I can't believe it's taken me this long to start to play these games! I love all things tbs and for some reason this just passed me by, although i had heard of it, but never got around to try it........untill a few days ago.
I got a copy(of the first game) of amazon over xmas and decided to give this old classic game a go. Wow. Totaly blows all recent console games away imho - in fact it's all i've been playing since i installed it.
It's very very addictive, like all great games are - and is yet another game that shows that great graphics dont make a game great.
It's tough.....addictive......and kind of classy in that great classic game tradition.
Anyway i thought i'd share the love of tbs

Maybe some of you havent played it yet either? And for those that have please feel free to share your stories.
I'll start - I had a guy throw a grenade at my guys(how were all clusterd together mending wounds and getting shot to hell!) - i thought "S**t! well thats the end of that".
The turn went by and the grenade just lay on the floor.......i thought maybe its like Xcom and it could have a delay? but decided to pick it up and Ivan(the cool russian dude), who was at half health, chucked it in the middle of the four thugs that had been kicking my ass.
Boom! three thugs dead and the tide of the battle changed - all down to some muppet not pulling out the pin when he threw it!!!
Most awesome, and the voices are cool - i laugh at the 'bill gates' dude!
