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Apolytoners' Hall of Fame: September 2007

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  • Apolytoners' Hall of Fame: September 2007

    -It's that time again, everyone!

    the main thread is in the Apolyton Community Forum.

    Hello and welcome to another edition of the Apolytoners Hall of Fame!

    What is it?
    The Apolytoners Hall of Fame (HoF) is a list of people who contributed a lot to the community here on Apolyton. For example: Xin Yu was inducted in the HoF for his incredible strategy and MP contributions to the Civ2 section, yin26 for his fantastic work on 'The List' with suggestions for Civ3. Every member of the Hall of Fame has made great contributions to Apolyton and the Civilization community - these people and their accomplishments must be remembered by us all!

    If you don't recognize many names you probably haven't been here very long and/or hardly ever post outside this forum - in that case this HoF might be a good opportunity to learn something about them. That is why this Hall of Fame was created: to remember and learn.

    Periodically, we hold a vote for the Apolytoners who we think contribute the most to Apolyton, the ones who make Apolyton what it is. The winners shall be inducted in the Hall of Fame and their names will live forever in the annals of APOLYTON!

    The idea for the Hall of Fame was born in late 2000 as an outgrowth of the old Apolyton Army and Apolytoner of the Season Contests, seeking to honor the people of Apolyton in a more meaningful and structured way.

    The first edition was held in the Off Topic in December 2000 over a period of 3 days and is currently archived. The first election saw Markos and Dan, the owners and administrators of this site, and the first 10 posters inducted.

    Since then, the HoF vote has been held roughly 4 times a year with 11-14 total members being elected every year. Up until August 2002, the vote was held only in the Off Topic forum - from that time on it has been posted in other sections (first in Civ3, later also in SMAC, CtP1-MP, CtP2, etc).

    This edition
    Welcome to the September 2007 edition of the APOLYTONERS HALL OF FAME

    (2 Members to be inducted this session)
    (Only 8 total will be elected this year)
    You have approximately 14 days to vote [Until 9th October).

    Please vote today and elect some of your brethren to join the historic Hall; consisting of such hallowed names as Adam Smith, DanQ, MarkG, Giant Squid, St Leo, Ming, Snapcase, samson, Locutus, oedo, rah, Alexander's Horse, and more.

    So now is your chance to decide: who should be inducted in the HoF this time?

    Table of Contents
    I Introduction Post
    1) What is it
    2) History
    3) This Edition
    4) Table of Contents
    5) Notice

    II Rules Post
    1) Rules for voting
    2) Amendments
    a) Purgings
    b) Posthumous Inductions
    3) FAQ

    III Hall Posting
    1) Hall of Fame Members
    2) Alphabetical member list
    3) Chronological member list (by date of induction)
    4) Chronological member list (by registration date)
    5) Information about the Hall of Famers

    IV Current Voting
    1) Current Standings
    2) Who voted for Whom

    POST 2

    1) Rules for voting

    Everyone can vote for 3 posters

    Registered In 1998- 5 points per vote
    Registered In 1999- 5 points per vote
    Registered In 2000- 4 points per vote
    Registered In 2001- 4 ** points per vote
    Registered In 2002- 3 points per vote
    Registered In 2003- 3 points per vote
    Registered In 2004- 3 ** points per vote
    Registered In 2005- 2 points per vote
    Registered In 2006- 2 points per vote
    Registered In 2007- 1 points per vote

    -You may not vote for yourself.
    -All 'frivolous' votes are thrown out.
    -Giving your vote to someone merely because they ask is considered a frivolous vote.

    No vote changing once you have voted for someone; unless you accidentally voted for someone already in the hall.

    You may only vote once in the hall of fame (for 3 people) IF you try to vote more than once ALL of your votes will be made void.

    Time Limit for voting is: 14-15 Days for this time.

    2) Amendments

    a) Purgings

    Members will be purged from the voting rolls if they received 0 new votes in the month of election. This allows the hall to keep up-to-date, and keeps it from having to reset completely every month. Thus, the hall worthy posters will continue to gather votes day in and day out because their contributions to Apolyton are timeless.

    b) Posthumous Inductions

    In the regrettable case where a popular member has perished, the Hall of Fame has the ability to posthumously induct him/her into the hall based upon popular opinion. The first class of posthumous inductees (December 2003) included such forum greats as Tazidude, and Scouse Gits(2).

    3) FAQ:

    Trust me, an on-topicer will never win

    What about Xin Yu? Velociryx? Darsnan? As long there is a will, an on-topicer will be inducted.


