Apologies for not attending "name the game"for awhile I've discovered an excellent HL2 mod called Zombie Master . If you like (shooting) zombies, this is the game. 
Unlike other zombie games this isn't attack&infect game until everyone is turned into a zombie but a real survival game: Humans vs. ZM. The goal for the players is to complete a number of tasks, escape and/or hold out for awhile. One of the players is put in control as the ZM (Zombie Master) and can summon various zombies and activate traps to kill the players. Once a round if over a new ZM is selected and the battle starts again.
As a human player you have to play as team and this is probably why I like this mod other players will tend to help a hand if you're in trouble. Eventually you know how the fit in with the rest.
Things can be disorientating the first time as a ZM but after a few tries you get the hang of summoning and placing zombies. Killing humans has never been so much fun.
I recommend the Asylum map, well designed, good selection of weapons around and some tricky situations the ZM can set up.

Unlike other zombie games this isn't attack&infect game until everyone is turned into a zombie but a real survival game: Humans vs. ZM. The goal for the players is to complete a number of tasks, escape and/or hold out for awhile. One of the players is put in control as the ZM (Zombie Master) and can summon various zombies and activate traps to kill the players. Once a round if over a new ZM is selected and the battle starts again.
As a human player you have to play as team and this is probably why I like this mod other players will tend to help a hand if you're in trouble. Eventually you know how the fit in with the rest.
Things can be disorientating the first time as a ZM but after a few tries you get the hang of summoning and placing zombies. Killing humans has never been so much fun.
I recommend the Asylum map, well designed, good selection of weapons around and some tricky situations the ZM can set up.