They're crooks. A while back, I sold them 7 Xbox games. Here's what they gave me for them (all in CDN dollars):
- Morrowind: 3$
- KOTOR: 2$
- Medal of honor: Frontline: 7$
- Fable: 3$
- Half-Life 2: 5$
- Jade Empire: 10$
- Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory: 7$
About 40 bucks for seven games...
They used to give a lot more money.
And here's what I got for selling my other games online:
-Halo 2 : 20$
- Grand Theft Auto 3 and Vice city: 20$
- Morrowind: 3$
- KOTOR: 2$
- Medal of honor: Frontline: 7$
- Fable: 3$
- Half-Life 2: 5$
- Jade Empire: 10$
- Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory: 7$
About 40 bucks for seven games...

And here's what I got for selling my other games online:
-Halo 2 : 20$
- Grand Theft Auto 3 and Vice city: 20$