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Imperium Nova Restart

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  • #91
    There's still loads of room for mercantile expansion in the core worlds. Objet d'art from Beid to Maia, automotives from Pherkad Media to Alpheratz are two possibilities.

    You could try competing with the Emperor in Financial, though it's not that great a sphere.


    • #92
      The problem is that there is a trade-off cost in duplicate routes. Sure, I can take automotives from Pherkad to Alpheratz, but I'm already exporting them from Pherkad to elsewhere and importing them to Alpheratz from elsewhere, so while I theoretically make ~30 for the route, I actually make only 20 more because of the effect on prices.

      On the other hand, with 26 (soon 29) routes active, you have to have some overlap. I'm already dumping ridiculous amounts of Precious Metals on Meissa. And certainly someone is going to grab that 20 solar route anyway, so why not me, since 50 solars is more than 30. Just saying.

      There's room for expansion, but I think I'm still going to have leftover money to invest in something else.
      Last edited by Kassiopeia; October 26, 2007, 05:24.
      Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


      • #93
        I'm thinking of Psionics now too, but like Construction, I just can't figure out what kind of numbers we're talking about here. How many facilities on a planet is too much? How many institutes can a rich and populous planet support? It's kind of shooting in the dark right now to figure out if Psionics will be profitable or not as a new sphere.
        Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


        • #94
          I believe Psionics is a crummy sphere, due to the competition levels.


          • #95
            House Tzardeus has like eight Psi Institutes on a planet with Poor wealth and Medium pop. I wonder. Is it just to boost his status since he's really just dividing the same money between all of them? Hmm. Every sphere is getting crummy due to competition, really.

            I've been investing more in mining lately, setting up precious metals mines, bringing the prices down and exporting. Working fine so far, but it's going to come to a halt soon as most planets in my range are having lower and lower prices. The market's getting reaaally saturated. I wonder how soon it'll turn into a shooting war.

            A new house just showed up on Altair Media, with Geological as their sphere. I already feel bad for the guy.
            Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


            • #96
              A small status update if anyone's interested. Sandman has founded an ingame alliance for Mercantile houses called the Trade Federation, although I think Combine Honnete Ober Advancer Mercantiles would have been neater. I'm a member and the alliance is growing to be what I'd call a 3rd or 4th power in the galaxy. We're trying to steer clear of religious conflicts and whatnot for now, and we can't have a large influence on politics yet because our facilities are by our trade rather dispersed. Even Sub Rosa joined us, as did a bunch of lesser houses and minnows, so we have fairly wide ranks even though we don't have any massive powerhouse... houses.

              I myself opened a third sphere in Construction, which is making surprisingly good money even though I'm competing with a pretty large house, I even have (effective) monopolies on a few worlds. I have my own metals mine pump on a planet close to my HQ, where I'm exporting from to keep the prices up and make a pretty penny from Geological too. I've risen to Minor House status and I have the 15th most status.

              Bosh vanished somewhere, as did all his stuff, though.
              Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


              • #97
                Became galaxy's sixth biggest House, joined up with two other big Houses, tried to bring down the Emperor, failed miserably, sent a lot of money to Sandman and restarted, ending up in a different galaxy. Oh well.
                Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                • #98
                  Which galaxy?

                  I'm a such a peacenik. I suppose I should've helped out in the rebellion, but it's tough when you're skint. I'm also too proud to rely (much) on handouts.


                  • #99
                    Staying out of the war was probably for the best, when Alhazred wasn't able to connect a finishing blow. I guess all three of us (me, Balthazar and Alhazred) should have gone Renegade at the same moment. And you didn't have much troops anyway.

                    I'm in Draco now. It looks like there's still room for a Merc house there so I went with Merc again, and it's a sphere I know. PM prices above 70 as far as the eye can see. I'll probably take Transportation as secondary. I've already stricken a tentative deal with a Geo house wrt the PM markets, he mines them, I export them.

                    And I wouldn't call it a handout, I'll call it a loan. Pay me back whenever you can. I had 100k to send around once all of my facilities were destroyed, I disbanded a lot of them pre-emptively when things started to look bad.
                    Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                    • Nobody but Sandman probably cares but here's an update. I'm in the Imperial alliance, one of the top ten Houses economically (getting there in status). I'm involved with a top 3 house in a so-called pyramid, which is somewhat inappropriately named. It exploits the game mechanics to create wealth out of nothing.

                      They've been policed by the players in most galaxies when it comes to Technology related pyramids, but this one uses Mercantile's failings to create money. The GM has told us he won't deal with it until the next version of the game, but if the calculations are correct, he might have to.

                      My spheres are Mercantile, Technology, Transportation and Politics. I have 11 senators in the Senate (about one fifth of the whole Senate), although I stand to lose one due to relocating and having that planet fall out of range, another due to massive building by a rival House, and I'm fighting a losing re-election campaign on one world right now, so that figure will probably fall to eight soon.
                      Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                      • I care. I enjoyed this game while I played, and enjoy reading how the game continues in my absence

                        "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


                        • I got caught with my senatorial hand in the till about an in-game year ago, and on the back of other minor scandals, abandoned all my spheres except mysticism, living off donations and the pitiful shrine income.

                          Such was my shame.

                          Now my religion is growing rapidly, and things are looking up. I'll have my first temple completed on Edasich quite soon. Six houses have converted, with more on the way. Truly, the infinite gods have forgiven House De Vaux for our folly.


                          • House Lazax just joined the game.
                            For the kicks

                            The Dune-ish atmosphere is great
                            "Too much ambition is a sin...only if you fail"
                            Yoritomo Kumiko


                            • What is the url for this game?

                              The link that I got when I googled it doesn't work, and doesn't look like it has for a while.
                              Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

                              Do It Ourselves




                                Edit: interesting that the link I posted isn't working yet I cut and paste it into Apolyton, and if I cut and paste it back into an IE window it works
                                "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge

