In a time long ago, and in a place far away. There was a small village of very few souls. It was a quiet place with all the usual amenities associated with a small village. The town had been a happy and contented place for many a year with little in the way of strife or concern. This village would not have rated a mention in anyones stories to tell if it were not for the tale you are about to hear.
It all begun one rainy night. It was a night not unlke many others. The usual crowd was out doing their usual thing. The home bodies were enjoying meals around the table. It would all have been business as usual if it were not for the flash of light and the horrendous crash bang of something in the night.
The brightness had already alerted Adagio who had been drinking with his good friend RAH and he had already ignored all good sense and jumped in his car and drive in its direction. Nikolai,Jonny and Spaced Cowboy also saw the flash and imediatly left their camp ground and headed towards the light.
It took the loud crash to atract Sparrowhawk's interest. He had been snoozing after a hard day at work. He too headed to where the noise came from. Back at the bar Hercules, Lord Shiva and Will9 jumped in their pick up vehicle and started heading there too. They saw Rah left behind so threw him in the back too.
Tuberski and Leirosa had been playing cards at Duke O York's place with Whoha they didnt have tranpsort so they walked to the crash site.
When everyone arrived they were surpised to find a large burning mass in the middle of the village square. Main brainand Mrs Tuberski were laying on the west side of the square and Ben Kenobi and Makahlua were laying on the east side of the square.
At first everyone thought they were dead, but it turned out they were just unconcious after having been involved in some strange cult group which involved usage of some strange herbs and chanting for the return of someone called "Kilafro".
The landing of whatever it was that had landed, well more like crashed, had thrown the four of them flying. When it hit the square during the incantation time.
Slowly the four regained conciousness and all our little crowd turned and stared at the mass in middle of the square.
The MAfia hav ebeen informed the game is on
It all begun one rainy night. It was a night not unlke many others. The usual crowd was out doing their usual thing. The home bodies were enjoying meals around the table. It would all have been business as usual if it were not for the flash of light and the horrendous crash bang of something in the night.
The brightness had already alerted Adagio who had been drinking with his good friend RAH and he had already ignored all good sense and jumped in his car and drive in its direction. Nikolai,Jonny and Spaced Cowboy also saw the flash and imediatly left their camp ground and headed towards the light.
It took the loud crash to atract Sparrowhawk's interest. He had been snoozing after a hard day at work. He too headed to where the noise came from. Back at the bar Hercules, Lord Shiva and Will9 jumped in their pick up vehicle and started heading there too. They saw Rah left behind so threw him in the back too.
Tuberski and Leirosa had been playing cards at Duke O York's place with Whoha they didnt have tranpsort so they walked to the crash site.
When everyone arrived they were surpised to find a large burning mass in the middle of the village square. Main brainand Mrs Tuberski were laying on the west side of the square and Ben Kenobi and Makahlua were laying on the east side of the square.
At first everyone thought they were dead, but it turned out they were just unconcious after having been involved in some strange cult group which involved usage of some strange herbs and chanting for the return of someone called "Kilafro".
The landing of whatever it was that had landed, well more like crashed, had thrown the four of them flying. When it hit the square during the incantation time.
Slowly the four regained conciousness and all our little crowd turned and stared at the mass in middle of the square.
The MAfia hav ebeen informed the game is on