    The Hall of Fame is based on whoever people vote for, and as Lazarus and the Gimp stated so eloquently: "The compilers of this list cannot rule out the possibility of inductees being a bunch of utter ****s" Thus: please don’t shoot the messenger.

    Where is the Hall of Fame usually posted?

    Nowadays the main thread is found in the Apolyton/Community section, with voting threads opened and monitored right across the site. If you feel your forum needs a voting thread, please contact us, or post your request in the main thread.

    ”How long is voting?”

    Voting will continue for roughly 14 days.

    Why Do People who received no votes last time expire ?

    Their votes expire and they are zeroed and kicked off the list because they were not found to be interesting at the time of the last vote or two. This is done so as to keep the hall clear…

    This new process certainly keeps the hall current (a la Major League Baseball's Hall of Fame)

    It was recommended not to carry over votes at all, but will continue that tradition, because we don’t merely want “flavor of the month” posters elected. The persons who should be elected to the hall should have contributed to the site over a long period of time.

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to post them

    Hall of Fame Team
    Dark Cloud; Illuminatus; Paddy

    Gurka 17, People of the Valley
    I am of the Horde.

  • #2
    And racing into the September 2007 round…

    Rank.... Name.... Total Votes

    1 , loinburger , 226
    2 , Bloody Monk , 212
    3 , Grandpa Troll , 199
    4 , Kassiopeia , 198
    5 , Dominae , 195
    6 , WesW , 193
    7 , Buster , 177
    8 , hexagonian , 174
    9 , Molly Bloom , 174
    10 , DrSpike , 171
    11 , Blake , 162
    12 , Mercator , 144
    13 , Niessuh , 137
    14 , Jamski , 130
    15 , Hydro , 127
    16 , Techumseh , 126
    17 , deity , 125
    18 , fairline , 117
    19 , Dis [Dissident] , 115
    20 , MrFun , 105
    21 , Comrade Tassadar/Tacc , 100
    22 , PLATO , 96
    23 , curtsibling , 93
    24 , Sn00py , 87
    25 , joncha , 86
    26 , Tiamat , 86
    27 , Alinestra Covelia , 86
    28 , Beta , 83
    29 , ChrisiusMaximus , 81
    30 , Bongo , 76
    31 , Malevolent Light Eyes of Night) StarLightDeath) , 72
    32 , Illuminatus , 72
    33 , cavebear , 68
    34 , Alfonso , 67
    35 , vmxa1 , 67
    36 , jm_ruiz , 62
    37 , Chilean President , 62
    38 , Arrian , 62
    39 , LordShiva , 58
    40 , korn469 , 58
    41 , snoopy369 , 57
    42 , Ben Kenobi , 48
    43 , Boann , 48
    44 , Shi Huangdi , 48
    45 , Mrs.Tuberski , 47
    46 , GePap , 47
    47 , Martin Gühmann , 46
    48 , Sava , 46
    49 , Rasbelin , 44
    50 , Smacksim , 39
    51 , Gerar Dean , 38
    52 , Manolo , 36
    53 , CivNation (AKA DefensorFidei) , 35
    54 , Zeus_of_Olimpos , 35
    55 , Dauphin , 34
    56 , Heresson , 32
    57 , rjmatsleepers , 31
    58 , Jon Miller , 29
    59 , Maniac , 26
    60 , Nikolai , 22
    61 , Drake Tungsten , 19
    62 , Peaster , 19
    63 , Six Thousand Year Old Man , 18
    64 , Elephant , 16
    65 , conmcb25 , 16
    66 , fromafar , 16
    67 , Boco , 15
    68 , Carloquillo , 15
    69 , Sir Ralph , 13
    70 , Snotty , 13
    71 , Harry Tuttle , 13
    72 , Astrologix , 11
    73 , Lord of the Mark , 10
    74 , RobWorham , 10
    75 , AGRICOLA , 10
    76 , Zoid , 10
    77 , Gibsie , 9
    78 , kobayashi , 9
    79 , Fed1943 , 9
    80 , Magno_uy , 9
    81 , BeBro , 7
    82 , dale , 7
    83 , CEO Aaron , 7
    84 , Platypus Rex , 6
    85 , b etor , 5
    86 , Guynemer , 5
    87 , Oerdin , 5
    88 , FemMe , 5
    89 , Ned , 4
    90 , Ricketyclik , 4
    91 , Sikander , 4
    92 , StrayBow , 4
    93 , TheBirdMan , 4
    94 , WotanAnubis , 4
    95 , Self biased , 4
    96 , AdamTG02 , 4
    97 , Eltigre , 4
    98 , Krill , 4
    99 , Kuciwalker , 4
    100 , Perfection , 4
    101 , AAHZ/Bauzer , 3
    102 , Colon , 3
    103 , Marcus , 3
    104 , Provisoriii (Flamer) , 3
    105 , Hercules , 2
    106 , Nugog , 2
    107 , Foolish Icarus , 2
    108 , Gigante Verde , 2

    Gurka 17, People of the Valley
    I am of the Horde.


