy guide, let alone the manual, closely it would have all made sense.
That said, here are some of the complaints that I still have:
The guns sound mostly the same. They shouldn’t. I haven’t used the sniper rifle yet so I’m not talking about that one.
The grenade is still a little tough to wield. The back button is not an easy thing to hit once, let alone twice, in the heat of a battle. Flying in a straight line? They should do real grenade physics instead.
The enemy AI is still really really dumb, particularly the Thorian Creepers, the Geth soldiers, and the human colonists in the Feros level. They make up for it with numbers. They often notice you only when they’re being shot. This still ranks as the most annoying thing about combat.
You can’t skip conversations you’ve already had. You can only do so much with the X button that people have pointed out. Like watching the Asari clone coming out of the Thorian over and over. When you do go up to talk to someone you’ve already talked to, you should get an indicator telling you whether you’ve already talked that person to death or not.
I believe that the general direction that this kind of RPG should go is toward more realistic combat. Halo 3 style play would be over the top. But something closer to it. That’s why we’re not throwing 10-sided dice anymore. BioWare has been moving down this path and I think it’s a good one. But if they make one part of the game – the conversation system – more cinematic, then they ought to make the combat system more cinematic as well. And you can still do that and have these cool features like freezing the battle and giving orders.
As for finishing the game before I review it, we’ll see. I’ve already taken one direction and reversed course and I’m nowhere near being done. I can’t make judgments about just how good a game it is just yet. But it’s better than I thought. Again, I have to again say I’m sorry to all those fine folks at BioWare and to our readers as well.
My last mea culpa? I played it for eight hours, not 12, like I thought. It just seemed that long without the fighting tips. Although I’ve offended a lot of you with my lousy review, I hope you’ll keep reading. I’ll keep working on doing a better job. I now know when it is OK to stand by a review, and when I have to eat my words. Happy New Year.
. I know that you usually don't have to have many credentials to review videogames but at least basic knowledge of how games are to played is required.Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try. -Homer
I've been playing this almost nonstop for the past few days. Incredibly immersive.
I've been a straight forward paragon thus far; what sort of changes could I expect from the game if I went all-out renegade instead?"My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
"The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud
You remember Kotor right? In essence the renegade (dark side) choices have you being a total jerk to almost everyone right from the start, and it's not as fulfilling as playing normally in my view. You can rationalise some of the ruthless choices made as for the greater good (because the paragon often risks everyone to save the few) but a lot of the time you are just needlessly being an ass.
As an aside I note from Asher's achievements that he played as a renegade.
My belated thoughts on the game
It is really good and I enjoyed it a lot. The main thing is the story is very detailed and this adds to the immersion. The voice acting is also top notch though, which contributes a lot. The class/skill system is intuitive and interesting whilst also being very accessible.
However, the game as a whole doesn't live up the (amazingly high) standard of the first 5-10 hours or so. The core story and missions are excellent but are only about 10-15 hours in total. A lot of the later game is spent doing side quests on non-descript planets and they do get a little tedious. In contrast, Kotor's sidequests were never boring.
I'll definitely play through again to try with the other classes, on a higher difficulty - but I'll probably stick to the main quests. All in all it is a must have game (pokes out tongue at non Xbox owners) but it falls just short of greatness in my view.
Originally posted by DrSpike
As an aside I note from Asher's achievements that he played as a renegade."The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "