Originally posted by Sir Ralph
There are much more feat wasters, no need to unload your wrath on tumble. A lot of feats (and skills btw) needed for prestige classes simply don't make sense and in most cases do just one thing - hurt the build.
There are much more feat wasters, no need to unload your wrath on tumble. A lot of feats (and skills btw) needed for prestige classes simply don't make sense and in most cases do just one thing - hurt the build.
And I must unload my wrath on tumble

...although there are plenty of other terrible ones for NWN (spellcraft, discipline, and all the social feats that were always useless in multiplayer).
That's probably why it has been toned down to 1 AC for 10 ranks in NWN2. But alas, they introduced other imbalances.

1 feat = +1 AC vs. one opponent per round (Dodge)
1 feat = 5 skill ranks (Open Minded)
5 skill ranks = +1 AC (Tumble)
1 feat = +1 AC against everybody (goddamn it)