    • #3
      audit point
      Gurka 17, People of the Valley
      I am of the Horde.


      • #4
        I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


        • #5
          audit point
          Gurka 17, People of the Valley
          I am of the Horde.


          • #6
            latest numbers

            Grandpa Troll 313
            Bloody Monk 302
            loinburger 288
            Blake 282
            Dominae 272
            WesW 251
            Kassiopeia 246
            Buster 228
            Molly Bloom 223
            hexagonian 213

            DrSpike 200
            Niessuh 191
            Mercator 174
            Hydro 172
            deity 160
            Dis [Dissident] 159
            LordShiva 147
            Jamski 144
            PLATO 144
            Techumseh 141

            fairline 128
            MrFun 113
            Comrade Tassadar/Tacc 112
            Beta 107
            ChrisiusMaximus 107
            snoopy369 107
            jm_ruiz 105
            Bongo 102
            curtsibling 102
            joncha 102
            Tiamat 101
            Sn00py 100
            Alinestra Covelia 97
            Illuminatus 94
            Alfonso 92
            Arrian 92
            cavebear 89
            Chilean President 87
            vmxa1 84
            Malevolent Light Eyes of Night) StarLightDeath) 75
            korn469 68
            Boann 67
            Martin Gühmann 67
            Ben Kenobi 60
            Rasbelin 60
            Sava 60
            Mrs. Tuberski 59
            Gerar Dean 54
            Smacksim 53
            GePap 52
            Shi Huangdi 51
            Manolo 50
            rjmatsleepers 50
            Heresson 49
            Dauphin 44
            Astrologix 40
            CivNation AKA DefensorFidei) 39
            Zeus_of_Olimpos 39
            Maniac 37
            Smiley 37
            conmcb25 33
            Nikolai 33
            Sprayber 31
            Six Thousand Year Old Man 30
            Peaster 28
            fromafar 26
            Boco 25
            Carloquillo 24
            Drake Tungsten 24
            Elephant 24
            Cybershy 22
            Harry Tuttle 20
            Magno_uy 20
            E_T 19
            Kuciwalker 19
            Sir Ralph 19
            Snotty 18
            Drogue 16
            Provisorii (Flamer) 16
            AGRICOLA 15
            dale 15
            Zoid 15
            BeBro 14
            Frank Johnson 13
            Jon Miller 13
            Nugog 13
            Platypus Rex 13
            Rob Worham 13
            Toni 12
            Robocon 11
            TheBirdMan 10
            b etor 9
            Gibsie 9
            kobayashi 9
            Tism 9
            Fed1943 8
            FemMe 8
            Guynemer 8
            Oerdin 8
            CEO Aaron 7
            Lord of the Mark 7
            Ned 7
            Ricketyclik 7
            Sikander 7
            StrayBow 7
            Winston 7
            Japher 7
            Maquiladora 6
            Hercules 5
            Agathon 5
            Flubber 5
            AdamTG02 4
            Asona 4
            DAVOUT 4
            Eltigre 4
            Etchy 4
            kaak 4
            Keygen 4
            Krill 4
            LotM 4
            Perfection 4
            Self biased 4
            Theben 4
            VJ 4
            WotanAnubis 4
            Gatekeeper 4
            Asmodean 4
            AAHZ/Bauzer 3
            Colon 3
            Darsnan 3
            Harry 3
            Hatschy 3
            Marcus 3
            Petek 3
            Rubin 3
            Wittlich 3
            Wesil 3
            Lorizael 3
            Cort haus 2
            Foolish Icarus 2
            GeoModder 2
            Gigante Verde 2
            monozulu 2
            MWIA 2


            with 10 or more votes

            1 Blake 99
            2 Grandpa Troll 86
            3 Dominae 52
            4 Bloody Monk 46
            5 snoopy369 39

