Originally posted by Kataphraktoi
So first the wii is losing to the 360 and then its making a killing? Which is it?
So first the wii is losing to the 360 and then its making a killing? Which is it?
Now i have not looked this up for myself, but im told MS's console game division has taken major losses and only in recent months managed to get a profit going and has yet to get in the black in terms of lifetime $. True\false?
I think it's very important to look at the big picture. Nintendo has huge profit margins on its hardware, which means huge profit upfront. Without a competitive games ecosystem, there's less profit to be made down the road. Nintendo may have the same number of hardware units out there than MS, but when Wii owners buy games at 1/3rd the pace as 360 owners, who will make more money two years from now?
This isn't even factoring in the issues of the Wii "novelty factor" and its aging graphics/sound/presentation as more people adopt HDTVs and prefer games that don't look like they're from 1999.