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Gods: Lands of Infinity

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  • Gods: Lands of Infinity

    Has anybody played this game?

    Sins of a Solar Empire II: A Look at the Latest Updates and Enhancements   Since its Steam release on August 15, 2024,  Sins of a Solar Empire II  has continued to captivate strategy fans with its seamless blend of real-time strategy (RTS) and 4X ga

    Comments? Reviews?
    (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
    (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
    (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."

  • #2
    No, but i'm downloading the demo now so will post back any impressions.

    looking at most of the reviews it doesn't sound too promising, but maybe the developer didn't bribe well enough?? meta critic has a list of reviews to look at:

    Metacritic aggregates music, game, tv, and movie reviews from the leading critics. Only uses METASCORES, which let you know at a glance how each item was reviewed.


    • #3
      ok.........well it's not Morrowind! It has a sort of crude HDR Oblivion-like lushness to it's graphics. The graphics are very nice in most places, but look a little rough around the edges, but this feels very much like a budget game, and it is so thats ok.

      No third person view it seems - just the first person, so you can't spin around and admire your character in the game world, although it's possible within the character screen.

      What it reminds me of is less a first person rpg like morrowind, or even games like NWN/Baldurs Gate etc, but more like an old school adventure game, just set in the first person.

      The world isn't very interactive outside of the set path you need to go to finish it in. You can't open doors in a town to go inside a building, so in that sense the buildings are just backdrops. You can't find things lying around on the floor to pick up or examine(not in the demo so far anyway). And these kind of things don't help you feel like you are part of a real world.

      Moslty you just talk to people(either quest givers or traders) or fight monsters you come across(and get items from them in the process). So the gameplay has a restricted feel to it, much like an old school adventure game in fact.

      Combat is turn based, but don't expect that to give it any tactical advantage - it's done in a very simple way with your character and the enemies remaining static throughout and trading blows.

      Travel between places is done by clicking on a sign post once you reach the edge of your current area, and then clicking on your destination in the 2D map view that opens up. So no first person travel from one place to another as in Morrowind.

      Still despite all these negative sounding stuff, it's certainly worth playing the demo as they have managed to create a game with some charm.
      You wont feel cheated by giving it a spin and if you find you like it then it's a pretty cheap buy. They also have a better version available on the website for a few dollars more.

      I'd give it a 6/10(5 being average) overall from what I've seen in the demo.

      If you want detailed and huge Fps/rpg games then don't expect too much here.
      If you like something a little more simple or even those old school adventure games you might enjoy this.

      Oh and when the game installs it gives you executables to W98 and XP versions, so that may be usefull to some people.


      • #4
        (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
        (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
        (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."