            6 WesW 37
            7 Niessuh 37
            8 PLATO 36
            9 LordShiva 34
            10 Dis [Dissident] 33

            11 jm_ruiz 33
            12 Hydro 31
            13 Arrian 26
            14 Buster 25
            15 hexagonian 23
            16 ChrisiusMaximus 22
            17 Astrologix 22
            18 deity 21
            19 Beta 21
            20 Molly Bloom 20

            21 DrSpike 19
            22 Bongo 17
            23 Kuciwalker 15
            24 Alfonso 14
            25 Chilean President 14
            26 Sir Ralph 14
            27 loinburger 13
            28 Tiamat 13
            29 Kassiopeia 12
            30 vmxa1 12

            31 Martin Gühmann 12
            32 conmcb25 12
            33 Mercator 11
            34 Jamski 11
            35 cavebear 11
            36 rjmatsleepers 11
            37 Nugog 11
            38 Jon Miller 10


            ok, the polls are open until the 11th due to the delays in the updates

            many thanks to all for your patience
            (all except Nikolai and RobWorham of course )


            Gurka 17, People of the Valley
            I am of the Horde.


            • #7


              • #8
                audit point
                Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                I am of the Horde.


                • #9
                  one day remaining teaser

                  the players in total, with more than 100 votes...

                  1 Grandpa Troll 320
                  2 Bloody Monk 302
                  3 Blake 295
                  4 loinburger 288
                  5 Dominae 279

                  6 WesW 251
                  7 Kassiopeia 250
                  8 Buster 228
                  9 Molly Bloom 226
                  10 hexagonian 217

                  11 DrSpike 200
                  12 Niessuh 191
                  13 Mercator 174
                  14 Hydro 172
                  15 deity 164
                  16 Dis [Dissident] 159
                  17 PLATO 154
                  18 LordShiva 147
                  19 Jamski 144
                  20 Techumseh 141

                  22 ChrisiusMaximus 113
                  23 Beta 113
                  26 snoopy369 110
                  27 jm_ruiz 105
                  28 Sn00py 105
                  29 Bongo 102
                  30 joncha 102
                  31 Tiamat 101

                  and the players of this session, with more 10 votes or more...

                  1 Blake 112
                  2 Grandpa Troll 93
                  3 Dominae 59
                  4 Bloody Monk 46
                  5 PLATO 46

                  6 snoopy369 42
                  7 Niessuh 37
                  8 WesW 37
                  9 LordShiva 34
                  10 Dis [Dissident] 33

                  11 jm_ruiz 33
                  12 Hydro 31
                  13 Arrian 30
                  14 ChrisiusMaximus 28
                  15 Beta 27
                  16 hexagonian 27
                  17 Buster 25
                  18 deity 25
                  19 Molly Bloom 23
                  20 Astrologix 22

                  21 DrSpike 19
                  22 Bongo 17
                  23 Kassiopeia 16
                  24 conmcb25 15
                  25 Kuciwalker 15
                  26 vmxa1 15
                  27 Alfonso 14
                  28 Chilean President 14
                  29 Sir Ralph 14
                  30 loinburger 13

                  31 Provisorii (Flamer) 13
                  32 Rasbelin 13
                  33 Tiamat 13
                  34 Martin Gühmann 12
                  35 cavebear 11
                  36 Jamski 11
                  37 Mercator 11
                  38 Nugog 11
                  39 rjmatsleepers 11
                  40 Jon Miller 10

                  Last edited by Paddy; October 10, 2007, 06:50.
                  Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                  I am of the Horde.


                  • #10
                    polls are now closed, final tally is underway

                    this could take up to 24 hours

                    many thanks for all voters

                    Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                    I am of the Horde.


                    • #11
                      and the final voting is:

                      our two new Hall of Fame entries

                      1 Grandpa Troll 325
                      2 Bloody Monk 302

                      and then into the next round

                      3 Blake 300
                      4 loinburger 288
                      5 Dominae 279
                      6 WesW 251
                      7 Kassiopeia 250
                      8 Buster 228
                      9 Molly Bloom 226
                      10 hexagonian 217

                      11 DrSpike 200
                      12 Niessuh 195
                      13 Mercator 178
                      14 Hydro 172
                      15 deity 164
                      16 Dis [Dissident] 159
                      17 PLATO 154
                      18 LordShiva 151
                      19 Jamski 144
                      20 Techumseh 141

                      21 ChrisiusMaximus 113
                      22 Beta 113
                      23 snoopy369 110
                      24 jm_ruiz 108
                      25 joncha 106
                      26 Sn00py 105
                      27 Bongo 102
                      28 Alinestra Covelia 102
                      29 Tiamat 101
                      30 Illuminatus 99

                      31 Arrian 96
                      32 Alfonso 93
                      33 cavebear 89
                      34 Chilean President 88
                      35 vmxa1 87
                      36 Malevolent Light Eyes of Night) StarLightDeath) 75
                      37 korn469 68
                      38 Martin Gühmann 67
                      39 Boann 67
                      40 Rasbelin 64

                      41 Mrs. Tuberski 64
                      42 Sava 60
                      43 Ben Kenobi 60
                      44 Shi Huangdi 56
                      45 Gerar Dean 54
                      46 Smacksim 53
                      47 GePap 52
                      48 rjmatsleepers 50
                      49 Manolo 50
                      50 Heresson 49

                      51 Dauphin 44
                      52 Astrologix 43
                      53 Maniac 42
                      54 Smiley 37
                      55 conmcb25 36
                      56 Nikolai 33
                      57 Six Thousand Year Old Man 30
                      58 Drake Tungsten 29
                      59 Elephant 28
                      60 Peaster 28
                      61 fromafar 26
                      62 Boco 25
                      63 Carloquillo 24
                      64 Snotty 23
                      65 Provisorii (Flamer) 22
                      66 Cybershy 22
                      67 Magno_uy 20
                      68 Harry Tuttle 20
                      69 Kuciwalker 19
                      70 Sir Ralph 19
                      71 Drogue 16
                      72 dale 15
                      73 Gibsie 14
                      74 BeBro 14
                      75 Nugog 13
                      76 Jon Miller 13
                      77 Platypus Rex 13
                      78 Toni 12
                      79 Robocon 11
                      80 StrayBow 11
                      81 Guynemer 11
                      82 TheBirdMan 10
                      83 Tism 9
                      84 Fed1943 8
                      85 Japher 7
                      86 Winston 7
                      87 Flubber 5
                      88 Agathon 5
                      89 Theben 4
                      90 kaak 4
                      91 Gatekeeper 4
                      92 Etchy 4
                      93 DAVOUT 4
                      94 Asmodean 4
                      95 Asona 4
                      96 Wittlich 3
                      97 Wesil 3
                      98 Petek 3
                      99 Lorizael 3
                      100 Harry 3
                      101 Darsnan 3
                      102 monozulu 2

                      the voters in order of most votes

                      1 Blake 117
                      2 Grandpa Troll 98
                      3 Dominae 59
                      4 Bloody Monk 46
                      5 PLATO 46

                      6 snoopy369 42
                      7 Niessuh 41
                      8 LordShiva 38
                      9 WesW 37
                      10 jm_ruiz 36

                      11 Dis [Dissident] 33
                      12 Hydro 31
                      13 Arrian 30
                      14 ChrisiusMaximus 28
                      15 hexagonian 27
                      16 Beta 27
                      17 Buster 25
                      18 deity 25
                      19 Astrologix 25
                      20 Molly Bloom 23

                      21 DrSpike 19
                      22 Bongo 17
                      23 Kassiopeia 16
                      24 Mercator 15
                      25 Alfonso 15
                      26 Chilean President 15
                      27 vmxa1 15
                      28 conmcb25 15
                      29 Kuciwalker 15
                      30 Alinestra Covelia 14

                      31 Illuminatus 14
                      32 Sir Ralph 14
                      33 loinburger 13
                      34 Tiamat 13
                      35 Rasbelin 13
                      36 Provisorii (Flamer) 13
                      37 Martin Gühmann 12
                      38 Jamski 11
                      39 cavebear 11
                      40 rjmatsleepers 11

                      41 Nugog 11
                      42 Maniac 10
                      43 Jon Miller 10
                      44 Sn00py 9
                      45 Boann 9
                      46 joncha 8
                      47 Malevolent Light Eyes of Night) StarLightDeath) 8
                      48 korn469 8
                      49 Mrs. Tuberski 8
                      50 Shi Huangdi 8

                      51 Heresson 8
                      52 Elephant 8
                      53 Drogue 8
                      54 Gerar Dean 7
                      55 Cybershy 7
                      56 Magno_uy 7
                      57 Robocon 7
                      58 Japher 7
                      59 Smacksim 6
                      60 GePap 6
                      61 Manolo 6
                      62 Techumseh 5
                      63 Sava 5
                      64 Ben Kenobi 5
                      65 Six Thousand Year Old Man 5
                      66 Drake Tungsten 5
                      67 fromafar 5
                      68 Boco 5
                      69 Snotty 5
                      70 dale 5
                      71 Gibsie 5
                      72 Winston 5
                      73 Flubber 5
                      74 Agathon 5
                      75 Dauphin 4
                      76 Nikolai 4
                      77 Peaster 4
                      78 BeBro 4
                      79 StrayBow 4
                      80 TheBirdMan 4
                      81 Fed1943 4
                      82 Theben 4
                      83 kaak 4
                      84 Gatekeeper 4
                      85 Etchy 4
                      86 DAVOUT 4
                      87 Asmodean 4
                      88 Carloquillo 3
                      89 Toni 3
                      90 Guynemer 3
                      91 Wittlich 3
                      92 Wesil 3
                      93 Petek 3
                      94 Lorizael 3
                      95 Harry 3
                      96 Darsnan 3
                      97 Smiley 2
                      98 Harry Tuttle 2
                      99 Platypus Rex 2
                      100 Tism 2
                      101 Asona 2
                      102 monozulu 2

                      and who voted in alphabetical order:

                      Addled Platypus voted for: Grandpa Troll , Blake , Nugog , 3
                      Aeson voted for: Arrian , LordShiva , Kuciwalker , 4
                      Agathon voted for: Guynemer , Plato , Molly Bloom , 3
                      Ahaz voted for: Joncha , LordShiva , blake , 4
                      Aidun voted for: Snoopy369 , Beta , proviisori , 3
                      Alexander I voted for: Grandpa Troll , Blake , Dominae , 4
                      Alexman voted for: SirRalph , Arrian , Dominae , 5
                      Alfonso voted for: Niessuh , jim_ruiz , Harry , 3
                      alva voted for: Blake , korn469 , Arrian , 4
                      Andemagne voted for: Kassiopeia , Rasbelin , WesW , 5
                      Apocalypse voted for: Dis , snoopy369 , Jon Miller , 5
                      Aro voted for: CyberShy , Blake , Snoopy369 , 3
                      Arrian voted for: Dominae , Blake , Sir Ralph , 4
                      Asher voted for: lionburger , Jon Miller , Kuciwalker , 5
                      Asmodean voted for: DrSpike , Winston , Hydro , 5
                      Astrologix voted for: jim_ruiz , niessuh , Manolo , 3
                      azona voted for: Niessuh , jim_ruiz , astrologix , 2
                      Backpack voted for: blake , dominae , snoopy , 5
                      BeBro voted for: Molly Bloom , LordShiva , Dis , 4
                      Ben Kenobi voted for: Mrs Tuberski , Shi Huangdi , Grandpa Troll , 3
                      Berzerker voted for: Ben Kenobi , Agathon , Sava , 5
                      Beta voted for: Snoopy369 , Blake , conmcb25 , 3
                      binTravkin voted for: Buster , Smackism , Darsan , 3
                      BKWM voted for: Grandpa Troll , Plato , Bongo , 3
                      Blondie voted for: Tism , Grandpa Troll , Plato , 2
                      Bloody Monk voted for: Elephant , Straybow , deity , 4
                      boann voted for: deity , cavebear , kaak , 4
                      Carorn voted for: Niessuh , Astrologix , monozulu , 1
                      Chilean President™ voted for: Alfonso , Gerar Dean , Mango_uy , 4
                      CHINCHIN voted for: astrologix , niessuh , jim_ruiz , 3
                      ChrisiusMaximus voted for: Plato , Grandpa Troll , Bongo , 3
                      chuckman voted for: RobWorham , rjmatsleepers , Nugog , 2
                      conmcb25 voted for: beta , proviisori , Snoopy369 , 3
                      couerdelion voted for: Blake , Solver , Cybershy , 2
                      Cybershy voted for: Frank Johnson , Deity , Blake , 5
                      Dale voted for: Grandpa Troll , dominae , WesW , 4
                      Darsan voted for: Buster , Hydro , Illuminatus , 4
                      Dauphin voted for: Drake Tungsten , Gibsie , Snotty , 5
                      DaveV voted for: BloodyMonk , Deity , Dominae , 5
                      DAVOUT voted for: Molly Bloom , Plato , GePap , 3
                      deity voted for: Toni , Frank Dagime , Cybershy , 5
                      Dominae voted for: Arrian , Blake , Snoopy369 , 2
                      DrNick voted for: Niessuh , alfonso , Chilean President™ , 5
                      Drogue voted for: Kassiopeia , DrSpike , Jamski , 3
                      DrSpike voted for: Nikolai , Drogue , Asmodean , 4
                      dunnm voted for: BloodyMonk , rjmatsleepers , Cavebear , 3
                      E voted for: Fromafar , Hexagonian , Martin Guhmann , 5
                      Elephant voted for: BloodyMonk , DrSpike , Mercator , 3
                      EPW voted for: Grandpa Troll , wesW , Hexagonian , 3
                      FeMme voted for: Blake , Nugog , Fed1943 , 2
                      Frederick voted for: Plato , Grandpa Troll , Blake , 2
                      gatekeeper voted for: Grandpa Troll , Mercator , Tiamet , 4
                      GePap voted for: Vxma1 , LionBurger , Dis , 4
                      Gigante Verde voted for: Niessuh , jim_ruiz , Chilean President™ , 3
                      GodKing voted for: Snoopy369 , Beta , conmcb25 , 3
                      Googlie voted for: Buster , Hydro , Alinestra Covelia , 5
                      Grandpa Troll voted for: ChrisiusMaximus , Plato , Bongo , 4
                      Grigor voted for: BloodyMonk , elephant , Peaster , 4
                      Guynemer voted for: vmxa1 , Dis , blake , 4
                      Harry voted for: Gerar Dean , Carloquillo , Magno_uy , 3
                      Heresson voted for: LordShiva , Joncha , Mercator , 4
                      Hexagonian voted for: WesW , Dale , Sir Ralph , 5
                      Hydro voted for: Maniac , Illuminatus , Alinestra Covelia , 5
                      Illuminatus voted for: Hydro , Buster , Maniac , 3
                      Impaler voted for: Blake , GePap , Chaos theory , 3
                      James voted for: Grandpa Troll , Plato , ChrisiusMaximus , 2
                      jasev voted for: Niessuh , jim_ruiz , Chilean President , 4
                      jim_ruiz voted for: Niessuh , Astrologix , Chilean President™ , 3
                      jrabbit voted for: BloodyMonk , Blake , eyesof night , 3
                      Kassiopeia voted for: Buster , Alinestra Covelia , Rasbelin , 4
                      Kelzad voted for: Niessuh , jim_ruiz , Alfonso , 3
                      keygen voted for: TheBirdMan , Grandpa Troll , snoopy369 , 4
                      Kidicious voted for: Molly Bloom , LordShiva , Arrian , 3
                      KMadeleine voted for: Blake , Sn00py , 5
                      korn469 voted for: WesW , Hydro , Dis , 5
                      Krill voted for: Arrian , Kuciwalker , LordShiva , 3
                      Kuciwalker voted for: loinburger , LordShiva , blake , 4
                      lord of the mark voted for: DrSpike , jamski , vxma1 , 4
                      LordShiva voted for: Heresson , Lorizael , Kuciwalker , 3
                      Mad Bomber voted for: ChrisiusMaximus , dominae , vxma1 , 3
                      Maniac voted for: Hydro , Blake , 5
                      Manolo voted for: Niessuh , Astrologix , jim_ruiz , 3
                      Maquiladora voted for: WesW , Hexagonian , Martin Guhmann , 4
                      mart7x5 voted for: Smackism , Petek , Illuminatus , 3
                      Martin Gühmann voted for: Grandpa Troll , wesW , Hexagonian , 4
                      Mercator voted for: techumseh , Boco , Heresson , 5
                      Metaliturtle voted for: Grandpa Troll , Blake , ChrisiusMaximus , 3
                      Ming voted for: Blake , dominae , bloody monk , 5
                      molly bloom voted for: DAVOUT , BeBro , Ecthy , 4
                      Monk voted for: Molly Bloom , 5
                      monozulu voted for: Niessuh , Astrologix , jim_ruiz , 1
                      Mrs Troll voted for: ChrisiusMaximus , Plato , Grandpa Troll , 3
                      MWIA voted for: Dominae , cavebear , Sn00py , 4
                      Nelson D voted for: Plato , Harry Tuttle , Grandpa Troll , 2
                      Niessuh voted for: astrologix , jim_ruiz , Manolo , 3
                      Nikolai voted for: korn , Grandpa Troll , DrSpike , 4
                      notyoueither voted for: Dominae , Blake , Arrian , 4
                      Nugog voted for: Blake , RobWorham , Fed1943 , 2
                      Ormuzd voted for: Grandpa Troll , Plato , Dominae , 3
                      OzzyKP voted for: BloodyMonk , deity , Eye of Night , 5
                      Paddy voted for: ChrisiusMaximus , Plato , Bongo , 4
                      Petek voted for: buster , Hydro , Blake , 4
                      Petraeus voted for: astrologix , monozulu , niessuh , 1
                      Plato voted for: Grandpa Troll , ChrisiusMaximus , Bongo , 3
                      proviisori voted for: Snoopy369 , Beta , conmcb25 , 2
                      Provost harrison voted for: Dauphin , Dis , Drogue , 4
                      psyyco voted for: astrologix , jim_ruiz , azona , 2
                      quiquejavi voted for: Niessuh , Astrologix , JM_Ruiz , 3
                      rah voted for: Blake , Dominae , Snoopy369 , 5
                      Remick voted for: ChrisiusMaximus , Plato , Grandpa Troll , 3
                      Richelieu voted for: Japher , Dis , LordShiva , 4
                      rjmatsleepers voted for: BloodyMonk , Blake , Six Thousand Year Old Man , 3
                      Rob Worham voted for: Blake , Nugog , Snoopy369 , 2
                      Rubychaser voted for: Grandpa Troll , ChrisiusMaximus , Plato , 3
                      scaeva voted for: Beta , proviisori , conmcb25 , 3
                      Scrapper82 voted for: Platypus Rex , Plato , Smiley , 2
                      Sir Ralph voted for: Arrian , Blake , hexagonian , 4
                      Skanky Burns voted for: Kassiopeia , jamski , Snoopy369 , 4
                      SlowThinker voted for: BloodyMonk , Mercator , deity , 4
                      SlowwHand voted for: Boann , Grandpa Troll , LordShiva , 5
                      Snoopy369 voted for: Grandpa Troll , Beta , Wittlich , 3
                      solo voted for: BloodyMonk , rjmatsleepers , blake , 4
                      Solver voted for: WesW , Hexagonian , Dominae , 4
                      Spec voted for: Wezil , japher , Dis , 3
                      Straybow voted for: BloodyMonk , Blake , Tiamat , 5
                      StuporMan voted for: BloodyMonk , rjmatsleepers , Six Thousand Year Old Man , 2
                      Supr49er voted for: CyberShy , Grandpa Troll , blake , 2
                      Tamerlin voted for: WesW , Hexagonian , Martin Guhmann , 3
                      the slayer voted for: Niessuh , alfonso , jim_ruiz , 3
                      Tiamet voted for: Grandpa Troll , Boann , Theben , 4
                      Tiberius voted for: Beta , proviisori , conmcb25 , 4
                      trev voted for: Blake , deity , Toni , 3
                      uniteatteri voted for: Blake , snoopy369 , Beta , 2
                      Virdrago voted for: Blake , Dominae , Grandpa Troll , 4
                      VJ voted for: Kassiopeia , Plato , Rasbelin , 4
                      vyeh voted for: Buster , Maniac , Illuminatus , 2
                      Wezil voted for: Grandpa Troll , Flubber , Molly Bloom , 5
                      Will voted for: Grandpa Troll , Blake , Nugog , 2
                      Wittlich voted for: Tiamet , Grandpa Troll , Beta , 4
                      Zkribbler voted for: Mrs Tuberski , Shi Huangdi , Grandpa Troll , 5
                      Zoid voted for: Grandpa Troll , LordShiva , RobWorham , 3

                      those removed from the poll due to no votes this round

                      fairline 128 0
                      MrFun 113 0
                      Comrade Tassadar/Tacc 112 0
                      curtsibling 102 0
                      Zeus_of_Olimpos 39 0
                      CivNation AKA DefensorFidei) 39 0
                      Sprayber 31 0
                      E_T 19 0
                      Zoid 15 0
                      AGRICOLA 15 0
                      Rob Worham 13 0
                      Frank Johnson 13 0
                      kobayashi 9 0
                      b etor 9 0
                      Oerdin 8 0
                      FemMe 8 0
                      Sikander 7 0
                      Ricketyclik 7 0
                      Ned 7 0
                      Lord of the Mark 7 0
                      CEO Aaron 7 0
                      Maquiladora 6 0
                      Hercules 5 0
                      WotanAnubis 4 0
                      VJ 4 0
                      Self biased 4 0
                      Perfection 4 0
                      LotM 4 0
                      Krill 4 0
                      Keygen 4 0
                      Eltigre 4 0
                      AdamTG02 4 0
                      Rubin 3 0
                      Marcus 3 0
                      Hatschy 3 0
                      Colon 3 0
                      AAHZ/Bauzer 3 0
                      MWIA 2 0
                      Gigante Verde 2 0
                      GeoModder 2 0
                      Foolish Icarus 2 0
                      Cort haus 2 0

                      Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                      I am of the Horde.

